Rebecca Snowball Reeves
Continuing Education Award
Application Instructions
This award provides educational stipends for dietetics professionals working in the area of obesity. At least one award, of up to $1,000, will be given to a qualified applicant each year. Funding must be used for any associated costs in attending the continuing education program described by the applicant in the application for funding. Applicants should not apply for funding for a program that they have already attended. Funds must be used within 13 months of receiving the award. No applicant may receive funding more than once every three years.
Applicant requirements:
· A member of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.
· A member of Weight Management DPG.
· A registered dietitian (RD) or dietetic technician registered (DTR).
· Planning to attend a conference, seminar or other form of continuing education for enhancing knowledge or skills in obesity management or research.
Application instructions:
· Prior to applying for the award, the applicant should assess the registration and associated costs of attending the continuing education program.
· Complete the attached face sheet and 250 word essay.
· Attach a copy of continuing education program announcement or description
· The award recipient is required to provide a five hundred to one thousand word article for the Weight Management quarterly newsletter relating their experiences of the continuing education program within six weeks of attendance to the Academy Foundation.
Applications must be sent via email to by
February 1st Application forms and all enclosures should be submitted electronically as one single document. Please do not include application instructions. Page 1 of your application should begin with the Application Face Sheet. Applicants will be notified by April 1st regarding the outcome of the award.
Any questions may be directed to Stacy Chassagne at 800/877-1600, ext. 4889 or .
Application Face Sheet
Name of Applicant
Academy Member #
City, State Zip
Program Title (Attach a copy of continuing education program announcement or registration materials)
Date of program
Program cost
Travel expenses
How many years have you been a member of the Weight Management Practice Group?
I, the undersigned, certify that I meet all of the eligibility requirements specified above, and accept, as with any award, the obligation to comply with terms in effect at the time of the award.
Signature of Applicant: ______Date: ______
Describe the continuing education program that you would like to attend and how attending this program will enhance your knowledge or skills in obesity management or research. (250 words)
Rebecca Snowball Reeves Continuing Education Award Application