Mrs. Hall’s Classroom Policies & Procedures

8th Grade Science 2008-2009

Conference & Contact Information

Personal Conference period: 3rd Period – 9:45 am – 10:35 am

Conferences may be scheduled by calling the school at 817-251-5320 or by e-mail.

My e-mail address

My website is:

Tutoring Time

I am here to help students learn, understand, and enjoy science. If students need help at any time outside of the class period please let me know. The following are the set tutoring times, other arrangements for tutoring may be made if needed.

Monday & Thursday Morning: 7:30- 7:45 room C10

Tuesday & Wednesday Morning: 7:30-7:45 room D1

Monday, Tuesday, & Thursday Afternoon: 3:15 – 3:45 room C10 or D1

Wolf Pack Time

Classroom Environment and Goals

It is my goal to assist students in becoming life-long learners. As a class, we will function as a community of learners helping one another and learning together. I want to maintain a classroom environment that is safe for everyone to express ideas, ask questions, discuss problems, and present solutions. To create such an environment, we must all respect one another and take responsibility for our own actions. It is critical that students let me know if they are experiencing problems of any kind.


All work must have the following heading on it:

* First AND Last name

* Date

* Period

* Title of Assignment (unless it is an already titled worksheet or test)

Any work that does not have a name or full heading will not be graded until it is corrected. No name, or incorrectly headed papers will result in an automatic 10 point deduction.


The student needs to obtain the following supplies by Friday September 5, 2008. If the student is going to have a problem obtaining the supplies they need to talk to me as soon as possible.

·  1 inch Binder

·  Set of 5 tab dividers

·  Note book paper for their binder

·  Roll of Paper Towels

Students will need to bring the following items based on their last name by Friday September 5, 2008. These will be collected.

(A-F) 1 package of triple A batteries (M-Q) 4 Sharpies

(G-L) 1 box of zip lock baggies (R-Z) 1 package of triple A batteries

Science Notebook

The student will be required to have a 1 in binder with 5 dividers for their science notebook. The student is to bring this notebook to class with them every day. There will be random binder checks every two weeks. STUDENTS WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO GO TO THEIR LOCKER TO GET THEIR BINDER. This should be done before they go to class. The reference section and warm up section of their binder will be checked during binder checks. When documents are handed out, students will be told if the document should remain in their reference section for notebook checks. Each binder check will count as a Lab grade. If a student continually does not have their binder with them in class, further consequences will apply.

The five sections you must have are:

·  Reference – In this section students will keep important hand outs that they will reference through out the year. These documents will never leave the students binder.

·  Daily Warm Up- In this section the student will keep all daily warm up questions. The student will need to write the date, question and the answer. .

·  Notes- In this section the student will keep all of their notes/handouts for the class.

·  Labs- In this section the student will keep all of their labs.

·  Graded Papers- The student needs to keep all their graded papers for the entire six weeks. They may get rid of their graded papers at the end of the six weeks.

Classroom Expectations: The 3 B’s of Science

·  Be on time & sit in assigned seat

·  Be prepared to learn & bring all supplies to class

·  Be respectful in language and actions

Consequences for Inappropriate Behavior

My expectation is that all students will abide by classroom, school, and district policies at all times. Should a student choose to violate these policies, the following consequences will apply:

·  1st offense: Students are allowed one offense with a simple warning.

·  2nd offense: Student will serve a detention. The parent/guardian will be called or e-mailed and must sign the detention slip.

·  3rd offense: Student will receive a second detention. The parent/guardian will be called or e-mailed and must sign the detention slip. Conduct grade will become Satisfactory.

·  4th offense: Student will receive an office referral for a Saturday School and a parent conference will be held.

·  5th offense: Student will receive an office referral that could result in Saturday School or ISS. Conduct grade will become Needs Improvement.

·  Further violations during a single grading period, or a single severe violation, student will receive an office referral. Conduct grade will become Unsatisfactory.

Grading Policies

Homework: 25%

Lab: 35%

Evaluations: 40%

Classroom Procedures

·  All assignments are written on the board each day and on the weekly assignment calendar each Monday.

·  Test and projects will be listed on the monthly calendar posted in the classroom. This allows students to easily plan ahead for homework, long-term projects, and complete assignments missed due to an absence.

·  Students will be expected to write all homework assignments in their school planner.

·  Students are expected to begin working on the warm up activity as soon as class begins. These activities are designed to engage the student in the type of thinking needed for that class period.

·  Students are responsible for turning in all assignments on the assigned due date. Assignments are to be place in the appropriate black tray for their class period.

There is a five-minute passing period between each class. This allows an opportunity to go to the locker, get a drink, and take a restroom break. Students should use time wisely. Class time will not be used for these purposes. Gum, candy, drinks, or food items are not allowed in the hallways, and therefore, will not be allowed in the classroom. Bottled water is allowed in the classroom.


o  We will be using the performance and accountability, P & A, system for homework this year. If your child had Mr. Dunn for 6th grade science then you should be familiar with this system.

o  Below is a brief explanation of the P & A system. A more detailed explanation is included in my homework letter.

o  Every student starts with an “A” or 100 for their P&A grade. Five points are deducted from the P&A grade each time a homework assignment is not turned in on the day it is due, or when an assignment is not completed satisfactorily (below 70% is unsatisfactory).

o  Homework is to be out on your desk where I can see it as soon as you are seated in class. I will come around and check it as you work on your warm up. If it is not out on your desk when I come around to check it, I will assume you do not have your homework, and it is then late.

Late Work - Homework

Five points are deducted from the P&A grade each time a homework assignment is not turned in on the day it is due, or when an assignment is not completed satisfactorily (below 70% is unsatisfactory). One point will be deducted from the assignment if it is turned in late ONLY on the same day it was due, three points if it’s turned in the following day. Any homework not turned in the day after it’s due looses the full five points and cannot be made up. Late assignments are to be placed in the clear tray labeled 8th grade late work located on the table in the front of the room. The paper must have “LATE” written at the top.

Late Work – Labs/Projects

Labs & projects will be accepted one day late for a 30 % deduction. Late labs/projects are to be placed in the clear tray labeled 8th grade late work located on the table in the front of the room. The paper must have “LATE” written at the top.

Make-up Work

It is the student’s responsibility to come to me to get their make up work and schedule a time to take any tests that they missed. The following is a breakdown of how long the student will have to complete each type of assignment missed.

Daily Assignments: All make-up daily assignments must be turned in within

3 days of the student returning to school.

Labs: If the student misses a lab he /she will be given an alternate assignment to

complete. The alternate assignment is due within one week of

the student returning to school.

Evaluations: All test and quizzes must be made up within one week

of the student returning to school.

Make up work should be turned into clear tray labeled 8th grade make up work located on the table in the front of the room. The paper should be labeled “MAKE UP” at the top.

Family and Student Access System

For parents using the Family Access System, the homework grade will be updated by Sunday night each week. The test, lab and project grades will be entered as they are graded.

Extra Credit / Bonus Opportunities

Students who bring printed copies of their current grade with a parent signature on Mondays (or the first day of the week) will receive 5 extra credit homework points each time. Students may print off their current grades using the skyward family access program. If a student needs assistance printing the report they may come by my room before or afterschool to get help.

Box Top$ for Education

The CTMS science department collects Box Top$ for Education. The science department sends off to earn CTMS’S science department money to help buy lab equipment and supplies. We will be having competitions between class periods to see which class period can collect the most box tops each six weeks. The prizes for the winning class period will vary each six weeks. If you have any questions about the box tops please go to . This site has lists of all participating box top products and money saving coupons to purchase box top participating products.

Classroom Policies & Procedures Agreement

Please sign and return this page by Friday August 29, 2008 for a daily completion grade. Please place the classroom policies and procedures in the reference section of your Science Notebook.

We have read, understand, and discussed Mrs. Hall’s Classroom Policies & Procedures.


Student’s Legible Signature Date


Parent’s/Guardian’s Signature Date

Student’s Printed Name:______

Parent’s/Guardian’s Printed Names: ______

Parent’s/Guardian’s E-mail Address: ______

Parent’s/Guardian’s Phone Number: ______

Parent’s Guardian’s Preferred method of contact phone e-mail