First: Identify your “Art in History” Ethnic group ______

You have two requirements for science that will be a part of your final “Art in History” Tri-fold.

HUMAN FAMILY TREE GENETIC ETHNIC GROUP MAP- Look on the web site for the migration route of your “Art in History: Ethic group:

  • Trace the Route of your genetic ethnic group (or groups) in pencil.
  • Trace the route of your Art in History genetic ethnic group in pencil.
  • Then have Ms. Colston check this in class.
  • After you know it is correct, after you know it is correct. Do the same thing over on the final copy Map (yellow) with different marker colors signifying the 2 different routes.
  • Make a Map legend that contains the colors of the routes.

One route should be labeled: My Genetic Ethnic group (or groups) and what it is.

The other route should be labeled: My “Art in History” Genetic Ethnic group

“Human Family Tree” DNA Inquiry Assignment This sheet is based on information you learned from the DVD “The Human Family Tree”by National Geographic. You already did this sheet in science class. Make sure your comments are in complete sentences and have thoroughness to your statements. If you would like to attempt to achieve the 7-8 level for Science, you may do a video explaining the genetic connections between your AIH’s ethnic group and your own self-identified genetic ethnic group.

  • You can watch this again in 3 WAYS:

*On YOUTUBE: “National Geographic The Human Family Tree HD” Downloaded by Cosmos

* On Netflicks: National Geographic- The Human Family Tree

* Google this: “Top documentary films human family tree” (not as good- a condensed version)

  • You can watch clips of gather more information on:
  • “Human Family Tree” Inquiry Assignment can be downloaded from Ms. Colston’s Teacher page.
  • Down load this form on Google Docs so you can type on it. Write your comments in complete sentences. This must be typed.
  • Then re-upload the final paper to your Google Docs.
  • Print this off on your own and put on our Art in History Tri-fold for 7th grade Project night
  • Share a copy with me for a science grade

Place both finished projects: HUMAN FAMILY TREE GENETIC ETHNIC GROUP MAPand

“Human Family Tree” DNA Inquiry Assignmenton your Art In History Tri-fold. 