Press release

First Complete Compliance with ISO-14119: NewAUX Power Version of AZM 300-AS

Schmersal presents efficient safety solutions for complex machinery at the Motek

Visit Schmersal at Motek in Stuttgart, Germany, from 9 to 12/10/2017: Hall 7, Stand 7103

Wuppertal / Stuttgart, 30 August 2017.The Schmersal Group exhibits innovating safety systems for complete plants and complex machinery at this year’s Motek. These solutions meet essential requirements of Industry 4.0 concepts and can be adapted easily to varying applications. They enable preventive maintenance, increase productivity and efficiency and at the same time ensure a high safety level.

Compliant to ISO-14119: New AUX Power Version of AZM 300-AS

The new AUX variant of the AZM 300 AS, a solenoid interlock with integrated AS-i-Safety-at-Work interface, achieves the highest safety level PL e with the safe two-channel release function. Therefore, it is worldwide the first AS-I solenoid interlock which meets all user requirements of the ISO 14119 standard. Thanks to the integrated RFID technology AZM300-AS achieves the coding level ‘high’ thus ensuring a high protection against manipulation according to ISO 14119. Apart from the AUX power version the AZM300 solenoid interlock is also available in the AS-i power variant.

The fieldbus standard AS-i is used to connect non-safe as well as safe switches, sensors and interlocks in a simple and cost-effective way. AS-i safety solutions therefore offer a variety of diagnosis options and enable an early fault detection for instance. This is an important feature in terms of preventive maintenance and industry 4.0. AS-I-Safety-at-Work also allows for individually scalable safety solutions for different machine sizes with simple and fast assembly.

The Schmersal Group expands its AS-i program continuously, offering a very comprehensive range of safety components with AS-i interface.

Schmersal Safety installation systems

The new Schmersal Safety Installation Systems support users in their use of series connection of different safety switching devices such as safety sensors and solenoid interlocks within larger safety functions and enable simple, failsafe and cost-optimized wiring solutions. With the new installation systems PDM and PFB, largersystems can be constructed thanks to the cascading

capability. Wire cross sections of up to 1.5 mm² reducevoltage drops in the supply cables. The internal autoresetfuses for each safety interlock saves the mandatedindividual fuse when the wire cross section is reduced.

Passive installation systems can be equipped with a serial diagnosis (SD) interface to transmit non-safe data. Safety sensors and solenoid interlocks in a series connection equipped with SD interface can transmit comprehensive diagnosis data via SD gateway and a fieldbus to a control system, and data is visualized. The evaluation of non-safe diagnosis data by the control system allows for a preventive maintenance. Maintenance costs are therefore kept to a minimum by adapting maintenance cycle to the requirements.

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The new AUX variant of AZM300 AS is worldwide the first solenoid interlock with integrated AS-i safety interface which meets all customer requirements of ISO 14119

Press contact

Sylvia Blömker

Tel.: +49 0202 6474-895

K.A. Schmersal GmbH & Co. KG

Möddinghofe 30

42279 Wuppertal, Germany

About the Schmersal Group

In the demanding field of machine safety the Schmersal Group is one of the international market and competence leaders. Based on more than 25,000 different switching devices, the corporate group offers system solutions for the safety of man and machine. The company was founded in 1945 and is represented by seven manufacturing sites on three continents with its own companies and sales partners in more than 60 nations. The Schmersal Group employs some 1750 people worldwide and generated a group turnover in 2016 of approx. € 215 million.