Dr. Sally K. Ride Elementary School

Learning Center Recommended Personal Supplies


Recommended Kindergarten Personal Materials, Mrs. Smith

Backpack (not rolling or mini), large enough to hold one folder / Parent Donations:
Liquid Soap
Glue sticks / Paper towels
Pocket folders / Tissues
Disinfectant wipes (not hand sanitizer)
***Change of clothes packed in a bag (long pants, long-sleeve shire, underwear, socks. All clothes and bag labeled w/child’s name.)***

Recommended Grade 1 Personal Materials, Mrs. Lawson

Backpack (please label with name) / School Supply Box
Composition book / ***Change of clothing, please label all items***
Crayons (24 or fewer, Crayola preferred) / Parent Donations:
#2 pencils / Disinfectant Spray (Lysol preferred)
Scissors (blunt) / Paper Towels
Pocket folder / Zip-lock Baggies (quart/gallon/snack sizes)
Glue sticks / Box of tissues
Highlighters / Disinfectant Wipes

Recommended Grade 2 Personal Materials, Ms. Westcott

Backpack (please label with name) / School Box to hold supplies
Composition book / ***Change of clothing, please label all items***
Crayons (24 in a box, Crayola preferred) / Parent Donations:
#2 pencils / Disinfectant Spray (Lysol preferred)
Take-Home Pocket Folder, any design / Paper Towels
Pocket folder, Plain (red, green, yellow, blue) / Zip-lock bags (quart or gallon sizes)
Glue sticks / Box of tissues
Erasers / Disinfectant Wipes

Recommended Grade 3 Personal Materials, Ms. Price

Crayons (24 in a box) / Pocket Folders – Solid Color/2-Pocket
Composition Notebooks / School Supply Box
#2 pencils / Parent Donations:
Highlighters / Box of tissues
Erasers / Disinfectant Wipes
Scissors (blunt) / Zip-lock Baggies (quart, gallon)
Glue sticks / Disinfectant Spray (Lysol preferred)

Recommended Grade 4 Personal Materials, Mrs. Fisher

Children Scissors / Loose leaf lined paper
#2 pencils (No mechanical) / Parent Donations:
Colored pencils and/or crayons / Zip-lock Baggies (gallon, quart, snack)
Glue sticks / Disinfectant Wipes
Pencil Box/Pouch / Box of Tissues
Erasers / Antibacterial soap
Highlighters / Disinfectant Spray (Lysol preferred)
Markers (Expo preferred) / Hand Sanitizer

Recommended Grade 5 Personal Materials, Mrs. Sier

Composition notebooks / 3-ring binder, 2-inch
#2 pencils (No mechanical) / Colored pencils and/or crayons
Dividers / Scissors
Glue sticks / Parent Donations:
Box or zipper pouch for pencils / Box of Tissues
Erasers / Hand Sanitizer
Highlighters / Zip-lock Baggies (quart, gallon)
Pocket Folders / Disinfectant Wipes