Mather General Meeting


Call to order by Shirley Steinbach

First order of business (voting for Board Members)

Captain: Nancy Smith, Co-Captain: Carrie Cochran, Secretary: Debra Jones-Brown, Treasurer: Jan Sward


Bev Dunbar made a motion to support the vote and Jan Sutton seconded it

Old Business:

Memorial Bench researched by Debra Jones….we will work with the club on a cement pad and a bench with synthetic wood. We are hoping to keep the cost close to $800.00. This is a bench for all members and we have not decided how far back we will go to list members who have passed. This will be decided when we have purchased the bench.

Ideas for funding it have been raised:

  1. A Guest Day raffle for Greenhorn Golf Course which includes 4 players and a cart.
  2. Just asking for personal donations
  3. 50/50 raffle funds
  4. Gold Dust Spa…..suite and room in Carson City, raffle

A motion to support this was made by Carol Fernandez and karenBiscaha seconded it.

On Behalf of Veterans:

Joe spoke to our group, bringing us up-to-date with the veteran’s program, which has been very successful. So far, few women have shown an interest in joining. The women who have joined are in the men’s group which has become co-ed.

He thanked us for our generous donation from Lady Liberty and explained how so many have been helped through our efforts and generosity. If you’re interested in volunteering, you can contact Joe or just show up on Wednesdays, from 2:00 to 3:00.

Committee Reports

New Business

Guest Day on the 27th starts at 8:30

Suzanne Fletcher and Linda Blackburn are in need of more volunteers!

This guest day will include a Halloween costume contest….

Of course, Carol Fernandez will decorate the restroom out by number 4

Suzanne asked if anyone was interested in a 2-man best ball tournament on the 20th

Asa’s fall festival

Asa spoke to us about his Halloween party for kids in the community

Please contact him if you can volunteer some of your time to this safe and fun event….

Tournament of Champions

Betty Rader informed us that Nanci Smith would be playing in the Tournament of Champions on the 24th at Dark Horse. Good luck, Nanci!!

Other News

Jan Sward broke 90!!!!! Good job, Jan! (you rock…..)

Last area play day will be played on November 7TH at Mather


Cynthia Jennings had no news to report on chip-ins and 50/50 except she emphasized that we put the correct amount of money in…….


Nancy Sartor reported that we have 2 new members….

If someone wants to establish a handicap, they must submit 5 scorecards for a temp.

The last two weeks of December will be “make your own tee time”….you can sign up a 4-some

Pat Hill has reserved our Christmas party at Northridge Country Club. Don’t forget silent auction items!

Course Affairs

Windshields of drivers have been smashed due to errant golf balls being sliced over the net at the driving range. Ideas have been launched such as: making the net higher or possibly even moving the driving range.

Weekly Tournaments

What do we do about people who don’t show up for a scheduled tee time and don’t call to cancel?

We talked about charging that person even though they don’t show. Bev Dunbar said that in the by-laws that person is indeed responsible for paying; but it’s never been enforced….


Weekly tournament pay-outs were discussed. Most courses pay out with a point system. Every time you show up you earn a point and the pay-out occurs twice a year. Dotty Holliday talked about paying over the field low gross and low net. Each flight would have winners like at Ancil Hoffman Golf Course.

If someone leaves money in their account by moving or passing, we could use the money to fund our luncheons. This motion was made by Carol Fernandez and seconded by Cindy Mullett.


The leaf rule is in effect.

There was a consensus to put this into effect now.

Also if you land in dirt in the middle of the fairway you can move your ball.

We need to clarify the unplayable sand trap rule

Everyone said something different. Pam, would you please clarify?

Submitted by Secretary, Sunny Sawyer