Reviewed policy shared with staff on: Autumn Term 2011
Policy to be reviewed again on: Autumn Term 2012
Committee responsible for review: School Business Committee
Please note: “Executive Headteacher” hereinafter referred to as “Headteacher”
First Aid Policy
Willow Dene School will comply with the requirements of the Health and Safety (First aid) Regulations 1981 and the Health and Safety Commission’s Approved Code of Practice and Guidance. The extent of the provision will be based on risk assessment.
The aim of first aid is to reduce the effects of injury or illness suffered at work, either caused by the work itself or by some other factor. It also provides treatment for minor injuries that would otherwise receive no treatment at all.
There will be sufficient first-aid personnel and facilities to:
- give immediate assistance to casualties with common injuries or illness and those likely to arise from specific hazards at work;
- summon an ambulance or other professional help if required.
The first-aid requirements of staff and pupils located off site during the school day and anyone who working outside normal hours will also be provided for.
Non-employees do not have the right to first aid, but the only way to discharge the overall duty of care is to make some first aid provision. It will therefore be ensured that there is adequate cover.
First Aid Guidelines
Appointed Person
- to summon help in the event of an incident and to give assistant until the arrival of the trained first aider;
- to ensure suitable first aid provision across the School;
- to ensure first aiders receive continuing training;
- to keep other staff informed by displaying first-aid notices. These should be clear and easily understood by all employees, and should comply with the Health & Safety (Safety signs and Signals) Regulations 1996;
- to keep up to date with the latest best practice in first aid.
First Aid Provision
The first-aid provision for each Key Stage site is:
- KS1 and KS2 have at least two qualified first aiders. Details of the current first aiders are shown in Appendix A;
- a readily accessible first aid box in each classroom and additional areas as identified in Appendix B;
- the first aid box to be suitably stocked as identified in Appendix C;
- information for employees on first-aid arrangements.
- All Foundation stage groups have paediatric first aiders who accompany them on external visits.
The first aid provision for staff and students temporarily off site is:
- travelling first aid kits are provided to be used when off site if alternative sources are not provided on the transport used. These are held in each key stage (Foundation – classes, KS1 – outside the deputy head’s office, KS2 – outside the Headteacher’s office.
Medical staff based at the school do not provide first aid treatment.
Basic first aid training is also provided to all staff members. This is achieved by having regular INSET (updated every 3 years) in the form of a 1 day course provided by accredited first aid trainers.
First Aider Responsibilities
- to provide first aid treatment in the key stage block for which they are primarily responsible;
- to provide first aid cover to other areas in the absence of the appointed first aider for the other area;
- to ensure that all first aid boxes and travelling first aid kits are fully stocked in their area of responsibility according to the contents described in Appendix C;
- to maintain additional stocks for the key stage block in order to immediately replenish used items;
- to perform a check of the boxes and kits at least once each half term;
- to inform appointed person of first aid supplies required for their key stage block;
- when necessary contact the Admin Office to call for an ambulance following school procedures as outlined in appendix D, they will then inform the Premises staff so that they are available to open the gates;
- to keep up to date with the latest best practice in first aid.
First Aider Qualifications/Training
- before taking up first-aid duties, a first aider must hold a valid certificate of competence in first aid at work;
- in addition first aiders are also expected to hold emergency first aid for people working with babies and children;
- these certificates are valid for three years, and so refresher training will be provided before the certificate expires. Attendance at a refresher course may occur up to three months before the expiry date of the certificate;
- a record will be maintained of first aiders and their certificate expiry dates.
Appointed Person Qualification/Training
- before taking up appointed persons duties, an appointed person must hold a valid certificate in appointed persons training;
- the certificate is only valid for three years, and so a refresher training will be provided before the certificate expires. Attendance at a refresher course may occur up to three month before the expiry date of the certificate;
- a record will be maintained of appointed persons and their certificate expiry dates.
Recording First-aid Treatment
Records of all first aid cases treated, by first aiders are entered on the first aid accident report form. the Accident Book held in each building.. Standard letters are available for bumps to the head as in Appendix E, these are located with first aid accident report form and should be completed by the first aider and sent home by the class staff.
First-aid rooms
Should it be necessary to carry out the first aid in a separate room, the Medical Room in Foundation may be used. Mains water is available in this room if required for eye baths.
Exclusions for infectious diseases
The school follows guidance from the Health Protection Agency and the nursing team for exclusion periods for infectious diseases. Current reportable diseases are stated in Appendix E. These diseases are reported to the Health Protection Agency by a member of the school admin team on a daily basis.
Appendix A
Current Appointed Persons
Key Stage / Name / Class / Tel Ext / Qualification DateKey Stage 2 / Claire Celisse / Admin / 227 / 12 May 11
Current First Aiders
Key Stage / Name / Class / Tel Ext / Qualification DateFoundation
Key Stage 1 / Tracey Goodwin
Dinah Stone
Colleen Costi
Rose Young
Cathy Sandford-Smith / Primrose
Non-Class based
Non-Class based
Sunflower / 276
272 / November 10
June 10
June 10
October 11
Key Stage 2 / Janet Blowey
Jo Geapin
Lisa Mullender
Maggie Fiveash / Admin
Purple / 224
235 / March 11
February 10
September 09
June 10
Appendix B
Locations of First Aid Boxes
First Aid Boxes / First Aid Box / First Aid BoxDaisy / STEPS 1 / Resources Room/ICT Room
Sunflower / STEPS 2 / Corridor outside the deputy head’s office
Bluebell / Parents Room / Corridor by Rose/ Buttercup toilets (large)
Snowdrop / Training Room / Staff Room
Primrose / Staff Room laundry room – main supplies
Buttercup / Travelling First Aid kit / Minibus – X Reg
Minibus – 08
Poppy / Outside Deputy Head office x6
First Aid Boxes / Travelling First Aid kit / First Aid BoxOrange / Facilities Co-ordinators office x2 / Ballpool
Purple / Resources Room
Lime / Staff Room
Red / Admin Office
Yellow / Food Tech Room
Gold / Lilac/Silver Foyer (large)
First Aid Boxes + Travelling First Aid Kit / Travelling First Aid Kit / First Aid BoxCherry / X4 / Ballpool
Rowan / Resources Room(large)
Willow / Therapists Office
Oak / Office
Premises Office
Appendix C
Contents of first aid boxes and travelling first aid kits
First-aid containers should protect first-aid items from dust and should be stocked only with items useful for giving first- aid. The container should be clearly identifiable, marked with a white cross on a green background.
Boxes and kits should contain sufficient quantities of each item and nothing else. Used items must be disposed of as clinical waste.
Tablets, medicines, cotton wool should not be kept in first-aid containers.
Contents / QuantityStandard Box / Large Box
Guidance card/leaflet / 1 / 1
Plasters (assorted sizes) appropriate to the type of work (blue dressings in the Food Tech box for food handlers) / 15 / 30
Medium sized individually wrapped sterile unmedicated wound dressings (bandages) - approximately 12cm x 12cm / 2 / 5
Large sterile individually wrapped sterile unmedicated wound dressings (bandages)- approximately 18cm x 18cm / 2 / 5
Sterile eye pads / 2 / 4
Sterowash / 4 / 8
Individually wrapped triangular bandages (sterile) / 2 / 4
Safety pins / 6 / 12
Steropore individually wrapped adhesive wound dressing – approx 7x6cm / 5 / 10
Gauze swabs / 5 / 10
Individually wrapped moist cleaning wipes (suggested minimum number), must not contain alcohol / 10 / 20
Finger Bandages / 2 / 4
Finger Stall (Food Tech Room only) / 1
Instant Ice Pack / 1 / 2
Dressing Scissors / 1 / 1
Tweezers / 1 / 1
Sick Bag / 1 / 1
Pair of disposable gloves (large non latex) / 1 / 2
Rescusiade Mask / 1 / 2
Reel of Micropoor Tape / 1 / 2
Contents List / 1 / 1
Contents / QuantityGuidance card/leaflet / 1
Plasters (assorted sizes) / 20
Sterile eye pads / 2
Sterowash / 4
Individually wrapped triangular bandages (sterile) / 2
Safety pins / 6
Medium sized individually wrapped sterile unmedicated wound dressings (bandages) - approximately 12cm x 12cm / 3
Large sterile individually wrapped sterile unmedicated wound dressings (bandages)- approximately 18cm x 18cm / 3
Pair of disposable gloves (large non latex) / 2
Steropore individually wrapped adhesive wound dressing – approx 7x6cm / 6
Gauze swabs / 6
Finger bandage / 3
Individually wrapped moist cleaning wipes (suggested minimum number), must not contain alcohol / 10
Reel of Micropor Tape / 1
Dressing Scissors / 1
Tweezers / 1
Sick Bag / 2
Pair of disposable gloves (large non latex) / 2
Contents List / 1
Procedure for sending children home
Should class staff feel that a child is not well enough to be in school the following procedures should be followed before a child is sent home on medical grounds.
contact a first aider, or medical staff if more appropriate, to check the child;
if the first aider/nurse advise that the child should not be in school headteacher, deputy head or assistant head should be contacted to determine the action to be taken. This may be:
-the class teacher or head teacher to contact the parent/carer to let them know their child is unwell and ask them to come to school to collect the child to take home;
-keep the child in class under observation for a period of time, but the class teacher to let the parent/carer know this is happening;
-keep the child in school for the rest of the day, but again the class teacher to phone the parent/carer to let them know their child is unwell;
if the child is being collected let the office know;
the lunchtime bus may be requested to take a child home if the parent/carer is not able to collect them.
contact a first aider, or medical staff if more appropriate, to check the child;
should the first aider/nurse advise that the child requires emergency treatment, headteacher, deputy head or assistant head should be contacted to determine the action to be taken. This may be:
-call an ambulance (the office will make the initial call and then pass the call onto the classroom to provide more detailed information).The class teacher to contact the parents to ask them to meet the child at the hospital. A member of staff will accompany the child and wait until the parents/carers arrive, returning to school once they have arrived;
-in exceptional circumstances a school vehicle or an appropriately insured staff member’s vehicle may be used to take the child to hospital. The class teacher should contact the parents to ask them to meet the child at the hospital. A member of staff (in addition to the driver) will accompany the child and wait until the parents/carers arrive, returning to school once they have arrived.
The following table is intended as a guide only. If you are ever in doubt about a medical matter, professional guidance should be sought.
DISEASE / EXCLUSION PERIODDiarrhoea and/or Vomiting / 48 hours after last bout of vomiting and/or diarrhoea
Food Poisoning / Until free of symptoms for 48 hours
Hand, Foot and Mouth / The acute stage illness
Hepatitis A / For 7 days from onset of jaundice
Impetigo / Until lesions are crusted or healed
Measles / For 5 days from onset of rash
Mumps / 5 days from onset of swollen glands
Ringworm / Until patient has visited GP for treatment and treatment has begun
Rubella / For 5 days from onset of rash
Scabies / Until day after treatment has commenced
Scarlet Fever / For 5 days from commencing antibiotics
Tuberculosis / For two weeks after treatment has started
Whooping Cough / For 5 days from commencing antibiotic treatment. (Longer if antibiotics not started early).
Guidance taken from School Health Protection Matters - 2004.
Produced in consultation with the school nursing team and South East London Health Protection Team.
The above diseases are reportable to the Health Protection Agency by a member of the school admin team on a daily basis.
Dear Parent/Carer
Date...... Time......
...... was seen by a first aider at school because they bumped their head.
Basic first-aid treatment has been administered by the school and no further treatment was required at the time of the accident. You are advised to monitor your child over the next 24 hours and seek medical attention if they show any of the following symptoms: vomiting, blurred vision, headaches or drowsiness.
Yours sincerely
First Aider(print name)
Assessment of First-Aid Needs Checklist
Assessor’s Name:Claire Celisse
Job Title:Principal Premises Officer
Date of assessment:April 2012
Premises/Service area covered:Willow Dene School
Aspects to consider / Response / Impact on first-aid provisionWhat are the risks of injury and ill-health arising from the work as identified in your risk assessment? / Playground accidents.
Injuries due to challenging behaviour of some pupils. / 9 first aiders, 3 in KS1, 5 in KS2 and 1 in Foundation and 1 appointed person. Basic training for all staff members (every 3 years)
Are there any specific risks e.g. working with dangerous tools or machinery? / Challenging behaviour of some pupils.
Premises staff carrying out maintenance tasks. / Behaviour Management Policy implemented to reduce occurrences
Premises staff trained in safe use of equipment.
Are there parts of your establishment where different risks can be identified?
e.g. laboratories in schools / Risks are similar in most areas. Exceptions are:
Food Tech Room
Kitchens / Additional items in first aid box provided (blue plasters and finger stall)
Kitchen staff are not school employees and make own first aid provision.
Are large numbers employed on the site? / Employees – 150
Pupils – 150
Non school staff – 30+
Visitors – 10+ daily / 9 first aiders, 3 in KS1, 5 in KS2, 1 in Foundation and 1 appointed person. Basic training for all staff members (every 3 years)
Where do most incidents occur? / Playgrounds
Classrooms / Larger First Aid Boxes provided which are easily accessible from the playgrounds.
First aid boxes provided in each classroom and other rooms used by pupils.
Are there inexperienced workers on site, or people with special health problems? / Pupils with complex medical needs. / Health Authority staff (nurse, nursing assistants, health care workers) are based on site.
Is there shift work or out-of-hours working? / The site is open for Teachers and Premises Staff to work outside normal hours. These times are very variable. / First Aid boxes are available at all times.
Do employees travel away from the main office or work alone? / Staff and pupils engage in a variety of off site activities / Travelling First Aid Kits provided for class based off site activities.
Do employees work at sites occupied by other employers/departments? / Some off site activities, e.g. swimming
Do members of the public visit your premises? / Yes. / The first-aid provision allows for this.
Do you have employees with reading or language difficulties? / None
The number of appointed persons required is: / 1
The number of first-aiders required is: / 4 minimum, 3 additional to provide cover for absences and off site visits
The required number of first-aid boxes is: / 44 – First Aid Boxes
21 – Travelling First Aid Kits
The first-aid boxes are to be located at: / See Appendix B of First Aid Policy and Guidelines document
Are there sufficient facilities currently provided? / Yes
(Low risk establishment)
Is there cover for potential absences? / Yes
Action required: / First Aid Policy and Guidelines:
- agreed by Governors
- disseminated to all members of staff
Target completion date: / June 2010