(Use this form to propose your congregational project. Add pages if needed to show your entire proposal. Don’t hesitate to contact any member of the Faith in Action Council to get advice or assistance with your Application-Stephanie Walton, Brad Silsby, Julie Meyers,Jillian Gleason, Mary Kay Myers, Ellen Cahill)

Name of Project:______

Describe the justice issue the project will address:

FUSD Member/point person who has committed to organize the project:

Member Name______

Member Phone and email ______

Member Support

List fourmembers (or more) in the Congregation who have committed to work on the projectduring the coming year

Member Name / Phone / Email

Circle the level at which your proposed action project will address injustice:

___ Personal change

___ Local legislation/opinion

___ Regional/national legislation/opinion

___ Global legislation/opinion

___ Other

Goals of the project for the proposal period

1 ______

2 ______



List the actions the project group will take to advance the project’s goals (add rows as necessary)

Action / Target Group / Time frame (Month/year)

Major milestones

List the concrete accomplishments that will indicate you are meeting your goals

Goal / Milestone / Due Date

Types of Action

Indicate the ways your plan addresses the injustice you are targeting

__ Artistry/performance

__ Direct assistance to individuals (e.g. generating funds for…)

__ Advocacy/lobbying

__ Coalition building

__ Fundraising/charity

__ Education

__ Solidarity/relationship building

__ Witnessing

__ Other______

Church Group Involvement

Indicate below the segments of the church community you will involve in your action. Specify

on the lines below the ways each circled group will be involved.

__ Age groups - Children, youth, young adults, middle and older adults,

__ Organizational subgroups (core circles, women’s spirituality, addictions ministry,

Book group, etc.)

__ Functional or program committees (music, program, religious education, youth group, YoungAdults Abundance Group, property management, worship, volunteer, membership, caring,leadership, board of trustees, and finance)

__ Ad hoc groups brought together expressly to address justice actions by the congregation (e.g., IHN, Urban Peak, New Genesis, Green Sanctuary, etc.)

___ Other______


Identify any allied organizations that will collaborate or provide central organization for

this action. Include organization, contact names, phone, & email.

Organization / How will they collaborate? / Contact Information


Estimate any budget you need from FUSD to make your project successful. Describe the

ways funds will be used. Identify when you will need the money.

$ Need / Purpose / When Needed (mo/yr)

Identify the FUSDMemberwho will approve and account for expenditures.

Name / Email/Phone

Staff Involvement

What involvement will you need from the church staff to make your project successful?

Type of Involvement / When Needed

Communication Plan

List communication plans for making your project’s activities and results known to the target community

Means of Communication / Target / Due Date

Project Termination

How will you know when your project is completed? ______

How will participants know when their service is completed? ______

How will the Congregation know whether or to what degree the project is successful?


How will you acknowledge participation, celebrate accomplishments, and publicize achievements from your project? ______


Will you need a plan to transition leadership/membership on your project?


___ No