Initial next to each item as you check your paper for it.
- TITLE PAGE: double spaced throughout
- TITLE PAGE: in the lower right hand corner I have my name, street address, city/state/zip, school, and grade all on separate lines and double spaced
- FORMAT: every character in my paper is Times New Roman.
- FORMAT: entire paper is double spaced.
- FORMAT: only third person (no I, me, you, we, us, etc.) in my paper.
- FORMAT: no contractions (i.e. can’t, won’t, they’re) in my paper.
- FORMAT: No sentences begin with AND or BUT.
- FIRST PARAGRAPH: thesis statement is in the first paragraph and it is not in the form of a question.
- FIRST PARAGRAPH: purpose is in the first paragraph and it does not say “The purpose of my project…”
- FORMAT: Every paragraph that I have written starts with my words (no citation) and ends with my words (no citation).
- LAST PARAGRAPH: is a summary of my research.
- LAST PARAGRAPH: includes my hypothesis.
- WORKS CITED: title is centered, not underlined, or in quotations.
- WORKS CITED: all entries are in alphabetical order
- WORKS CITED: all entries have no bullets or numbering
- WORKS CITED: used hanging indent and all lines are double paced.
- WORKS CITED: contains websites and they are all .edu, .gov, or websites I have gotten approved from Mrs. Brim.
- WORKS CITED: all of the works listed have been parenthetically cited in my paper.
- WORKS CITED: not website heavy (no more than half)
I, ______, certify that I have checked my paper for the above and found my paper to be free of each of the nineteen issues listed. I am aware that a lot of these issues are addressed in the Basic Paper Format packet in my purple science fair folder and that Mrs. Brim went over many of them in class.
Student SignatureDate
Initial next to each item as you check your paper for it.
- TITLE PAGE: double spaced throughout
- TITLE PAGE: in the lower right hand corner I have my name, street address, city/state/zip, school, and grade all on separate lines and double spaced
- FORMAT: every character in my paper is Times New Roman.
- FORMAT: entire paper is double spaced.
- FORMAT: only third person (no I, me, you, we, us, etc.) in my paper.
- FORMAT: no contractions (i.e. can’t, won’t, they’re) in my paper.
- FORMAT: No sentences begin with AND or BUT.
- FIRST PARAGRAPH: thesis statement is in the first paragraph and it is not in the form of a question.
- FIRST PARAGRAPH: purpose is in the first paragraph and it does not say “The purpose of my project…”
- FORMAT: Every paragraph that I have written starts with my words (no citation) and ends with my words (no citation).
- LAST PARAGRAPH: is a summary of my research.
- LAST PARAGRAPH: includes my hypothesis.
- WORKS CITED: title is centered, not underlined, or in quotations.
- WORKS CITED: all entries are in alphabetical order
- WORKS CITED: all entries have no bullets or numbering
- WORKS CITED: used hanging indent and all lines are double paced.
- WORKS CITED: contains websites and they are all .edu, .gov, or websites I have gotten approved from Mrs. Brim.
- WORKS CITED: all of the works listed have been parenthetically cited in my paper.
- WORKS CITED: not website heavy (no more than half)
I, ______, certify that I have checked my paper for the above and found my paper to be free of each of the nineteen issues listed. I am aware that a lot of these issues are addressed in the Basic Paper Format packet in my purple science fair folder and that Mrs. Brim went over many of them in class.
Student SignatureDate
This is to be turned in with your first draft along with two copies of your paper, your logbook, and your plagiarism awareness form.