TKAM Project
Hernandez, May 14 & 15, 2014
- Find a topic of historical significance and related to TKAM. (5 points)
- Consider a person, a movement, a city, a moment, a law/policy, a court case, a social element of the time- fashion, music, sports, kids’ games, slang
- You MUST get your topic approved!
- Research your topic
- You must use at least FIVE sources.
- Try to use different sources: book, image, interview, tv show, movie, article, etc.
- Take notes as you do your research
- Notes should focus on three elements: what your topic is, what it says about the time, how it connects to TKAM
- Create a WORKS CITED in MLA format(25 points)
- Go to the Purdue Owl website for instructions
- Use the Citation Machines available to you
- Double check they are correct!
- Create a Power Point, a Poster, a Speech, a Prezi, or a Video to share your research information (25 points)
- I am looking for verbal information that is well planned, organized, and articulate.
- I expect some type of visual that addresses the three parts of your research
- In addition to implications for the future: what does all of this say about our paradigms?
- Present your work
- You will have 5 minutes to present.
- I will deduct 10% if you go over/under time outside of a :30 “safe zone.”
- Your time includes set-up.
- Please dress appropriately for your presentation.
This project will be completed working in groups of 2. Thank you.
TKAM Project Works Cited Rubric
CATEGORY / 4 pts - Excellent / 3 pts -Proficient / 2 pts - Below Basic / 1 pt - Far Below Basic / Score
Style / 12 pt. font,
Times New Roman, double spaced, hanging indent,
1" margins,
header w/ pagination, and "Works Cited" centered / _2__ or _3__ elements missing or incorrectly done / __4_ or _5__ elements missing or incorrectly done / __6_ or more elements missing or incorrectly done
Formatting / All citation information is present and in the correct sequence. / __2__ pieces of citation information are missing or in the wrong sequence. / ___3__ pieces of citation information are missing or in the wrong sequence. / ___4__ pieces of citation information are missing or in the wrong sequence
Capitalization & Punctuation / No errors in capitalization or punctuation, so the cited source is exceptionally easy to read / __2_ or _3__ errors
in capitalization or punctuation, but the cited source is still easy to read / _4__or _5__ errors in capitalization or punctuation that catch the reader's attention and interrupt the flow. / __6_ or more errors in capitalization or punctuation that catch the reader's attention and greatly interrupt the flow.
Sequencing of Cited Sources / Entries are placed in alphabetical order / 1 entry is not placed in alphabetical order / 2 entries are not placed in alphabetical order / 3 or more entries are not placed in alphabetical order
Number of Sources / Works cited includes _5__ or more citations / Works cited includes _4_ citations / Works cited includes _3_ citations / Works cited includes _2_ or fewer correct citations
Variety of Sources / Works cited includes a variety of sources (i.e. book, encyclopedia, databases, internet, images and interview) / Works cited includes at least _4_ different sources / Works cited includes at least _3_ different sources / Works cited includes _2_ or fewer different sources
Authority / All sources appear credible. / __1_ or 2__ sources are not appropriate for research. / _3_ or _4_ sources are not appropriate for research. / _5_ or more sources are not appropriate for research.
/ Topic /
/ /25Visual Aid
4 / 3 / 2 / 1
if printed text:
- informative
- all info is relevant
- presents oral info in a visual manner
- presents oral info in a visual manner
- visual(s) relevant to topic
- enough visuals used to demonstrate
- creatively presented the content
- info is informative but important points seem to be missing
- contains little irrelevant info
- visual(s) somewhat relevant to topic but off in places
- need a couple more visuals for clarity
- missed some obvious chances to be creative
- much info presented is irrelevant
- put in way too much text
- seems copied from text
- visual(s) relevant to topic, but it’s a bit of a stretch
- used too many visuals, distracted from oral language
- creativity needed in a few areas
- not informative
- inappropriate info chosen
- visual(s) not relevant to topic
- need more visuals, not enough used
- typical visual presentation, lacks creativity
4 / 3 / 2 / 1
if printed text:
- all letters large enough
- color stands out
- spacing is even & looks nice
- large enough for all to see
- most letters good size
- more color needed
- spacing uneven in places
- some places hard to read
- large enough for most to see—walked around to show everyone
- many places hard to read
- many letters too small
- color distracts
- too much white space
- many parts too light
- large enough for only a few to see—needed to walk around more for all to see it
- too small
- crowded together
- no color
- way to light
- too small
Interaction with visual aid
4 / 3 / 2 / 1
- referred to it when appropriate
- its presence did not distract from message
- time when it should have been referred to
- distracted audience at times due to incomplete explanations
- lack of referring to it in many places
- audience absorbed by aid rather than message
- never referred to it, just sat there
- forgot to put up the aid
Eye Contact with Visual Aid & Audience
4 / 3 / 2 / 1
- only glanced at aid & notes
- look at audience at the right times
- looks at aid or notes a bit too much
- needed more audience contact
- looked at aid or notes
- hardly ever looked at audience
- looked only at aid or notes
- didn’t even look at audience