
Find the answer to the following question in the sample below.

1. This research in Sample #1 would need a ______IRB Form.

  1. Request for Exemption
  2. Expedited Review
  3. Full Review

Model Sample #1

A science teacher at Johnson High School conducted a study to assess students’ English language and science content levels after participating in a course in which the English Language Development standards might have been integrated. The research consisted of evaluating archived standardized test data, teacher reflections on classroom discussions, and a short survey given to students in Sheltered Earth/Space and Sheltered Biology courses. The participants were asked to participate in the study because they attend one of the sheltered Earth Space science classes in the High School District. The participating students were asked to participate in a class discussion conducted by the teacher who asked questions about the student’s experiences with embedding the English Language Development standards into the science curriculum. The participating students were also asked to fill out a survey reflecting on their education in the sheltered science program with or without the explicit development of the English language.


. Sample #1 qualifies for a Request for Exemption because it qualifies for exemption under two (2) categories:

1. Research conducted in established educational settings, involving normal educational practices* such as:
- research on regular and special education instructional strategies - research on the effectiveness of or the comparison among instructional techniques, curricula, or classroom management methods.

2. Archival research of existing data. Research records are either publicly available or all identifying information has been removed.
The research does NOT include any of the following:

  • Research participants belong to a vulnerable population (e.g., children under 18 years of age if studied outside normal classroom settings, prisoners, hospitalized or institutionalized populations, senior citizens, economically or educationally disadvantaged individuals, mentally or physically ill patients, fetuses, pregnant women).
  • Research deals with sensitive topics (i.e., those dealing with behaviors, which, if publicly disclosed, could be damaging to research participants or place them at risk of criminal or civil liability, be socially stigmatizing, or influence employability, insurability or access to services).
  • Research participants may experience some physical or mental stress, discomfort, or harm.
  • Research will audiotape, videotape or photograph participants.
  • Data can be linked to an individual subject either through a subject name or coding system.

Research will use identifiable samples of individual participants’ data or responses in a publication or presentation of this research