April 2015 The Steeple
First Congregational Church of Griswold
Greetings from Pastor Ede,
We made it! We have made it to April. April carries with it the promise of Spring. Even though Spring began in March, the weather did not follow suit. April brings with it the promise that these mountains of snow will disappear, that we will not see any more snow falling from the sky and we can actually clean our coats and put them away never to not be seen until next winter!
This year April also brings us the celebration of Easter. At Easter time we are reminded of all the promises that God has made to us. Christ’s death and resurrection are the core of what makes these promises possible. Christ’s death and resurrection is the concrete proof of God’s love for each one of us. Through Jesus God has cemented our relationship with him and has provided a relationship that is eternal and begins right now.
I do not know about you, but I know for myself that in the tough times of life it is the promise for a better tomorrow, and the promise that God will never leave me and two key promises that get me through. I am also reminded of a hymn I sang as a kid entitled, Standing on the Promises. I sang that as my one and only solo in my life. When I was in the fifth grade we all had to take a music class and we were all required to sing a solo in front of the class. I chose Standing on the Promises. I think I chose that because I relied on the promise of God to help me get through that solo. Singing a solo was never and will never be my goal in life, but God saw me through that experience. I would like to share those words with you. As you read them think of the promises God has made for you and what it is that we celebrate when we come together on this Easter Sunday celebration.
Standing on the promises of Christ my king,
Through eternal ages let his praises ring
Glory in the highest I will shout and sing
Standing on the Promises of God.
Standing on the promises that cannot fail,
When the howling storms of doubt and fear assail
By the living word of God I shall prevail
Standing on the Promises of God.
Standing on the promises of Christ the Lord
Bound to him eternally by love’s strong cord
Overcoming daily with the Spirit’s sword
Standing on the promises of God.
Standing on the promises I cannot fail,
Listening every moment to the Spirit’s call
Resting in my Savior as my all in all,
Standing on the promises of God.
Pastor Ede
The Steeple looks a bit different this month and that is because volunteers are stepping up and trying to help while Andrea takes a break. Please be in prayer for John Charron as he goes through his treatments for cancer. Be also in prayer for Andrea and the rest of the family as they support him in this challenging time.
Pastor Ede
Mark Your Calendars – upcoming meetings and events
April 21 - 6:00 pm Stewardship
April 21 - 7:00 pm PLF
April 25 - Connecticut Women’s Conference
April 26 - Inquirer’s class 11:30 - 1
April 29 - 7 pm Council
May 2 - Spring cleanup at church
May 3 - Confirmation class 8:30 am
May 5 - 7 pm PRC
May 6 - 6 pm Christian Education committee
May 8 - youth group gathering 6-10 pm
May 12 - 6:30 Deacons
May 16 - 1pm Bicentennial parade
May 17 - Children’s Sunday
May 31 - Confirmation
Lay Reader List
April 19 – May 31
April 19 – John McMahan
April 26 – Abbie Merchant
May 3 – Barbara Spillane
May 10 - Gwyn Pepin
May 17 – Children’s Sunday
May 24 – TammiVeit
May 31 – Maureen Greene
Super Saturday Attendees: Group with Keynote speaker Rev. Ruben Duran. Samm was with us but unavailable at time of picture.
Super Saturday
In March we had nine people attend the Super Saturday conference that is sponsored by both the Massachusetts and Connecticut conferences of the UCC. It is a wonderful day filled with various workshops, vendors selling many unique crafts and books, and one of the most inspiring things of all being able to worship with about 600 other members of the UCC from various states. It is a very inspiring experience and well worth giving up a Saturday to go. Next year it will be in a location in Connecticut. I would encourage you to think about going next March. It is also a good time to spend together as we travel together and have a chance to have lunch together.
Pastor Ede
Inquirer’s Class
April 26
11:30 – 1:00 p.m.
Inquiring minds want to know!! If you would like to learn more about the UCC and First Congregational Church we invite you to join us for a light lunch and discussion. Pastor Ede and the Deacons would be happy to share a meal and answer questions you might have about the UCC denomination and about First Church.
Thank You
I wanted to thank Christian Education committee, Cindy Phillips, Erika Rogers and the youth group for helping me to prepare the activities for the last Pastor’s Party. The resurrection gardens that they prepared for the kids that attended were a great way to show the children how we have a new and eternal life with God through the Sacrifice that Jesus made on the cross for each one of us.
Pastor Ede
April Lectionary Scriptures
April 2, 2015 – Maundy ThursdayExodus 12:1-4, 11-14
Psalm 116:1-4, 12-19
1 Corinthians 11:23-26
John 13:1-17, 31b-35 / April 3, 2015 – Good Friday
Isaiah 52:13-53:12
Psalm 22
Hebrews 10:16-25
John 18:1-19:42
April 5, 2015 – Easter Sunday
Acts 10:34-43
Psalm 118:1-2, 14-24
1 Corinthians 15:1-11
John 20:1-18
Mark 16:1-8 / April 12
Acts 4:32-55
Psalm 133
1 John 1:1-2:2
John 20:19-31
April 19
Acts 3:12-19
Psalm 4
1 John 3:1-7
Luke 24:36b-48 / April 26
Acts 4:5-12
Psalm 23
1 John 3:16-24
John 10:11-18
A heartfelt note from the Music Committee
After many years of faithful service as the Organist at First Church Priscilla Stetson has decided to retire as of August 31, 2015. We have been so blessed to have Priscilla help with the choir and lead the congregation in worship. In the next few months we will begin the process of looking for someone to share their gifts with us in the future and also plan a gathering in which we can express our gratitude for Priscilla.
The Music Committee
Sunday School:
We had so much fun at the Pastor's Party! Resurrection eggs and gardens were made to help us to remember the story of the Resurrection. Thank you to all that made this a success!
We miss Mrs. King and hope she feels better soon!
Youth Group
Nite Jam at the Colchester Federated Church had us making pizza, playing games, and meeting other youth in our Association. We ended the evening with a quiet reflective worship, lighting candle as we spoke of the things we are grateful for. We are looking forward to sponsoring an event here at our church sometime in late spring.
Two members of our group attended Super Saturday with some of the adults. They learned about a Peacemaking activity that we can do here in our own church. Mrs. Phillips picked up a flyer for a CTUCC Youth Revival on May 3rd. We really are excited about this!
Christian Education Committee Meeting Minutes March 4, 2015
Ede Steele, Diane Phillips, Erika Rogers and Samm Racich
Start at 6:10 pm and opened with prayer from Pastor Ede.
February minutes corrected to Lori Waterman as substitute and accepted.
Cradle Roll has no changes.
Child Care list will be updated for April Steeple.
Sunday School Superintendent report from Erika- No classes were held for two weeks because of storm cancellation of church. Attendance has been down but weather has been harsh for over a month. Facebook page has aided in announcing snow cancellation as well as WFSB Ch. 3. New curriculum started March 1 for younger students. Youth Group older students seem to like this concept. A “Nite Jam” at Colchester Federated is scheduled for March 13/14. This is a New London Association event.
Pastor's report- Pastor's Party will be Sunday, March 15 after worship learning all about Holy Week. We will host a scavenger hunt, plant personal Resurrection Gardens, use egg cartons for Holy Week story and be introduced to the “Jelly Bean Prayer”. Snack of popcorn and juice will be served. There will be an invitation printed in the Steeple for this event.
There will be an Easter Egg Hunt after worship on Easter Sunday. We will ask for prefilled eggs as a donation for this.
Because of the Pastor's Party, Confirmation class will be rescheduled to March 8 at 8:30 am.
Diane Phillips attended first Council meeting. All remains fine with this committee.
Next meeting is scheduled Wednesday, April 8 at 6 pm. Respectfully submitted with God's blessings, Samm Racich
Pachaug Ladies Fellowship
All are welcome to hear Ryan Aubin, the Director of the Griswold Youth & Family Services share their past accomplishments and his aspirations for the future! Please join the Ladies Fellowship on Tuesday, April 21st, at 7:00 at the church!
Child Care List April 5 through July 26, 2015
April 5 – No Child Care Easter Sunday
April 12 - Samm Racich 860-546-6425
Danny Rogers 860-376-9796
April 19 - Valerie King 860-376-3850
Danielle Longacre 860-376-5837
April 26 - Liz Longacre 860-376-5837
Rebecca Starkey 860-376-5325
May 3 - Ina Macko 860-376-4709
Heidi Sajkowicz 860-376-8035
May 10 - Andrea Charron 860-376-0102
Lindsay Rogers 860-376-9796
May 17 - No Child Care Children's Sunday
May 24 - No Child Care Memorial Day
May 31 - Jen Howe 860-376-1747
Abigail Merchant 860-376-5893
June 7 – Samm Racich 860-546-6425
Rebecca Starkey 860-376-5325
June 14 – Valerie King 860-376-3850
Sam Guillemette 860-376-5813
June 21 – Liz Longacre 860-376-5837
Danny Rogers 860-376-9796
June 28 – Mona Ames 860-203-0855
Ina Macko 860-376-4709
July 5 No Child Care Fourth of July Holiday
July 12 – Andrea Charron 860-376-0702
Lindsay Rogers 860-376-9796
July 19 - Jen Howe 860-376-1747
Abigail Merchant 860-376-5893
July 26 - Samm Racich 860-546-6425
Lindsay Rogers 860-376-9796
Church Life and Growth
First Congregational Church of Griswold presents:
Bicycle “Poker Run”
10 mile ride, 4 checkpoints / rest stops….get a card at each checkpoint, final card at finish….best poker hand wins!! Prizes will be awarded!! Including GPS system!!
Ride begins at 9 am, riders must finish by 12 noon. This is not a race, it is a fun ride! If you will need more time an 8:30 am start option will be offered.
$20 / person…$10 student rate
additional $5 day of registration
Rain or shine
Out and back route beginning and ending at First Congregational Church. The route will be reasonable but we ARE in eastern CT so there will be hills! Children entering must be accompanied / monitored by an adult…under 10 a parent MUST ride and remain with their child!
Online Registration:
CongregationalChurch of Griswold Directory
Phone 860-376-2682
On the WEB:
Mail: 878 Voluntown Road,
Griswold, CT 06351
Pastor Ede Steele
Parsonage 860-376-4342
Deacons: 860...
Linda Merchant 376-3901
Steve Ford-King 376-2004
Nick Waterman 564-6923
Sulma Fuentes 376-5325
Erika Rogers 376-9796
Valerie Grills 376-6275
Moderator Glen Norman 376-3525
Chair of Trustees:
Scott Merchant 860-376-5893
Steeple Editor:
Andrea Charron 376-0102
E-Mail Addresses
First Church:
Web coordinator:
Steeple Editor:
First Congregational Church
Annual Chicken Barbeque
April 18 , 2015
Griswold Volunteer Fire Department
$10.00 Adults
$5.00 Children
See a Fundraising Member for
Take Out Only
First Congregational Church of Griswold
878 Voluntown Road, Griswold
Connecticut 06351-3315
First Congregational Church of Griswold is an Open and Affirming congregation which respects the worth and dignity of all persons who come to our Church family regardless of race, age, marital standing, gender, economic status, mental or physical challenges, nationality or sexual orientation.
Our Church is a member of the United Church of Christ.
No matter who you are, or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here.
878 Voluntown Rd.
Griswold, CT 06351
Phone 860-376-2682, www:firstchurchgriswold.org