- FemSoc
First speaker of term has cancelled as they are being honoured in the Houses of Parliament, it will hopefully be rearranged. CP needs MB to announce this in the bulletin.
- Weekly Welfare Mailing list
New initiative for this year, GL sent the first issue out today. GL suggested it should be headed by one of the welfare officers each week to ensure there is a full spectrum of information provided.
- General plans for the year
BG spoke with MN and YW and felt it was a good idea to create a skeleton timetable for the year to ease with organisation. They would like to do something in the bar after apple day. They are currently planning a bop at Life with Trinity and hope to do a Dome Bop next term. BG suggested that it be helpful to try and organise a skeleton events timetable for the bar.
Also create a general aims of the JCR for the year: alumnae relations would be a part of this. KK asked that each member has a think of something to bring to next meeting as a goal.
- Alumnae Relations project
IPM has been in contact with Tessa Kilvington-Shaw (Chair of The New Hall Society) about how the college can engage alumnae more. The New Hall Society have a committee meeting in Sunday and they will propose ideas to us after this.
- Apple Day
Last year 50 of the 300 portions apple crumble went uneaten and we want to prevent wastage - however the JCR feel this isn’t enough to not order the same quantity this year as the event is very weather dependent.
Jo Cobb suggested a band from Bedford, YW will help look into a band - although there is likely to be no budget for it. RG would like suggestions of activities to have at apple day: apple bobbing, postcards/painting - she will liaise with SL.
In the evening there will be apple spiced punch served in the bar - this can’t be served at the event due to licensing. CPl is thinking of doing an evening event in the bar, they will discuss this further and come up with a proposition. RG asked whether we could serve local ciders but there may be some logistical issues and it would be easier to serve one speciality drink.
BG/KK will speak with the Dean about music at the event and if there are any issues with this.
- Old Block Prices and Issues
BG has been approached by many students about problems in old block, she thinks the JCR needs to have a clear position about our responsibility regarding old block / accommodation. If people have issues with their room price etc should go and see accommodation or the bursar. The JCR agree there should be room grading policy that explains how rooms are graded and what factors are considered.
- RAG Formal
BG would like to host a themed formal for RAG - CP said it can’t be the 22nd November. There will be a £3 extra fee, to go to RAG. IPM suggested it could be held on the Friday if it could not happen on the Tuesday.
- Meeting with Amatey
There is a meeting with Amatey (CUSU president) on Thursday which all members of the JCR are welcome to attend. BG thinks it would be good if as many members as possible could go.
- College App
MB was contacted by a company who have worked with Homerton College to develop an app for the JCR. The cost would be around £35/month - this is a cost the JCR feel could not be justified at the moment - but do really like the idea of it, especially if it could be integrated with RMS/formal bookings/Dome menus.
- Dome
Dome prices have gone up but there has been no information about the price increase and why it has gone up so much above inflation. There is also no clear displaying of the prices - could they be displayed on the card where the food is served. The total of a meal needs to be displayed on the till when paying. AG went to a catering meeting last term, where it was suggested that an email system be set up so that when your balance is running low you receive a warning.
- Living Wage
BG believes that college staff are already paid the living wage, there is a uni wide campaign.
- Work Spaces
The Dome can be used for studying as there are no restrictions on this, there are also plenty of other rooms around college (JBB/VSR/Coach House etc) that can be booked for students to use - there’s definitely space for group studying.
CP - was emailed by a fresher regarding “smalls for alls” - a charity which collects money/clean underwear for vulnerable people etc. She will bring it up at the FemSoc meeting. Is this something that MECSU would be interested in doing? CPl suggested people could donate money to the JCR and we can then use it to buy underwear or donate the money directly. It was suggested the collection be done in/near the laundry.
SL - would like to change the art competition to an exhibition as there weren’t many people that entered and a lot of money was spent on it. She wants to host it in Lent term rather thane exam term and run it as a collaboration with Lucy Cav/Newnham.