First United MethodistChurch

Committee: Annual Church Conference

Date: November 22, 2015

Location: First UMC, Hanover

Presiding Elder: Rev. Gregory Rapp

Secretary: Robin Rapp

Attendance: (Total 166)

Graham Campbell / Carol Benfield / Loganne Storm
Christopher Evans / Babs Muhlhausen / Stephen Campbell
Robin Rapp / Marvin Muhlhausen / Erin Yurick
Greg Rapp / Ruth Kessler / Wayne Snyder
Judy Porowski / Jim Kessler / Lisa Snyder
Karen Bureau / Mark Cornbower / Sharon Couch
Grace Elsner / Bob Duck, Jr / Sue Miller
Deb Boyce / Denise McIntyre / Alan Miller
Wayne Topper / Beth Underriner / William Garrett
Joshua Rhone / Dale Knapp / Marsha Campbell
Wendi Myers / Mike Black / Judy Rapp
Dale Myers / Michael DeFilippo / Mike
Pauline Ruby / Holly DeFilippo / Claudia Simmons
Rusty Elsner / Alex Johnston / Linda Orndorff
Judy Christmann / Florine Meredith / Ed Orndorff
Gordon Fisher / Stephanie Gauldin / Barbara Miller
Kay Fisher / Rita Clough / Steve Bortner
Sandy Eagle / Tom Clough / Greg Gottsch
Susan Raver / Audrey Roark / Dawn Evans
Denise Beamer / W McCarl Roberts / Karen Jones
Sandy Langknecht / Jean Williams / Dave Jones
Hank Langknecht / Leona Kruger / Sharon Bangert
John Gerken / Donna Leese / Myfanwy Smith
Pat Gerken / Robert Duck, Sr / Steve Smith
Karen Fereday / Barbara Smith / Tom Henry
Chuck Fereday / Tony Smith / Beth Henry
Doris Feather / Bill / Chad Wynn
Donna McMaster / Chris Long / Ellie Frazier
Carole Baker / Joan Grim / Fred Isaacs
Barbara Snee / Jane Ingram / Tina Isaacs
Dave Snee / William Ingram / Kendra Mabon
Faun Garrett / Janet Peters / Jean Myers
Linda Duby / Donna Klinedinst / Colleen Miller
James / Robert Sullivan / Cathy Stegner
Alice Freet / Susan Sullivan / Rachel Hare
Thomas Baker / Jackie Spadt / Deb Godfriaux
Holly Culp / Lew Hillard / Elaine Strevig
Randy Culp / Charlene Johnston / Steve Strevig
Phyllis Plowman / Jay Gauldin / Dianne Drupp
Marsha Hall / Pete Roark / Bob Drupp
Betty Gordon / Donna Lockwood / Lourdes Stevens
Dale Gordon / John Lockwood / Paul Stevens
Betty Long / Janis Wagner / Viv Brady
Lou Long / Pat Brown / Velma Beil
Claire Rankin / Peggy Duck / Margaret Lovejoy
Cathy Connant / Meredith Tarbell / Sally Stroberg
Donna Davis / Ray Presley / Marianne Garrett
Ann Jones / Sandy Presley / Thomas Rapp
Mike Price / Stephanie Klansek / Cindi Heltzel
Lynn Heltzel / Jerry Jones / Danielle Powell
Alex Powell / Kim Price / Veronica Stevenson
John Andrews / Tyler Powell / Dan Reppe
Tim Stevenson / Craig Minetola / Lauren Nace
Fred Baber / Thomas Fitchett / Faye Schuck
Richard Schuck / Lauren Fitchett / Kim Corridon
Tara Zumbrun

Called to order at 3:15PM by Rev. Gregory Rapp

Welcome by Greg from the bishop and the superintendent.

Devotion Luke 9 “What Does It Take to be a Follower of Jesus”

Order of Business:

1. Motion to elect recording secretary Robin Rapp. Motion approved.

2. Minutes from November 9, 2014 were reviewed and approved with any

later changes being given to the office.

3. 2014 Audit Report:

See attached report. Motion to accept report. Motion unanimously approved

4. Membership Report (Form 2):

See attached report. Motion to accept report. Motion unanimously approved.

5. Lay Delegate to Annual Conference (Form 3):

a. Motion was made to nominate Chris Evans & Carol Yates as Lay Members

to Annual Conference and Bill Ingram as an Alternate Member. Motion

unanimously approved.

6. Church Officers Election 2014 (Form 4):

a. See attached. Motion for nominations of church officers was approved.

b. Approved with the motion by the nomination committee to give permission

to the AdCouncil to fill any vacant positions and make any other changes as necessary without calling a Church Conference.

c. Motion made tochange the nominations committee make up to include the pastors, lay leaders and defacto members. Second.

Question: Does this reflect Book of Discipline 3 year class system? Pending district approval it satisfies the 3 year class system because the chairs that will make up the committee members will turn over every 3 years according to the class system. Motion approved.

7. Parsonage Inspection Report (Form 5):

  1. See Attached. The report was voted on and approved.

8. Pastoral Compensation/Salary recommendation (Form 6):

SPRC chair, Randy Culp, made the following motion on behalf of the SPRC Committee:

Pastor Rapp (Full Time/Full Elder):

Salary $75,250.00

SS offset $5,756.63

Cont Ed (2015) $750.00

Prof. Reimbursement $3,000.00

For tax purposes at no expense to the congregation we recommend that $12,000 be set as the fair rental value of the parsonage and $6,000 be set for Parsonage Exclusion for furnishings and supplies.

Motion approved.

Pastor Greg announced that after years of service, Pastor Judy Christmann will be retiring at the end of 2015 from the Susquehanna Conference. SPRC chair, Randy Culp spoke to the wonderful work that Judy has done for First Church.

9. Safe Sanctuaries Report (Form 7):

See Attached. Jackie Spadt reported 150 members trained under the new

guidelines. A few outstanding forms still need to be turned it by some of our

volunteers. The Susquehanna Conference has decided to go beyond the state

guidelines and require that all volunteers be fingerprinted.

The Report was voted on and approved.

10. Lay Speakers/Lay Servant (Form 8):

See Attached. Pastor Greg defined the different lay ministry positions.

Lay Servants: Motion to affirm Lourdes Stevens and Paul Stevens as

Certified Lay Servants. Motion approved.

Lay Speaker: Motion to affirm Bill Ingram as a Lay Speaker. Motion


Candidates for Ministry:Bill Ingram spoke on his call to pursue his certification to become a Certified Lay Minister. Motion to affirm Bill was made. Second. Motion approved.

Lourdes Stevens spoke on her call to pastoral ministry. Motion to affirm Lourdes to a call to pastoral ministry was made. Second. Motion approved.

Town Hall Meeting

Facilitator: Grace Elsner

Ad Council chair, Graham Campbell spoke on the responsibilities of the council and their job to carry out the Plan of Ministry that the congregation approved 3 to 4 years ago.

SPRC chair, Randy Culp, recognized the staff and read bios for each staff member affirming their qualifications to serve in their positions.

Grace opened the floor to the congregation to express joys, concerns and complaints.

Velma Beil expressed concern about congregational split and an underlying negative current.

Sharon Bangert requested an explanation of ‘what the issue is?’

Alan Miller expressed budget concerns. Finance chair, Rusty Elsner, addressed these concerns. The budget is approved by Ad Council. It is not required to be voted on at church conference.

John Gerkin wanted no employee increases in 2016. Feels there is too much staff and he felt the budget should be revisited and that the property over at the MSC should be sold.

Ed Orndorffencouraged more members to volunteer.

Carol Benefield had a list of specific concerns that she sent in a letter to members of Ad Council. Graham Campbell said that he wished she had expressed these concerns at Ad Council when the budget was being discussed and voted on since she attends regularly.

He encouraged all member to regularly attend Ad Council meetings and particularly in October when the budget is discussed and a voted on for the following year.

Ann Jones asked if we have to pay shares of ministry to the conference? Pastor Greg addressed this question.

Stephanie Klansek supported the increases to the staff’s salaries and felt that some staff members should be receiving even more (particularly, Youth Director Tommy Fitchett).

Mark Cornbower expressed his concern that he doesn’t want anything to change at the 10:30AM service. A rumor was circulating that the pastors were going to be making changes in worship. Also a need for better communication. Pastor Greg stated there will be no changes to the worship at FSC in 2016.

Other concerns and some joys were expressed by Mike Black, Dale Myers, Wendi Myers, Chad Wynn,Rita Clough, Sharon Couch, Pete Roark and Bill Ingram.

As the conference was approaching the 3hr mark, Grace brought the discussion to a close.

5:55 a motion was made to adjourn. Motion second.

Rev. Joshua Rhone closed with prayer.