To apply for accreditation for your educational activity, you must agree to comply with the policies and procedures of the New York Eye and Ear Infirmary of Mount Sinai (NYEE) Institute for Continuing Medical Education (ICME) and the Criteria mandated by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME).

The following is a list of forms and instructions to aid you in the process. Please call the ICME at 212-979-4383 for guidance on which forms you must complete at the beginning of the accreditation process. We will assist you in navigating the material.

First Steps for NYEE Course Applicants

In order for your course to be considered for development and possible accreditation you must first complete a Course Proposal Form(1). This should be done at least 6 months prior to your course. When completed,forward to Kim Corbin at . Your proposal will then be reviewed by the Executive Board of the CME Advisory Committee or, in the case of ophthalmology courses, the Department of Ophthalmology Educational Activities Committee.

If approval is granted by either the Executive Board of the CME Committee or the ophthalmology Educational Activities Committee, you will then be given the go ahead to complete the accreditation application process. In order for your course to be granted AMA PRA Category 1 CreditTM through the NYEE, the applications and forms noted must be completed and submitted online to the ICME at . If accreditation is granted, those planning and participating in the activity must agree to comply with ACCME Criteria and NYEE policies with respect to the planning and implementation of educational activities.

First Steps for Joint Sponsor Course Applicants (non-NYEE entities)

Prospective joint sponsors must complete the Joint Sponsor Attestation Form (1A). This form will enable the ICME to determine if the entity wishing to collaborate on an accredited activity with the NYEE ICME is an approved organization in accordance with ACCME Criteria and Standards for Commercial Support.

Accreditation Process

Once approval is granted to the course applicant, be it a NYEE MD or a non-NYEE joint sponsor, the accreditation application process may commence.

Below is a list of the CME forms you will need to submit your application for accreditation and complete various accreditation requirement milestones during the planning, implementation and reconciliation of your educational activity. An explanation for these forms is included below.

1)Course Proposal Form (in house activities)

1A)Joint Sponsor Attestation Form (for jointly sponsored activities with non-NYEE entities)

2)Activity Accreditation Application

2A) Projected Budget for Proposed Educational Activities

3) Disclosure & Attestation Form (For CME Faculty, Planning Committee Members, Reviewers)

4)Written Agreement for Commercial Support (For commercial interests providing grants or in-kind support for an educational activity)

4A) Exhibitor Agreement Form

5) Compliance Agreement (In-house)

5A) Compliance Agreement for Joint Sponsors

6) Checklist Timeline for Educational Activities

6A)Time Line – Course Development Milestones

7) Evaluation/Credit Request Form Template

8) Sign-in Sheet Template – General

9) Permission Release Form AV

10)Peer Review Form

11) Final Expense Report

Forms 2-5A should be completed online and e-mailed back to ICME for consideration by the NYEE CME Advisory Committee.

Forms 6-11will be used later in the process, if your course is accredited.

The CME Activity Accreditation Application (2) should be filled out completely for the educational activity using as much detail as possible, since this material will be submitted to the New York Eye and Ear Infirmary of Mount Sinai CME Advisory Committee for accreditation approval.

TheProjected Budget for Proposed Educational Activities(2A)should be filled out completely, saved and returned in Excel format. Please do not handwrite the figures as the figures will automatically tabulate. This form will be submitted to the New York Eye and Ear Infirmary of Mount Sinai CME Advisory Committee for accreditation approval.

A Disclosure & Attestation Form (For CME Faculty, Planning Committee Members, Reviewers) (3) will have to be completed and signed by each member of the course planning committee, the Course Director and faculty and returned to the ICME along with items 1 and 2 above so that we may identify and resolve any potential conflicts of interest (COI) that may exist at the beginning of the planning process. (If you do not yet have your speakers/presenters in place at the time of your application, you can send their disclosure forms to us as soon as their participation in the activity is confirmed and no later than one month prior to the activity.) The Standards for Commercial Support issued by the ACCME are very strict about this.The information provided by faculty/planners will be disclosed to course registrants before the commencement of the activity, be it live or an enduring material. For Live activities, this can be done by including faculty/planner disclosures on the CME Information Sheet that should be distributed to registrants when they check-in on the day of the course. You may also provide disclosure for each planner and presenter on PowerPoint slides to be shown prior to the commencement of each presentation. The ICME will be able to assist Course Directors in putting together the CME Information Sheet and reviewing the slides for the actual meetings so we are in compliance with ACCME regulations.

AWritten Agreement for Commercial Support(4), also known as a Letter of Agreement, must be completed and signed by any and all commercial sponsors who contribute educational grants, equipment or supplies in support of the educational activity.The agreement must then be counter-signed by the CME Director and, in the case of jointly sponsored educational activities, a representative of the joint sponsor.

The Exhibitor Agreement (4A) must be completed by commercial entities that have paid an exhibitor fee to display their products/services at the CME activity.

NOTE: Grant Funds and Exhibitor Funds are separate. Grantors may not exhibit unless they have paid a separate exhibitor fee.

The CME Compliance Agreement In-house (5)and theCME Compliance Agreement for Joint Sponsorship(5A)outline the Course Director’s or Joint Sponsor’s responsibilities with respect to compliance with ACCME Essentials and Policies for accredited educational activities and describe the required documentation that must be supplied to the ICME during the planning and at the conclusion of the activity. Reading and signing this document will signify that you understand and accept your responsibilities with respect to ACCME compliance and will provide required documentation to the ICME on demand.

If and when your activity is approved for AMA PRA Category 1 CreditTM by the CME Advisory Committee, please note that the ICME must review any printed material (ads, flyers, online postings, etc) concerning the course before it goes to print so we can make sure that all the necessary CME information is included and that there are no violations of ACCME Criteria.

The CME Checklist (6)will assist you in keeping track of your responsibilities and achieving compliance while planning your educational activity.

The Time Line – Course Development Milestones (6A) provides a more expansive overview of different aspects of the accreditation, educational activity planning and implementation process, as well as post-activity requirements.

Evaluation/Credit Request Form Template(7):When we get closer to the date of the course the ICME will work with you to customize the activity evaluation for your CME activity. This form must be distributed to course participants at the time of the meeting and will provide learners with the opportunity to evaluate the educational activity and request their CME Credit Certificates by claiming the appropriate amount of CME credits.

Sign in Sheet Template – General (8):This form is used for live courses and can be customized for your activity. It provides a means for registrants to document their attendance at the event. Evaluation/Credit Request Forms are also used for this purpose, but only capture those who choose to request credit.

Permission Release Form AV (9): This form is used if you are filming your event and you must secure clearance fromfaculty speakers/contributors to reproduce their material (slides, videos, etc.).

The Peer Review Form (10) is used by those chosen to conduct peer-reviews of the educational content for an accredited CME activity. Peer reviewers must be free of relevant commercial relationships. The recommendations of peer reviewers are used to ensure that the educational content of an accredited CME activity is fair and balanced, scientifically viable and free of commercial bias.

The Final Expense Report template(11) is used to reconcile all income and expenditures for your education activity after it has been completed.

Accreditation and Meeting Planning Fees

The ICME charges accreditation and, when applicable, meeting planning fees for accredited activities. These fees will be discussed and agreed upon with the Course Director or Joint Sponsor at the beginning of the planning process.

For directly sponsored NYEEeducational activities, there are set accreditation and meeting planning fees that can be obtained by contacting the ICME.

For jointly sponsored educational activities, accreditation fees will be charged based on the scope of the activity/activities and the size of the grant funding obtained by the joint sponsor.

Please feel free to call the ICME at 212-979-4383 or e-mail or f you have any questions or need assistance in completing the forms.

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