University Honors Program

Berry Summer Thesis Institute Application

Proposal and Budget Request


The student should follow the outline below in the preparation of his or her Berry Summer Thesis Institute fellowship proposal.

Students should complete the online submission form and upload the cover sheet and all application materials as one PDF file. Mentors should email letters of recommendation to .Questions regarding the application process should be sent to .

Please include your last name in all document file names.

  1. TITLE

Provide a brief title for your summer thesis research project.

  • The abstract should be consistent with disciplinary and advisor guidelines, but typically consists of 300 words.
  • The purpose of the abstract is summarize the nature of the question/project you intend to pursue, the objectives/hypothesis/outcomes/work product for the project, the methods you plan to use to perform the research or project, and the expected outcome of the research/project by the end of the summer.

III. PROJECT DESCRIPTION (approximately 2 to 4 double spaced pages)

  • Expand upon the information provided in the Abstract above. Use discipline-specific language to explain the problem/hypothesis/argument, the rationale for the projectand/orthe specific aims of the thesis.
  • The project description should be a narrative; an outline is not acceptable.
  • If needed, figures, pictures, graphs, etc. are appropriate for this section (and encouraged) and are not used to evaluate the length of the written portion.


  • Provide a detailed accounting of the milestones for progress on the project over the summer, including a rough schedule for meetings with mentor.


  • Include citations to works already referenced and works likely to be referenced in the course of the project.This need not be a complete list of all relevant sources, but should include a minimum of five citations relevant to the project.
  • The student should consult the thesis advisor in order to identify a format consistent with standards in his or her discipline.

VI. Resume or Cirriculum Vitae (CV)

Name: ______

Does your thesis research involve human subjects? ___ Yes ___ No

*If yes, IRB/RREC approval or exemption status is required prior to the first day of theBerry Summer Thesis Institute and prior to initiating the proposed study. Please see Dr. Miller for details.

Does your thesis research involve the use of vertebrate animals? ___ Yes ___ No

*If yes, IACUC approval or exemption status is required prior to the first day of the Berry Summer Thesis Institute and prior to initiating the proposed study. Please see Dr. Miller for details.


Please provide an itemized budget and justification.

Budget Request

Please refer to the UHP Thesis Website ( for details about budget requests (allowable costs and expenses) fund distribution, and expense accounting.

Itemized Budget:

Item / Estimated Cost
Travel: (If required for Summer Thesis Research)
Automobile Mileage / X miles X ($0.55/mile) =
*The current UD rate for mileage reimbursement will be used.

Total Amount Requested:$______

University of Dayton thesis mentor’s Departmental Account Number

to which funds, if awarded, should be transferred:______

Narrative Budget Justification:

As of 8/4/17