First Evangelical and Reformed Church Consistory Meeting

December 12, 2016 7:00 p.m.

Consistory President Roy Coon called the 16 members present to order with prayer.

Secretary and treasurer reports accepted.

Patricia Offenbacher advised there was no new deacon information.

Paul Offenbacher advised no new trustee issues and Barbara Blackburn explained where the money would come from if donations for the roof did not pick up as the bill is now due. Money will be taken from undesignated memorials and some stocks may need sold. Some cash from a bond that has matured could be used.

Elder Ted Nusbaum advised there will be a tutoring program started by Taminka Malloy and Alicia Moor as a pilot program on Wednesday from 5 to 6 pm. It was discussed by elders to close the church if a weather level one advisory is given. Moved by Charles Cheuvront to do so, seconded by Ted Nusbaum, motion carried. Charles Cheuvront advised there will be a CPR class scheduled and suggested everyone take it. There will be one youth who is approaching catechism age and a class was discussed. Missy Grapner was recognized for helping get a $150 donation from Walmart to help pay for the lunch box distribution for the December luncheon.

Pastor Balicki discussed the NCD program he is proposing and answered questions about it.

Roy Coon advised the following people have been placed on the ballot for the annual meeting election of officers. Deacon: Cathy Gladfelter, Jan Lautzenheiser, Beverly Snook, Chris Few and Chris Hoff; trustee: Joe Moor, Paul Offenbacher and Ted Coon; elder: Sherri Maurer and Charles Cheuvront. Alicia Moor moved the ballot be accepted, seconded by Jeff Grapner, motion carried.

Old business: It was reported that ONU no longer has an internship program for youth pastor position but Pat Offenbacher is still working with Teens for Christ. Pastor Balicki reported he sent a letter of welcome to the pastor for the members of Central Christian church.

New business: Roy Coon advised audit committee will be Joe Moor, Cleadous Hawk, and Barbara Blackburn. They will meet January 10, 2017 at 6:30 pm at Rex Maurer’s home.

Paul Offenbacher presented the budget which was motioned to be accepted by Jeff Grapner and seconded by Sherri Maurer, motion carried. Paul was questioned about the current cleaning company not doing the work as needed and he advised trustees are already looking into it.

A request was made to help set up the Fellowship Hall after the meeting for Penny Bucher funeral dinner. Jeff Grapner was thanked for lighting a special light in honor of Penny last Sunday at church.

Jeff Grapner moved meeting be adjourned, seconded by Ted Nusbaum, motion carried. Meeting closed by everyone reciting Lord’s Prayer.

Respectfully Submitted,

Barbara Blackburn, Consistory Secretary