First Semester Project : Careers Outline Oct 3, 2016
Note that more specific information will be given as we progress through this assignment. At this time, I would like students to think about a career or 2 or 3.
Some class-time will be allotted to working on this, however the majority of the work will be done outside of the classroom. I will set up a tentative schedule as to what should be completed each week. However, it is up to the student to meet these suggested dates. Grading will only be done at the presentation time. All projects will be handed in (printed and as a file to load onto the class computer) on the same due date, regardless of when presentation actually occurs. In other words, you may not present your career project to the class until a week or two after the due date. However, the project MUST be turned in on the due date for full credit.
This week (Oct 3) and next week (Oct 10), think about, and hopefully decide on your project topic. When you have decided, let me know. I will be keeping a class list.
End Result: technological and verbal presentation of a career you want to explore or work in - or–just an interesting career
This will be a Powerpoint, Prezi, Word, etc. project
Presentation will use the computer and screens in the classroom. Format: the Scientific Method
Assigned Date: October 3, 2016
Due Date: Nov 18, 2016
Presentation Date: Dec and Jan (if needed) - before the end of the semester
Individual Project
Purpose: To Learn about and present to the class, a career that is interesting and that somehow involves science and water. This does NOT have to be a career such as a Medical Dr, Archaeologist, or a Zoo Keeper for example. ANY and ALL careers involve (at one time, past, present, or future) the science field as an aspect of it. Science may be the direct cause or creation of the job, or indirectly be an influence, or skills learned from science that are common processes or methods necessary for the career: Examples include, but are not limited to:Medical Dr, teacher, architect, food producer (farmer, cattle, etc.) , storekeeper,Fashion designer, trash collector, manicurist, astronaut, professional skier or surfer, veterinarian, musician, actor, politician, researcher, accountant, mortician, minister, missionary, botanist, etc. The list is seemingly endless.
Title: Semester 1 Project - Careers
Hypothesis: The following are sample beginning statements.
I think the profession of ______is exciting
I want to be a ______wen I complete school
I know nothing about ______so I want to learn more
Materials: What is needed to get, work in, and continue in this career? (do you bring your own supplies, do you have to complete a certain amount of college work or training? What physical (or spiritual or mental) items do you deal with everyday, is a computer a necessary item, etc.?
Procedure: How could you obtain and work in this career? Attend college, work in the trade, inherit it, just apply and hope, turn in resumes, give a performance, show paperwork examples?
Data : Describe the career (short term, long term, as a gateway to something else).. I would like a chart/diagram/table of some sort showing your information
How many people (or %) have this career – is age or gender any significance part. Interesting facts !
Analysis: How does or did science and water play a part in this career? Think chemistry, water flows, construction, items used. Give statistics on this career.
Are salary , celebrity status, or type of work and people the driving force for working in this field?
Conclusion: Now that you have investigated this career, what do you think about it? Are you still interested, newly interested, now deciding not to go in the field, or curious what other students have chosen to present and maybe choose one of those.
Reflect: Did the format of this help you understand the Scientific Method a little bit out of normal content. Yes or No and SUPPORT YOUR ANSWER!