Colusa County


October 2, 2013

CCRCD SPECIAL Meeting Minutes

SPEAK-OFF CONTEST: Prior to the meeting the CCRCD held their annual Speak-Off Contest at 6:00 in the Colusa Industrial Park Conference Room. The 2013 theme for the contest was "How will the development of alternative energy impact natural resources?" This year's contest had five contestants from two Colusa County High Schools. There were 4 speakers from Pierce High School and one from Williams High School. The first place winner was Allison Ward from Williams High School, receiving second place was Ashleigh Ehrke and third was Jessica Croxson both from Pierce High School. First place received $50 plus a framed certificate, 2nd place received $30 and 3rd place received $20. Judges for the event included Beth Nall, Mary Fahey and Doug Turner. The official timekeeper was Bob Alvernaz.

CCRCD Special Meeting Minutes

DIRECTORS PRESENT: Bob Alvernaz, Jay Dee Garr, Ben Felt, Beth Nall and Kim Gallagher

DIRECTORS ABSENT: Tom Hickok and Gil Ramos


OTHERS PRESENT: Patti Turner-CCRCD Executive Director, Mary Fahey-CCRCD Project Manager,

Elizabeth Harper-Conservation Technician Candidate and Doug Turner-Local Landowner

Jay Dee Garr CCRCD President called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm at the Colusa Industrial Park Conference Room.




The Minutes and financial report were tabled until the regular meeting to be held on October 15, 2013. Turner advised the group that the CCRCD received the amount requested from the County to assist with the general operating expenses of the District.


Turner introduced Elizabeth Harper the candidate for the CCRCD's Conservation Technician position with the CCRCD who had submitted a resume and letter of interest. These documents were furnished to the Board via email prior to the Board Meeting. Elizabeth told the Board about her qualifications and life experiences. Turner advised the Board they could make a decision at this time of wait until the regular meeting to be held on October 15th. A motion was made by Felt to hire Elizabeth Harper for the Conservation Technician position. The motion was seconded by Alvernaz and passed with 5 Ayes and 2 Absent.

Turner advised the Board she has been in contact with Audubon to keep abreast of the progress towards drafting the contract between the two entities to provide assistance for the implementation of conservation practices on the Davis Home Ranch. Turner also stated that the final approval of the subcontract for Fahey's assistance to the County would be forthcoming. She asked the Board for authorization for Garr to sign the contact on the Board's behalf as soon as it is received. She stated that the contract would allow Fahey to start working with the County while the office is closed during the government shutdown. A motion was made by Gallagher to authorize Garr to sign the agreement when received as long as it contains the information discussed previously by the Board. The motion was seconded by Nall and passed with 5 Ayes and 2 Absent.


Turner reminded the Board that the CARCD Sacramento Valley Regional meeting and Regional Speak-Off Contest will take place on Friday October 25th in Orland. She advised the Board that at least one Director needed to attend. Jay Dee Garr said he would attend.

Turner advised the Board that Staff has been unable to do their job due to the government shutdown which resulted in the closing of the office. They will continue to do their best while not having access to their office or computers. Turner stated that if the government shutdown was still in effect next Tuesday she will be unable to meet the Brown Act requirements to hold the normally scheduled CCRCD Board Meeting on October 15th.




The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 pm by President Jay Dee Garr. The next regular monthly meeting will be held on October 15th at 5:00 in the Colusa Industrial Park Conference room contingent upon the government shutdown ending in time to complete meeting notifications as required by the Brown Act. Turner will keep the Board informed via her personal email from home.

Respectfully Submitted

Patti Turner, CCRCD Executive Director, Secretary to the Board