Last name / 1

Curriculum Vitae

FirstName LastName, M.D., Ph.D., etc.

Personal Information

Professional Address




Current Position, Institution and start dateYear-present

Include faculty appointment with rank as well as academic administrative roles


Postgraduate training:

Postdoctoral Research start/end dates (mm/yy format)

Fellowship (for clinical appointment)–Universitystart/end dates (mm/yy)

Residency - Universitystart/end dates (mm/yy)

Internship -Universitystart/end dates (mm/yy)

Graduate degree and major, Universitystart/end dates (mm/yy)

Dissertation Title and Mentor

Undergraduate degree and major, Universitystart/end dates (mm/yy)

Previous Professional experience(Note: in reverse chronological order, include any sabbaticals)

Appointment, position held, Institutionstart/end dates(mm/yy)

Hospital and Clinical Staff appointments(Note: in reverse chronological order)

Institution, positionstart/end dates (mm/yy)

Board Certification and Licensurestart/end dates (mm/yy)

Professional Society memberships



Honorary Societies, Honors and Awards

Named Lectureships as well as other honors

Teaching Awards

Professional Services(Note: in reverse chronological order)

Committee membership and administrative role (include in the following order):

Internationalstart/end dates (mm/yy)

National (e.g. professional societies, study sections, session moderator, etc.)


Health Center

Medical School




Editorial and Journal review boards (Editorial reviewer, ad hoc reviewer)

Current and Past Teaching Responsibilities(Note: in reverse chronological order)

(Note: reference Clinical Educator Portfolio, if appropriate)

Administration (clerkship, residency, or fellowship program director, etc)(mm/yy)

Courses and lectures or topics(mm/yy)

Clinical Teaching Responsibilities(mm/yy)


Preliminary qualification committees(mm/yy)



Dissertation/Thesis, post-doctoral supervision

Fellows, residents, medical students

Research Support(Note: in reverse chronological order)

Current funding: start/end dates (mm/yy)

Funding mechanism and agency, grant number and title, award total

Contracted studies (formatted as above)start/end dates (mm/yy)

All past funding (formatted as above)start/end dates (mm/yy)

Bibliography(Note: numbered & in chronological order here only, underline your name in the reference)

Peer reviewed articles:(mm/yy)

Papers published, in press, or accepted for publication in peer-reviewed journals;

all authors, fulltitle, journal, per PubMed format

Invited review articles(mm/yy)

Book chapters, monographs, case reports, electronic media, non-peer (mm/yy)

reviewed articles

Books publishedor in press, role (single author, joint authorship, editor), (mm/yy)

all authors, fulltitle, publisher, and year should be referenced

Abstracts – include dates(mm/yy)

Clarify accepted as Posters/Oral Presentations

National/International Meetings

Local/Regional Meetings

Supplemental Material(Note: in reverse chronological order)

Invited Talks/Grand Rounds(mm/yy)

Seminars and workshops at national meetings(mm/yy)

Patents and Technology Transfer(mm/yy)

Community Service/Civic Activities


CVFormat: Revised 11/08/2011, 3/7/12

(Modified based on input from Credentials Committee, Dean’s Staff, Chairs Committee and Faculty Affairs Committee)