First Cycle Degree LAUREA (Bachelor Degree) in
Degree / LaureaDuration / 3 years
Language / ITALIAN
ECTS credits / 180
Campus / Matelica
Programme description / The Degree course in Safety of Zootechnical Productions and Promotion of Typical Food of Animal Origin (CdS-SiVaL) provides two curricula: one oriented towards the safety of zootechnical production in the Mediterranean areas and developing countries; the other one oriented towards the nutritional quality, and the technological and sensory quality of products and typical food of animal origin. The course aims at training intellectual and professional figures in the field of animal production embracing the entire production chain ranging from farming techniques, quality of animal production and animal products, until control of food processing and preservation and quality of the final products prepared for gastronomy.
The CdS-SiVaL agrees with the EU approach “from farm to fork” that takes into account the total quality of food defined as the sum of health, nutritional, chemical, bromatological, organoleptic and technological qualities. The total quality is achieved through proper management techniques, environment management, use of appropriate processing techniques and gastronomic preparation. The CdS-SiVal also provides skills on the prevention, verification and control on hygiene of food of animal origin, feed, and all the activities that ensure a high standard of safety in the food chain, not only in the Mediterranean areas but also in developing countries.
Curriculum 1 Safety of Zootechnical Production in the Mediterranean area and in developing countries
Curriculum 2 Promotion of Typical Food of Animal Origin
Study plan / 1 year
Matematiche e fisica
Statistica e Informatica
Lingua Inglese
Anatomia e fisiologia degli anumali da produzione
Legislazione veterinaria
Concetti di economia e di microcredito nei paesi in via di sviluppo (Curr 1)
Evoluzione delle culture alimentari e delle strategie di sussistenza (Curr 2) / 2 year
Tecnologie di allevamento e nutrizione
Metodi genetici applicati alla variabilità delle produzioni e zoologia
Zooculture e costruzioni in area mediterranea e tropicale (Curr 1)
Metabolomica degli alimenti (Curr 2)
Controllo delle malattie nelle filiere produttive
Economia delle produzioni
Elementi di patologuia generale, tecniche e metodologie biopatologiche
Epidemiologia e controllo delle malattie infettive e parassitarie (Curr 1)
Gastronomia e produzioni alimentari (Curr 2) / 3 year
Medicina preventiva
Igiene e tecnologia alimentare (Curr 1)
Metodologie in riproduzione animale (Curr 1)
Farmacologia e tossicologia (Curr 1)
Scienze gastronomiche e tipicità nazionali (Curr 2)
Igiene e controllo degli alimenti di origine animale (Curr 2)
Analisi chimico-fisica e sensoriale degli alimenti (Curr 2)
Attività a scelta (Elective subjects)
Tirocinio (Internship)
Prova finale (Thesis)
Enrollment / NATIONALS and EU-CITIZENS:Enrolment is officially open from 15th July to 5th November. After this date enrolment is still possible until 15 January with the payment of a penalty of 25€.
NON-EU CITIZENS,who reside abroad, in the period March-May must get in touch with the nearest Italian Embassy or Consulate to pre-apply following the suggested procedure.
Consulate to pre-apply following the suggested procedure.
Entry requirements / High School Diploma (with minimum 12 years education)
Level of language competence required: ITALIAN level B1 (Threshold level) of the CEFR
Tuition fees / On the basis of the country of origin the amount can vary from 355€ to 1000€ + a levy of 500€ that can be paid by instalments over two years.
Further information at An All-inclusive package is also available.
Comments / Lectures, tutorials, laboratories, fieldwork
Contact and Info / School of Biosciences and Veterinary Medicine