Find a Collaborator: Research MatchMaker / Find a Researcher / NSF CREATIV grants
Collaborative research is becoming ever more popular, as it is well known to provide interesting opportunities for creative exchange, enhance the chance of funding success, and increase publications and research productivity.
The National Science Foundation (NSF) recently announced a program specifically designed for collaborative, creative research. The NSF CREATIV program will fund projects across multiple NSF directorates for up to $1M. Short (3page) proposals can be submitted to NSF any time up to June 1, 2012 for the current solicitation. See the announcement:
and the CREATIV page
Mark your Calendar for Feb 14 Valentines’ Day from 3:30 – 4:30 in MEB 3235 for a CREATIV MatchMaking Event:
Clinical Research + College of Engineering + College of Science
The Colleges of Engineering and Science are hosting a Research MatchMaker opportunity with the Center for Clinical and Translational Sciences (CCTS, medical) community on Valentine’s Day, Feb 14, from 3:30-4:30 in the ECE Conference Room (MEB 3235). Dr. Carrie Byington, H.A. and Edna Benning Presidential Professor of Pediatrics Vice Chair Research Enterprise, will give a 10-15 minute presentation for faculty on the research and collaborative opportunities available in the CCTS program. We then invite faculty who are interested in collaborating with clinical researchers to (very) briefly describe their work or idea for which they might like to find a clinical collaborator. This is meant to be just a short snapshot introduction, 3 minutes (an ‘elevator pitch’), highlighting the research or idea. We can accommodate up to 10 faculty for ‘stand up’ introductions. If your presentation is not chosen for stand up introduction, your request will still be given to Dr. Byington, who will attempt to suggest potential collaborators off line. Please send 1 (yes, ONE) power point file describing your research to with a subject line something like ‘Electrical Engineer seeks Pediatric Neurologist’.
If you are interested in finding a collaborator for this or other projects, there are several ways to do this:
1)Find a Researcher (Website ) This site allows you to search the UofU FAR data base for any word describing the research you are interested in. If that word or words appears in someone’s FAR, they will appear on your list of potential collaborators. (If you want to be better found, update your FAR research interest to include any words you think someone might search to find you. This can be done at
2)Research MatchMaker: Contact a College Research Dean. Your research deans have a good awareness of the research done in their college, and can often put you in contact with a researcher near your interest. Contact your research dean and the research dean in the college where you wish to collaborate. A list of research deans can be found at the bottom of this page:
3)If you would like to host a similar event in your college, contact your research dean. The VP for Research Office will be glad to help facilitate opportunities for researchers to meet and make connections.
4)If you have suggestions for other ways to help researchers find collaborators, please email Dr. Cindy Furse, Assoc. VP for Research