First Day Handout for MAT 224
Instructor Name: Mr. JohnsOffice Number: BE5108
Phone: (206) 587-6991Email:
1) passed MAT 126 with at least a 2.0; no concurrent enrollment in MAT 126
2) working knowledge of Maple OR concurrent enrollment in CSC 102Q
(if you do not pass CSC 102Q, you will be dropped from this class)
Class Web Page:
You need to go to this web site and print out a syllabus. The class schedule of homework and assessment is updated daily on the web site.
Book: “Calculus: Multivariable” 4th edition by McCallum, Hughes-Hallett, Gleason, (Wiley Publishing). You will need to bring the book everyday.
Assignments: You have two kinds to do tonight:
1) You have a Reading Assignment: Syllabus
Sections 13.1 and 13.2
Please read these before you come to class, even if they confuse you. Have your questions ready for tomorrow.
2) You have the first installment of Homework Set #1 due on Tuesday, April 11 at the beginning of class. Do the following problems tonight – you will get more as the week progresses: 13.1 #20, 23, 30, 31, 32*
13.2 #7, 12, 15*, 17, 18, 22
Other Things You Will Need:
- A 3-Ring Binder to keep assignments
- The obvious ruler, pencils, color pencils and paper (college ruled or E-2)
ADA Statement
Students with documented disabilities who need course accommodations, have emergency medical information, or require special arrangements for building evacuation should contact the instructor outside of class as soon as possible
Course Description
I welcome you to MAT 224 and an exciting quarter of mathematics and learning! This class is the direct continuation of Multivariable Calculus (MAT 126), introducing new features such as:
- Alternate Coordinates Systems in Two and Three Dimensions
- Parameterized Surfaces
- Vector Fields
- Line Integrals
- Surface (Flux) Integrals
- Volume (or Triple) Integrals
- Divergence, Curl, and Laplacian
The ultimate goal of this class is to introduce 3 new Fundamental Theorems of Calculus. You recall that in second-quarter calculus (MAT 125), you came across the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus for functions of one independent variable: .
With the advent of more independent variables and vector fields, we will add 3 more:
- (Line Integral FTC)
- (Surface Integral FTC or Stokes’ Theorem)
- (Volume Integral FTC or Divergence (Gauss’) Theorem)
I don’t expect you to understand these theorems yet but as we proceed through the quarter, they will be become obvious extensions of the first FTC you learned. If time permits we will also look at applications of vector calculus, mainly in the areas of Electricity and Magnetism and Fluid Dynamics.
The Rough Plan (subject to change)
A. Review of Vectors and Introduction to other Coordinate Systems for about 7 days (Sections 13.1-13.4, 17.1 and material developed by Mr. Johns)
Quiz #1 here
B. Differentiation Review for about 4 days (Sections 14.1-14.7)
C. Line Integration for about 7 days (Sections 17.3, 18.1-18.3)
Exam #1 here
D. Multiple Integration for about 5 days (Sections 16.1-16.5)
E. Flux Integrals for about 7 days (Sections 19.1-19.3)
Quiz #2 here
F. Divergence as Flux Density for about 5 days (Sections 20.1-20.2)
Exam #2 here
G. Curl as Circulation Density for about 7 days (Sections 20.3-20.5)
H. Vector Calculus in Other Coordinate Systems for 2 days (Section 16.7 plus extra material by Mr. Johns)
Quiz #3 here
I. Applications of Vector Calculus for as many days as we can manage (Material provided by Mr. Johns)
Final Exam here
My Expectations
1) This is a 300 level math course. Expect you to work hard and learn things for yourself.
2) I expect you to be in class on time and every day. I will deduct points for lateness and lack of attendance.
3) I expect all assignments to be neat and on time. Unless I grant a reprieve for the entire class, no late work accepted.
4) I expect everyone to be respectful in this class. No interrupting the teacher or classmates when they have the floor. No irrelevant questions or snide comment will be tolerated.