First New Beginnings Lecture

26-27 August 2002


-Textbooks: Computers, Lawry, (Lucas?, Gelb?)

-3x5 notecards

-3.5 HD/DD diskettes

-Knowledge Quizzes

-Essential Skills for Life Overheads

-Music CD

Go 10 min. early: set up projector, music, props, etc.


Jon & Thom introduce themselves (each other?), project: Names, Addresses, Phone Numbers, E-mails on the screen.

Index cards: Name, Address, e-mail addresses, phone numbers, secret ambition.

Thom: Quiz: Survival basics at UVM

How many Departments are there in CALS?

How many schools and colleges are there at UVM?

What’s the difference between a Major, Program, Department, School and College?

When does the add/drop period end?

When does the withdrawal period end?

What’s the difference between add/drop and withdrawal?

What is the name of your advisor? How do you switch advisors?

When do you sign up for Spring classes? How do you do it?

What is the CALS Core Curriculum?

What is plagiarism? What is the penalty for getting caught?

What is the minimum GPA you need to graduate from UVM? How is it calculated?


Jon: What’s this course about?

Essential Life Skills Overheads

Orientation to UVM, transition from high school to college, information technology skills, writing skills. In spring: concentration on public speaking.

Go over Fall 2002 New Beginnings Syllabus:

General structure of the course: One lecture and one lab per week.

-Must be signed up for a lab---they meet this week…Monday afternoon lab meets right after this class. Labs taught by upper-class TA’s

-If you know in advance you are going to miss your lecture, OK to go to the other lecture (e-mail both of us).

-Make every effort to only go to your assigned lab (seating limited). In an emergency (sick, accident) it is OK to go to another lab.

-Monday lab students: you need to go to another lab just for next week.

-Oct 18 Friday lab students: lab’s will meet, but you have the option of going then or attending another lab earlier that week.

-Essential Life Skills Overheads

Thom: Course Philosophy, General Course Goals, Specific Course Objectives & Course Requirements.

Jon: Textbooks, Office hours, Attendance, Grading

Thom: Class and Lab Schedules


  1. Get a zoo account, know your login name and password. You must check your ZOO e-mail daily (may forward your zoo e-mail to another account if you want).
  2. Memorize the class URL: read Syllabus carefully (print?)
  3. Become familiar with the Cat’s Tale (Student Handbook) online at: (click on the printable version Adobe Acrobat link.
  4. Read the CALS mission and explore the web site:
  5. Read Chapters 1 and 8 in textbook Discovering computers 2003.
  6. Read Starting Out, Family Ties, Lawry’s College 101 pp xvi, 1-6, 177-206
  7. Next Week, No lecture Monday. Monday students either come to the showing of “Land for learning: Justin Morrill and America’s land-grant colleges” in Tuesday’s lecture, or view the video at the Bailey-Howe library media center (downstairs on the right after going through the main entrance).
  8. Bring three 3.5-inch HD diskettes (IBM-formatted) and labels to lab the week after next (Sept. 3-6).
  9. Monday lab meets in 005 Morrill just for this week.

Jon: IT Knowledge Quiz (start no later than2:00 Mon., and 1:30 Tues.)