Find a Topic of Historical Significance and Related to TKAM. (5 Points)

Find a Topic of Historical Significance and Related to TKAM. (5 Points)

TKAM Project

Hernandez, May 14 & 15, 2014

  1. Find a topic of historical significance and related to TKAM. (5 points)
  2. Consider a person, a movement, a city, a moment, a law/policy, a court case, a social element of the time- fashion, music, sports, kids’ games, slang
  3. You MUST get your topic approved!
  4. Research your topic
  6. You must use at least FIVE sources.
  7. Try to use different sources: book, image, interview, tv show, movie, article, etc.
  8. Take notes as you do your research
  9. Notes should focus on three elements: what your topic is, what it says about the time, how it connects to TKAM
  10. Create a WORKS CITED in MLA format(25 points)
  11. Go to the Purdue Owl website for instructions
  12. Use the Citation Machines available to you
  13. Double check they are correct!
  14. Create a Power Point, a Poster, a Speech, a Prezi, or a Video to share your research information (25 points)
  15. I am looking for verbal information that is well planned, organized, and articulate.
  16. I expect some type of visual that addresses the three parts of your research
  17. In addition to implications for the future: what does all of this say about our paradigms?
  18. Present your work
  19. You will have 5 minutes to present.
  20. I will deduct 10% if you go over/under time outside of a :30 “safe zone.”
  21. Your time includes set-up.
  22. Please dress appropriately for your presentation.

This project will be completed working in groups of 2. Thank you.

TKAM Project Works Cited Rubric

CATEGORY / 4 pts - Excellent / 3 pts -
Proficient / 2 pts - Below Basic / 1 pt - Far Below Basic / Score
Style / 12 pt. font,
Times New Roman, double spaced, hanging indent,
1" margins,
header w/ pagination, and "Works Cited" centered / _2__ or _3__ elements missing or incorrectly done / __4_ or _5__ elements missing or incorrectly done / __6_ or more elements missing or incorrectly done
Formatting / All citation information is present and in the correct sequence. / __2__ pieces of citation information are missing or in the wrong sequence. / ___3__ pieces of citation information are missing or in the wrong sequence. / ___4__ pieces of citation information are missing or in the wrong sequence
Capitalization & Punctuation / No errors in capitalization or punctuation, so the cited source is exceptionally easy to read / __2_ or _3__ errors
in capitalization or punctuation, but the cited source is still easy to read / _4__or _5__ errors in capitalization or punctuation that catch the reader's attention and interrupt the flow. / __6_ or more errors in capitalization or punctuation that catch the reader's attention and greatly interrupt the flow.
Sequencing of Cited Sources / Entries are placed in alphabetical order / 1 entry is not placed in alphabetical order / 2 entries are not placed in alphabetical order / 3 or more entries are not placed in alphabetical order
Number of Sources / Works cited includes _5__ or more citations / Works cited includes _4_ citations / Works cited includes _3_ citations / Works cited includes _2_ or fewer correct citations
Variety of Sources / Works cited includes a variety of sources (i.e. book, encyclopedia, databases, internet, images and interview) / Works cited includes at least _4_ different sources / Works cited includes at least _3_ different sources / Works cited includes _2_ or fewer different sources
Authority / All sources appear credible. / __1_ or 2__ sources are not appropriate for research. / _3_ or _4_ sources are not appropriate for research. / _5_ or more sources are not appropriate for research.
/ Topic /


/ /25
Visual Aid
4 / 3 / 2 / 1
if printed text:
  • informative
  • all info is relevant
  • presents oral info in a visual manner
if other type: (not text)
  • presents oral info in a visual manner
  • visual(s) relevant to topic
  • enough visuals used to demonstrate
  • creatively presented the content
/ if printed text:
  • info is informative but important points seem to be missing
  • contains little irrelevant info
if other type: (not text)
  • visual(s) somewhat relevant to topic but off in places
  • need a couple more visuals for clarity
  • missed some obvious chances to be creative
/ if printed text:
  • much info presented is irrelevant
  • put in way too much text
  • seems copied from text
if other type: (not text)
  • visual(s) relevant to topic, but it’s a bit of a stretch
  • used too many visuals, distracted from oral language
  • creativity needed in a few areas
/ if printed text:
  • not informative
  • inappropriate info chosen
if other type: (not text)
  • visual(s) not relevant to topic
  • need more visuals, not enough used
  • typical visual presentation, lacks creativity

4 / 3 / 2 / 1
if printed text:
  • all letters large enough
  • color stands out
  • spacing is even & looks nice
if an object or model (not text)
  • large enough for all to see
/ if printed text:
  • most letters good size
  • more color needed
  • spacing uneven in places
  • some places hard to read
if an object or model (not text)
  • large enough for most to see—walked around to show everyone
/ if printed text:
  • many places hard to read
  • many letters too small
  • color distracts
  • too much white space
  • many parts too light
if an object or model (not text)
  • large enough for only a few to see—needed to walk around more for all to see it
/ if printed text:
  • too small
  • crowded together
  • no color
  • way to light
if an object or model (not text)
  • too small

Interaction with visual aid
4 / 3 / 2 / 1
  • referred to it when appropriate
  • its presence did not distract from message
  • time when it should have been referred to
  • distracted audience at times due to incomplete explanations
  • lack of referring to it in many places
  • audience absorbed by aid rather than message
  • never referred to it, just sat there
  • forgot to put up the aid

Eye Contact with Visual Aid & Audience
4 / 3 / 2 / 1
  • only glanced at aid & notes
  • look at audience at the right times
  • looks at aid or notes a bit too much
  • needed more audience contact
  • looked at aid or notes
  • hardly ever looked at audience
  • looked only at aid or notes
  • didn’t even look at audience