First State Mini Club Newsletter---November 2017
November2017 MEETING DATE is / Thursday November 16 . / at 7 PM- 9PMat the New Castle Senior Center, 400 South Street, New Castle DE 19720
Hospitality Bring your own drink/cup!
November Refreshments: Marion Hogan, Susan Ross, Lucille Hoffman, Pat Deverell.
President’s Message
Diane Scheuer, Rose Gambacorta,Ruth Levin and Connie Gorman went to Philadelphia Miniaturia at Cherry Hill on Saturday, November 4. It was a much smaller show than last year, but there were several new dealers there that were good. We had lunch with the Hoffmans, and saw Grace Hayford shopping, so the club was well represented. We stayed the rest of the day and all came home with treasures.
A fairy godmother has given the club lots of goodies to use for our project in April. You will all be happy with these landscaping materials!
Soon it will be Thanksgiving Day, a time when we’re encouraged to give thanks for the year’s blessings. Given all that goes on around us perhaps, if you’re like me, you’re giving thanks every day – each of us in our own way -- giving thanks for things that someone else might deem trivial, but important to us. Perhaps you give thanks for mini friends; perhaps some are your dearest and best friends! What about thanks for the New Castle Senior Center, our mini home away from home; for our successful show, and for the good
fairies all around us, bringing smiles to our faces. And thanks to Northern Delaware’s location near Philadelphia and D.C. for mini shows and other exhibits, we are truly blessed. We have an abundance of resources at our fingertips through the internet and mini and other
magazines and many skilled miniaturists in our club to help, support and answer our various questions. There’s been no better time than now for being a miniaturist. Lasers and 3-D printers are bringing new designs to life in ways a decade or two ago we would not have even imagined. And just consider that more and more minis are being made in 1/144th
scale and smaller. Can we be thankful that?? If you’re running out of space at
home, then the answer may be yes! All good wishes for a wonderful Turkey Day!
Wanda and Connie Co-presidents
CALENDAR of Mini Events coming up…ask around…there may be carpoolsgoing. Also check M-1 and E-1 Newsletter, available at NAME website(
- Nov 11, 10-3, New Sweden Centre’s “Who Wore What When”…free ‘fashion show’ of period clothing from the inception of DE 1638 and through WWI 1918. See more under Outreach.
- November 15-18, 2018 – Online Houseparty, “Around the World in 8 Days”
- November 16, Thursday, is the mini meeting
- Nov 17-19, Festival of Trees at Cokesbury.
- Holiday Gift “shop” at Iron Hill Museum…10-4:30pm on these days, each Friday and Saturday: November 24-25, Dec 1-2, Dec 8-9. Come find a gift…jewelry, tile coasters…some hand crafted. Come help out a tiny museum!
- November 29, Wednesday at 11 AM…set up New Castle library. Please call Grace Hayford and try to bring scenes of Christmas…
- December 1, midnight…deadline for materials for the Newsletter. Send photos! Articles…info!
- April 8, 2018…FSMC Show 10-4pm at Clarion Hotel, New Castle.
- May 18-20, 2018 – Louisville, KY Regional Houseparty, “Jockeys and Juleps”. This is a very talented group who have held great regionals in the past. Registration begins October 27.
- August 23-26, 2018 – NAME National Convention, “Sweet Tea & Sunshine - a Southern Celebration” - Embassy Suites, Charleston SC. The SC group is especially known for small scale and hold wonderful regionals. Sign up starts October 27. The convention classes are on NAME’s website… go to
- NAME 2019 Convention, July 18-21: Nashville TN “A Little Bit of Country—Shabby or Chic”
- NAME 2020 Convention, July 23-26: Indianapolis, IN
Christmas trees and ornaments for the Hospice…we had 31 trees and 7 ornaments completed. HUGE HUGE HUGE thank yous go to Susan Ross for all her decorating.
FSMC Annual Project for 2017-18--- Chosen was the fairy garden. Fairy Gardens…
there are loads of ideas at craft and garden centers. Live or simulated nature can be used. Use any box, base, container (perhaps a lantern, huge wine glass, cheese dome, wide terrarium glass, can), etc….…
”Rules” --keep base at 14” square, (case included), height any size. (We modified the 11” height mentioned before but is needed if anyone wants to display at Newark Free Library in the future. It must have at least one fairy and a water feature. Mixed scales are permitted in fairydom!So, build a (small) tree if you want!!
Monthly Programs for the year…..please suggest other projects and help teach!
NOVEMBER—Fimo Mushrooms—presented by Angie Phillips. Bring fun pictures of mushrooms.
Show ‘n Tell—mushrooms for inspiration. Here are some on stamps!
DECEMBER—Holiday Party…food…music/CD…games
Show ‘n Tell, bring any water feature for inspiration
JANUARY— Postcard and stamping for Show—Lois Weyer
Water Features—demo in prep for February, presented by Marnie King, Diane Scheuer. How to
form the “container” of painted aluminum foil, spackle puddle, in a container, or
fountain, etc.
House of Miniature furniture will have base coat painted and Wanda Simons will present how
to use decorative painting techniques, crackle paint, etc.
Show ‘n Tell, bring any hand painted furniture for inspiration.
FEBRUARY—Yearly Project for 2019…bring prototypes, photos, ideas for consideration….voting next
Water Feature—presented by Marnie King. Learn to pour your water feature. Bring your sealed,
painted item to have help with the pouring. EnviroTex© and other products will be used. If you want a large water feature, let Marnie know.
MARCH—Landscaping ideas—presented by Wanda Simons. Tip: if you use coffee grounds for soil, it
will have an odor in humid weather; dried used tea leaves work better.
Show Program stapling—Lois Weyer Bring your stapler!
APRIL—Tote bag favor for NAME convention, “Sweet Tea and Sunshine” in SC. Give Bonnie and Susan any ideas
that you might have. We are planning to simulate the “sweet grass” basket using the rag basket technique.
We could use 3/8”x 2” tans and creams from quilting fabrics to make these.
Make some, keep one!
MAY—Party—everyone brings food.
Shoe-box sales (tag all items with price and your name)
BIRTHDAYS: Happy Birthday!! Enjoy your special day! And Many Mini more!
Diana DeWalt Nov 9 Katheryn Mayberry Dec 10
Rose Gambacorta Dec17
Welcome to new member,Mary Ellen Raun, to the ‘knee replacement’ division of our club. Those exercises really do work. Wishing you a speedy recovery. Keep do’en those exercises. Take care.
By the time we have our November meeting, Marnie King will be seeing you with different lenses…cataract surgery will be complete the morning of the meeting. “See” you if all goes well.
OUTREACH Marnie King
New Sweden Centre is planning a fashion event on Saturday November 11 at Hagley Soda House. Fashions you seevwill help you plan how to dress mini dolls; all will be historically accurate. ”Who Wore What When” will feature the clothing worn from the 1600s when Sweden landed in the Delaware Valley, up through WWI. They have reenactors and the Barbizon school of modeling to share the clothing. There will also be foods using historic recipes, especially the Swedish traditions. Food will cost, the view of fashions will be free. Marnie’s $9 reenactor match-lock muskets will accompany a few, as will a yoke used to carry water! Mini knowledge enlarged! Go tofor Eventbrite reservations. It should be an interesting event. See ad here!
Iron Hill Museum—For a holiday fundraiser, we are having a Holiday Gift Sale…crafted items that make great gifts.
Please plan to shop on these Fridays or Saturdays…November 24 & 2,. Dec 1 & 2 and December 8 & 9. 10am to 5pm.
Hospice Christmas plans Festival of Trees will be held November 16-19th at Cokesbury. We have donated 31 trees decorated by Susan Ross (God bless you, Susan!) and 7 globe ornaments by Susan and Bonnie, Angie Phillips and Lois Weyer. Thank you all !
Library displays—New Castle. Remove Fall and set up for Christmas/winter on November 29, Wednesday at 11 AM. Please let Grace know what you can bring.
Holiday broom kits are going to the New Castle Library with Grace.
URGENT…we will need new officers soon. The office of President, possibly Newsletter editor, and Program chair will be available. Help will also occur! / Please offer your time, ideas and take a turn to serve on the board! Good food, see collections, unique houses.. in 3 states! …greatperks!! Just remember, many hands means light work and this is YOUR club!!Officers of FSMC:__ *=Voting Board Positions / Publicity: Wanda Simons (mini mags); Marnie King (M-1 /E-1 clubs NAME and Newsletters); LoisWeyer (News Journal, regional posts); Deb Kostyk (Town talk, Facebook, etc)
*Presidents Wanda Simons and Connie Gorman
*Past President Wanda Simons/Connie Gorman / *Hospitality: Rose Gambacorta and Connie Gorman;
*VP/Membership (2017) Angie Phillips / *Program Coordinator:______open (Board)
*Secretary (2017): Katheryn Mayberry / Program (Yearly) (open)
*Treasurer (2016): Lois Weyer / Program (Monthly Coordinator): _____ (Board)
*Show Chair: Lois Weyer / Webmaster: Lois Weyer
Show Hotel Liaison: Lois Weyer / *Newsletter: Marnie King
Show Dealers and Classes Lois Weyer / *Outreach: Marnie King
Show Exhibits: Marnie King / Nametags: Connie Gorman
Show Club Table; *Estate/sales: Diane Scheuer / Sunshine: Diane Scheuer
Show Grab Bags: Rose Gambacorta & Connie Gorman / Club Property Storage: Connie Gorman
NAME DE State Rep Marnie King / Phone List: Marnie King
First State Mini Club Newsletter……… November 16, 2017 P a g e | 1