First Evangelical and Reformed Church

320 W. Wayne St. Lima, OH 45801

We are a Bible based Church that presents God’s relevant word

of caring and sharing for all people.

Rev. Edward Rinehart, Pastor

Pastor’s E-Mail:

Church Office: (419) 222-6700

Pastor’s Study: (419) 222-6200

Parsonage: (419) 225-8592


Visitors are invited to take the Welcome Packet found inside the cover.

Sunday, June 10, 2012




“Sweet Hour of Prayer” James Boeringer


*HYMNS “Standing on the Promises” # 236

“He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands” # 325




SPECIAL MUSIC by Amanda Lawson “On Eagles Wings” Hayes

OFFERTORY “Teach Me Thy Paths” James Southbridge



SCRIPTURE Luke 2:41-52 page # 888

MESSAGE “Jesus in the Temple” Pastor Ed Rinehart

*HYMN “It Only Takes a Spark” # 477



POSTLUDE on “Kingsfold” David Paxton

(*Indicates Congregation Standing / (For Those Who Are Able)

Serving You This Week

Elder Ted Coon

Pastor Rev. Ed Rinehart

Secretary Gloria Moening

Organist Charles Cheuvront

Director of Music Margaret Lewis

Nursery Director Joan Haines

Greeters Angela Striff and Sue Striff

Videographer Grant Coon

CONSISTORY MEETING – on Monday night at 6 pm for the Elders, 6:30 pm for the Trustees and Full Consistory Meeting at 7:00 pm in the Choir Room. Reminder that ALL persons on consistory are expected to attend.

MEN’S BROTHERHOOD BREAKFAST – Saturday, June 16th at 8:30 am in the Fellowship Hall. Al men are welcome to attend.

New Address: Ida Herold is now living with her daughter Deb at 4433 S. Evergreen, Tucson, AZ 85730.

Shut-in of the Week: Charles Fox is this week’s Shut-in of the week. Please take time to send him a card and to pray for him this week.

His Address is: 807 Mumaugh Rd.

Apt. 92, Building D

Lima, OH 45804

Bible Trivia: The second coming of Christ is often referred to as the ______? a. Rapture of the Church (Hint: 2 Peter 3:10-13)

b. Day of the Lord

c. The Reward of the Saints

Pondering: We should never forget that the scriptures are a love letter written to those of us who love and trust our Lord Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.


TODAY: The flowers on the altar were donated by Rex Maurer in loving memory of his wife Jeanne.

Organ flowers by Jeff & Missy in celebration of their wedding.

MONDAY: Narcotics Support Group 5 – 8 pm (Fellowship Hall)

Elder’s Meeting @ 6:00 pm; Trustees’ @ 6:30 pm

Consistory Meeting @ 7:00 pm (in Choir Room)

TUESDAY: Experiencing God Bible Study @ 6:30 pm (Kleman’s)

SATURDAY: Men’s Brotherhood Breakfast @ 8:30 am

NEXT SUNDAY: Sunday Morning Prayer in Chapel @ 8:30 am

June 17, 2012 Sunday School @ 9:00 am; Come Join Us!

(Father’s Day) Morning Worship @ 10:15 am

Greeters: Al and Claire Grapner

Scripture: Luke 3:1-20

Sermon: “John the Baptist”

Financial Statement and Distribution

June 3, 2012 / Total Attendance @ 91

Weekly Budget / Account / Sunday Offering / YTD / Budget
Unified Budget / 2,489.08 / 60,427.93
Budgeted Specified / 472.05 / 7,840.48
$3,548.96 / Running Total of Budget / 2,961.13 / 68,268.41 / (13,357.67)
Memorials / 25.00 / 2,790.00
Unbudgeted Specified / 304.00 / 10,764.47
Total Giving / $ 3,290.13 / $ 81,822.88

If you have trouble hearing please let a Deacon know you need hearing device.


HEALTH: Carolyn Arnett, Angela Striff, Naomi Clark and her grandaughter Amiee, Doug Hadding, Sarah Moneer, Mya Hurley, Greg Horstman & family, Rodney Lutz, Leona Hensley, Marcia Makely, George & Maxine Cole, Teresa Hawk, Pat Lindman, Brenda Sparrow, Scott Burtchin, Keith Geiger, Micah, Jeff Stimmel, Sandi Richardson, Bill & Connie Huff, Nick and Alaina Morris, Sandy Stelters dad, Rev. Larry Hopkins, Tom MacNamera, Alonzo Franklin, for those considering occupation changes and/or further schooling, Refinery Work Stoppage, Gene Tanea, Darlene Sackett and the Shut-ins. Unspoken requests.

NOTE: If you have a prayer request, please fill out the small green card and give it to Pastor or an Elder before the service.

“And the prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise him up. And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven. Confess your trespasses to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.” James 5:15 & 16

FROM THE TRUSTEES: Four projects are set to start around the church. We will be repainting parking lot lines, adding some handicapped signs and more. This project is scheduled for Saturday, June 16th. Also on that Saturday, we will begin removal of the ceiling tiles in the choir room, nursery and related rooms and installing new ones if they are on hand. On Saturday, June 23rd, we will pick up where we have left those two items and look to start the next two as these have been completed. We will be beginning the process of removing the fellowship hall lights, replacing the necessary ceiling tiles and installing new lights. We’ll be working on Saturday, June 30th, until these are completed. Help is needed in many ways. Sign up sheets are by the office.



Consistory Pres. & Elder Ted Nusbaum 419-222-4817

Elder President Ted Coon 419-233-3589

Elder Al Grapner 419-645-4226

Elder Wayne Bailey 419-225-7279

Deacon President Shawna Lewis 419-991-2789

Deacon Vice-Pres. Sherri Maurer 419-234-7332

Trustee President Cleadous Hawk 419-222-2834

Church Office Gloria Moening 419-222-6700

Pastor’s Office Rev. Ed Rinehart 419-222-6200

Pastor’s Cell Rev. Ed Rinehart 419-204-9768

Church Website:

Church Email:

Pastor Ed’s Email:

Name ______Date ______


Directions: Fill in and return to Pastor Ed each week. They will be graded and returned.

WEEK # 16: Scripture Questions we should be able to answer.

347.  Which gospel does not mention that Pilate traditionally released one prisoner for the Jews at the time of the Passover? ______.

348.  When Mary Magdalene found the tomb empty, she ran and told whom? ______.

349.  What was the full name of the city of Cana? ______.

350.  Cana was the home of which disciple? ______.

351.  What city in the gospels is the only place of which it is said that Jesus was “at home”? ______.

352.  What is Mark’s most characteristic title for Jesus? ______.

353.  What did the Roman soldiers make and force down on Jesus’ head? ______.

354.  All four gospels record that Jesus foretold his own death, but which one says that he knew it would be by crucifixion? ______.

355.  Which gospel is the only one that mentions the spear that was thrust into Jesus’ side? ______.

356.  What happened inside the Temple when Jesus died? ______.

357.  Which curtain was torn in two at the moment of Jesus’ death?


358.  Which gospel does not contain the word, law? ______.

359.  In which gospel would you read the word, Logos? ______.

360.  Who is known to have made this statement: “Even if I have to die with You, I will not deny You!”? ______.

361.  Which two women both made this statement to Jesus: “Lord, if You had been here, my brother would not have died.”? ______.

362.  Why did the chief priests complain about the inscription Pilate put above Jesus’ head? ______.

363.  Who is known to have said, “He must increase, but I must decrease”? ______.

364.  There is no occurrence of the noun “Love” in which gospel? ______.

365.  Which is more frequently used in the gospels the noun or verb of Love? ______.

366.  Which gospel is dedicated to the “most excellent Theophilus”?______.

367.  Which sister was the practical type – Mary or Martha? (Circle)

368.  Where does Mary, the mother of Jesus, appear for the last time in the gospels? ______.

369.  Which gospel is thought to have been written first? ______.

370.  Which gospel records Judas’ remorse? ______.