FIP-Related MA Question and Answer Grid
BEM 105, Medicaid Overview1. / Who can receive MA under the FIP-related categories?
2. / What is the difference between Group 1 & Group 2?
3. / Which MA category is usually the most beneficial for families?
4. / Which MA category is usually the most beneficial for children under age 19?
BAM 115, Application Processing
5. / What is the Standards of Promptness for FIP-Related MA?
6. / What application can be used instead of the DHS-1171 to apply for MIChild and all Other Healthy Kids MA Categories?
7. / Is an interview required before opening MA?
8. / When is Retro MA coverage available?
9. / What application is used to apply for retro MA?
10. / How is all Healthy Kids Retro MA Eligibility determined?
BEM 110, Low Income Family MA (LIF)
11. / Who is considered a dependent child?
12. / Who are the mandatory group members?
13. / What is the result when the applicant refuses to provide information of a mandatory group member? / Refusal of any of the above to apply causes LIF ineligibility for all of the others. (pg.5)
14. / Who is excluded from the LIF applicant group?
15. / Who are LIF optional group members?
16. / How can groups with no children be eligible for LIF?
17. / What manual “table” shows the LIF income limits?
18. / Does income have to be verified for LIF?
19. / Is there an asset test for LIF? If so, what is the asset limit?
BEM 111, Transitional MA (TMA)
20. / Can a client receive TMA at initial MA case opening?
21. / How can someone be eligible for TMA?
22. / Once eligible for TMA, how long does eligibility continue?
BEM 113, Special N Support (SNS)
23. / What are the 3 criteria of eligibility?
24. / How long is the certification period?
BEM 647, TMA Plus (TMAP)
25. / Who is this category available to?
26. / Is there an asset test?
27. / What is the income limit?
28. / How much is the monthly premium payment for each individual that wants TMAP?
BEM 211, MA Group Composition (non-LIF)
29. / Who is considered a dependent child?
30. / Who is in a child’s fiscal group for FIP-Related MA?
31. / Who is in an adult’s fiscal group for FIP-Related MA?
BEM 131, Other Healthy Kids (OHK)
32. / What is the age limit for this category?
33. / What is the income limit?
34. / Does income have to be verified for OHK?
35. / What manual “table” shows the OHK income limits?
36. / Is there an asset test for OHK?
37. / What are the 4 reasons eligibility can end before the next redetermination?
BEM 655, MiChild
38. / Who is eligible for this coverage?
39. / Who determines eligibility for this program?
40. / When does eligibility begin?
BEM 145, Newborns
41. / When is a newborn automatically eligible?
42. / Is a new application required before authorizing MA?
43. / What form may you receive to indicate birth of a child?
BEM 129, Healthy Kids Under Age 1 (HK1)
44. / For whom is this MA category available?
45. / What is the income limit?
46. / Does income have to be verified for OHK?
47. / What manual “table” shows the OHK income limits?
48. / Is there an asset test for HK1?
BEM 125, Healthy Kids Pregnant Women (HKP)
49. / What is the Eligibility Period?
50. / What is the income limit?
51. / Does income have to be verified for HKP?
52. / What manual “table” shows the OHK income limits?
53. / Is there an asset test for HKP?
54. / Do we count the parental income of the pregnant woman?
BEM 126, Group 2 Pregnant Women (G2P)
55. / For whom is this MA category available?
56. / What manual “table” shows the G2P income limits?
57. / Does income have to be verified for G2P?
58. / Is there an asset test for G2P?
59. / For whom is the postpartum extension of MA available?
BEM 132, Group 2 Under 21 (G2U)
60. / For whom is this MA category available?
61. / What manual “table” shows the G2U income limits?
62. / Does income have to be verified for G2U?
63. / Is there an asset test for G2U? If so, what is the asset limit?
BEM 135, Group 2 Caretaker Relatives (G2C)
64. / For whom is this category available?
65. / Who is considered a Caretaker Relative?
66. / What manual “table” shows the G2C income limits?
67. / Does income have to be verified for G2C?
68. / Is there an asset test for G2C? If so, what is the asset limit?
69. / Who is a Specified Relative?