Mrs. Nameth

To Be or Not to Be

Actions speak louder than words, but when actions do not work, words might have to do. According to the article Putting warning labels on sugary drinks would save lives written by Russ Lloyd, citizens in the state of California are up in arms about the deadly consequences that excess sugar in the American diet is causing. In order to inform the public, the California legislature created a bill to force soda companies to put warning labels on soda pop so that the people can make an informed decision. The soda companies should put warning labels on soda pop because of side effects, sugar addiction and health issues. To buy or not to buy, that is the question.

First of all, the excessive sugar in one twelve once can of soda has several side effects. One side effect that can affect the consumer is headaches. To get rid of a headache the consumer would need to take a medication to make it go away. Too much sugar in the soda can also cause mood swings. The consumer can get a sugar high and be happy then a sugar low and get angry or sad. Gas is another side effect that most people do not care to have. Not only can gas be painful, but the release of gas could be very embarrassing. The side effects caused by the excessive sugar in soda cans should be listed as a warning on the label.

Furthermore, sugar addiction is real and extremely serious.The more sugar a person consumes, the more they want. This is why soda seems to disappear right after it is purchased. Brain scans show that eating sugar affects the same part of the brain as addictive drugs. Further, it is believed that sugar is more addictive than cocaine. Possibly because there are more people drinking soda then those who are doing drugs. It is evident that soda corporations need to be responsible and put the warning on the label.

Finally, mass consuming sugar can lead to serious health issues. Obesity is becoming an epidemic in the United States and sugar is one of the biggest contributors. The sugar consumption recommendation is from four to nine teaspoons a day. One twelve ounce soda contains eight teaspoons of sugar. Then a person drinks the soda the sugar travels right into their system sending the sugar to all of the organs. Over time the body gets too much sugar damage causing the liver to become a lump of grotesque scar tissue. The liver is an organ that a human cannot live without. Over consumption of sugar can also cause diabetes in both children and adults. Furthermore, sugar addiction can lead to heart disease and death. Consumers should be warned of the potential damage to their health that soda can cause so that they can make and educated decision to drink or not to drink.

In conclusion, soda corporations should want to put warning labels on soda to avoid potential law suits in the future. Doctors should not have to guess why their patients have headaches and gasbecause the patient does not think to tell the doctor that they consume soda. Companies like Weight Watchers and Jenny Craig would not be needed to get people back on track if sugar addiction was not a real epidemic. Health issues like diabetes and heart disease are deadly and consumers need to know that over consumption of soda is a form of a slow, costly and painful suicide. Hopefully, California will pass the bill to put warning labels on soda and other states will follow suit.