European Voluntary Service

Curriculum Vitae

Personal details:

First name and surname

Street & number

City & Postcode & Country




Date and place of birth

Sex: male



Driving license

Current Situation (Student, trainee…)

Emergency contact details (Parents/Guardian: name, address, phone number)

Education and working experience:

Education and/or vocational training (with dates)

-  Employment and voluntary work experience

Language skills (fluent, good, basic)

-  Other skills, interests and activities

YOU and the EVS experience:

What means EVS for you?

How do you think the EVS experience can make you grow?

Why have you decided to do EVS in this moment in your life?

Is Germany as a country a priority for you? Why?

Why did you choose this particular project? What do you find the most attractive thing according to your interests in JW project? And the most challenging activity to develop in JW according to your personality?

What could be the main cultural shock you would face if you could do EVS in Germany?

And a little bit more about you...

-  What is your best tool in a professional environment?

-  What do you intend to receive and give in this experience?

-  Describe a small project you would like to develop with us

-  Strengths and weaknesses

-  What are the most important things in your life? (name some)

-  Describe in one word your personality

Sending Organisation: / Fundacion Paideia
PIC: / 948601995
Phone: / +34 981223927
Fax: / +34 981224659
Email : /
Website: /
Address: / Plaza de Maria Pita 17
15001 A Coruña (Spain)
Contact Person / Cristina Rodríguez
Emergency Contact


Has the organisation received any type of accreditation before submitting this application?

Accreditation Type


Accreditation Reference


C.2.3. Background and Experience

Please briefly present the partner organisation:

(max 5000 characters)

The Paideia Galiza foundation is a private not for profit entity established in 1986. This institution is a as an open space to training, research and, in general, to a multi-dimensional and inter-disciplinary intervention in the field of Human and Social Sciences.
The Paideia Galiza foundation Works in cooperation and development projects in rural areas of Galicia, giving priority to attention to women, in subjects like education, qualifications and training for employment, family planning and sexual education, strengthening of personal skills and resources and gender equality. We also work in projects for employment aimed at people in risk of social exclusion, disabled people, institutionalised minors, women and people with problems of substance abuse. The PIDEIA Foundation tries to work always in conjunction with public entities through different agreements (city councils, local and regional government) and with private entities.

What are the activities and experience of the organisation in the areas relevant for this application?

(max 5000 characteres)

The PAIDEIA foundation has been committed to voluntary actions since 1995. It was the main instigator for a local voluntary network, REDEVOL, in different councils of the region of A Coruña. In the year 1999 it started working with the EVS, and after almost 15 years ears we have sent 400 volunteers and hosted 90; an average of 250 people every year ask to participate with us. The institution has been consolidating and expanding through activities intended to contribute to their social and institutional frame's, promoting a culture of participation and solidarity.

What are the skills and expertises of key staff/persons involved in this application?

(max 5000 characteres)

The different work teams of Paideia are composed of 70 professionals. The teams are multidisciplinary with professionals from the fields of Psychology, Law, Economics, New Technologies, Sociology…. The team taking part in EVS in multidisciplinary. In it, there are clinical psychologists who are usually responsible for the monitoring of the volunteers. The administrative section of Evs is in charge of an EVS Technician

C.2.4. Legal Representative

Title(Mr/Ms/Mrs): / MS
Gender (Male/Female) / FEMALE
First Name: / SANDRA
Family Name: / ORTEGA
Position: / PRESIDENT
Email: /
Telephone: / 34 981223927

Contact Person

Title(Mr/Ms/Mrs): / MS
Gender (Male/Female) / FEMALE
First Name: / CRISTINA
Family Name: / RODRIGUEZ
Department: / EVS
Position: / TECHNICIAN
Email: /
Telephone: / 34 981223927


Hosting Organisation: Jugendwerk der AWO Württemberg, Olgastrasse 71, 70182 Stuttgart

Tel: 0049-(0)711945729122