First Grade ELA Rubric for 2016-2017
A variety of assessments are used to determine report card grades, including: Fountas and Pinnell Running Records, observational checklists, writing samples, and Journeys weekly, progress monitoring, cold read, benchmark, unit assessments and the Emerging Literacy Survey.
Foundational Skills Benchmarks
Beginning to Develop: BDApplies skills less than half of the time / Developing: D
Applies skills more than half of the time / Proficient: P
Applies skills a large majority of the time
Demonstrates understanding of spoken words, syllables, and sounds / Minimallyrecognizes rhyming words; recognizes beginning, final, and medial sounds; blends and segments sounds and syllables; and substitutes initial sounds to make new words / Inconsistently recognizes rhyming words; recognizes beginning, final, and medial sounds; blends and segments sounds and syllables; and substitutes/adds initial and/or vowel sounds to make new words / Consistentlyrecognizes rhyming words; recognizes beginning, final, and medial sounds; blends and segments sounds and syllables; substitutes initial and vowel sounds to make new words (sand – land; sand - send) and add phonemes to make new words (and – sand)
Knows and applies grade level phonics to decode words / Minimallyreads endings (-s, -ed), digraphs (ch, sh), blends (sl, pr), possessives (girl’s),and contractions (won’t) / Inconsistentlyreads endings (-s, -ed), digraphs (ch, sh), blends (sl, pr), possessives (girl’s), contractions (won’t), vowel pairs, and/or R controlled vowels / Consistentlyreads endings (-s, -ed), digraphs (ch, sh), blends (sl, pr), possessives (girl’s), contractions (won’t), vowel pairs, and R controlled vowels
Reads Grade Level Sight Words / Minimally reads grade level high-frequency sight words accuracy(<75%) and automaticity / Inconsistently reads grade level high-frequency sight words with accuracy (75-89%) and automaticity / Consistently reads grade level high-frequency sight words with accuracy (90-100%) and automaticity
Reads on level text with accuracy and fluency to support comprehension with appropriate rate, intonation, and phrasing / Reads grade level text with below 75% accuracy and primarilyword-by-word, irregular pausing, and slow rate / Reads grade level text with 75-89% accuracy with inconsistent phrasing, expression, or rate / Reads grade level text with 90-100% accuracy with appropriate phrasing, expression, and rate
Reading Informational Text Benchmarks
Beginning to Develop: BDApplies skills less than half of the time / Developing: D
Applies skills more than half, but less than 70% of the time / Proficient: P
Applies skills a large majority or between 70-90% of the time
Identifies the main idea and retells key details of text / Identifies the main idea and retells key details of text with prompting and support / Inconsistently identifies the main idea and retells key details of text / Consistently identifies the main idea and retells key details of text
Asks and answers questions about key details in a text / Asks and answers questions with prompting and support / Inconsistently asks and/oranswers questions about key details / Consistently asks andanswers questions about key details
Uses text features to locate key facts and information / Minimallyuses text features to locate some key facts and information / Inconsistently uses text features to locate some key facts and information / Consistently uses text features to locate some key facts and information
Reads and comprehends informational text on grade level / Reads and comprehends informational text on F&P level H or lower / Reads and comprehends informational text on F&P level I / Reads and comprehends informational text on F&P level J or higher
Reading Literature Benchmarks
Beginning to Develop: BDApplies skills less than half of the time / Developing: D
Applies skills more than half, but less than 70% of the time / Proficient: P
Applies skills a large majority or between 70-90% of the time
Retells fictional texts including key details / Retells stories including key details prompting and support / Inconsistentlyretells stories including some key details / Consistently retells stories including key details
Asks and answers questions about key details in a text / Asks and answers questions with prompting and support / Inconsistently asks and/oranswers questions about key details / Consistently asks andanswers questions about key details
Describes story elements (including characters, setting, problem, and solution) / Minimally describes some story elements. / Inconsistently describes many story elements. / Consistently describes all story elements (characters, setting, problem, solution, beginning, middle, and end)
Compares and contrasts two stories / Minimally compares or contrasts two stories / Inconsistently compares and/or contrasts two stories / Consistently compares and contrasts two stories
Reads and comprehends literature on grade level / Reads and comprehends literature on F&P level H or lower / Reads and comprehends literature on F&P levelI / Reads and comprehends literature on F&P level J or higher
Vocabulary Benchmarks
Beginning to Develop: BDApplies skills less than half of the time / Developing: D
Applies skills more than half, but less than 70% of the time / Proficient: P
Applies skills a large majority or between 70-90% of the time
Determines the meaning and usage of grade level vocabulary / Determines or clarifies the meaning of unknown or multiple meaning words and phraseswith prompting and support / Inconsistently determines and clarifies the meaning of unknown and multiple meaning words and phrases / Consistently determines and clarifies the meaning of unknown and multiple meaning words and phrases
Writing Benchmarks
Beginning to Develop: BDApplies skills less than half of the time / Developing: D
Applies skills more than half, but less than 70% of the time / Proficient: P
Applies skills a large majority or between 70-90% of the time
Writes with a clear focus / Minimally writes one sentences which may or may not be coherent / Inconsistently writes one or two events which may be inappropriately sequenced / Consistently names a topic
Writes using well developed content (details and examples) / Minimally includes factsor may include random ideas / Includes fewfacts on a topic / Consistently includes multiple facts about the topic
Writes using a logical organization / Minimallyprovides a sense of closure / Inconsistently provides a sense of closure / Consistently provides a sense of closure
Writes with an awareness of style (word and sentence variety) / Minimally writes with a variety of words or sentences / Inconsistently writes with a variety of words and/or sentence variety / Consistently writes using descriptive language including precise nouns and verbs and variety of sentence structures and lengths
Writes using appropriate conventions (grammar, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling) / Minimally writes usingproper grammar, capitalization, punctuation, or grade appropriate spelling / Inconsistently writes using proper grammar, capitalization, punctuation, and/or grade appropriate spelling / Consistently writes using proper grammar, capitalization, punctuation, and grade appropriate spelling
Speaking and Listening Benchmarks
Beginning to Develop: BDApplies skills less than half of the time / Developing: D
Applies skills more than half, but less than 70% of the time / Proficient: P
Applies skills a large majority or between 70-90% of the time
Participates in collaborative conversations / Does not participate in collaborative conversations in large or small groups / Participates in some collaborative conversations in large and small groups / Consistently participates in collaborative conversations in large and small groups
Describes people, places, things, and event with details / Withprompting and support, describes people, places, things, and events / Describes some people, places, things, and events with details / Consistently describes people, places, things, and events with details
Expresses ideas and feelings clearly / Does not express ideas and feelings clearly / Expresses some ideas and feelings clearly / Consistently expresses ideas and feelings clearly
2016-2017 School Year