
Financial Update

Operating Deficit is “good” because $44,000 was the expected amount. We are $48,000 over and above the offertory budget from last year.

The “Preservation Project” work is complete and everything is paid off

Norm Getz & Ted Hughes were key roles in the Preservation Project (applause from assembly)

Per Lou Bonaiuto we are in “good condition”

The $182,923 in the Preservation Fund is due to donations, pledges & gifts (from bank & Jesuits) prior to the start of the project

The 10-year forecast will include projects such as updating the Ignatius Center’s A/C & Heat units, a new car is needed for Fr. Pat, funds for new Communications Coordinator position.) Per Lou Bonaiuto, “Fundraising is always needed and that it is not a one time thing for restoration.”

Fundraising Committee Report

February 2010 was the “kick off” date for fundraising

The “Sites and Sounds” event was a success - $3,500 raised

The next fundraising event is “Rome Sweet Rome” (raffle). Tickets go on sale June 5th and 6th. Ticket costs are $50 for one ticket and $75 for two tickets. The first place raffle ticket winner will receive a trip to Rome. This includes 5 nights in a hotel and 2 round trip tickets. Estimated value is $9,000. The second place winner will receive a one week vacation in a condo at Myrtle Beach (donated by Ted Hughes). The third place winner will receive a cash award.

Another fundraising event will be “Brew Ha” and will take place on October 3rd in the Wachovia Atrium (tentatively scheduled).

The goal for fundraising is $250,000

Welcoming Committee Update

Fr. Pat has “revamped” the Welcome Letter

Barbara Evans is chairing this committee and Cindy Williams is the co-chair

St. Peter’s receives an average of 5 new members per week

The welcome event in May went well. Some of the ministry heads were there to answer any questions. Eighteen new members attended this event.

The next welcome event will be in September. Volunteers are needed for this event.

Pastor’s Update

Following is a list of changes:

  1. Sunday Mass Schedule Changes:
  2. Saturday - 5:00pm
  3. Sunday - 9:00am, 11:30am, 5:00pm
  4. Effective September 4th and 5th
  5. This change will allow for meetings and education between the Masses on Sunday
  6. Parish Structure:
  7. The Parish Council will reduce to 9 members
  8. A new “Ministry Council” will be established in the fall. The members of this ministry will consist of the ministry heads and their key role is to gather together to discuss each ministry’s role in parish community life, to prevent overlapping and to provide support when needed.
  9. Communication:
  10. A new staff position (part time) has been established - “Communications Coordinator”
  11. This person will be responsible for all communications in the parish, including the website, bulletin & Transparencies.
  12. Hiring process will begin in the Fall
  13. Liturgical Catechesis Committee:
  14. This group will help parishioners have a better understanding of the various Liturgies.
  15. Brief talks will be given during the Liturgy or between Masses
  16. The website will be used to post questions
  17. May 25th will be the first committee meeting
  18. Miscellaneous:
  19. Scott Vitez will now chair the Liturgy Committee
  20. Ronnie Schuette, the parish secretary, will be retiring in December, 2010. Hiring process for this full time position will begin in the Fall.
  21. There will no longer be a 7:30am daily Mass during Advent & Lent as attendance has been very low.

Response to Parish Issues (from February Parish Assembly)

  1. Parking ramp in “The Green” deck is not allowed for pedestrian use. The official parking area is on Level 2 in the blue section. There are 2 elevators for access to the street level. Levels 3 and 4 may also be used when Level 2 is full. Portable signs are being made, to be placed on the street, to notify visitors of parking instructions. A bulletin insert will describe the hazards of using the ramp for pedestrian use.
  2. The access (handicap, locked doors, etc) to Biss Hall has been resolved.
  3. An open forum about St. Peter’s Mission Statement will be discussed during the upcoming Parish Assembly meetings.
  4. The dates for the upcoming Parish Assembly meetings will be determined in the Fall and published in the bulletin and on the parish website.
  5. In regards to recording our liturgical music for fundraising purposes, this is not allowed because most of this music is not part of the public domain. The process for obtaining the copyright to this music is very lengthy and costly.
  6. Biss Hall will now be accessible during Mass for those that need to use the restroom (diaper changing, sickness, etc.) The Ushers have been given instruction on this process for unlocking Biss Hall, escorting the person to the restroom, and then locking up when finished. A bulletin announcement will be made about this process.
  7. Christine Pearson is working on compiling a document of Fr. Joe’s homilies. Audio files of Fr. Pat’s homilies are now available on the website (Homilies button or Pastor’s Corner page). The Parish Assembly minutes will also be available on the website (Parish Council page).
  8. A document and quad-fold of the new artwork has been created by Bob Dunegan (applause from group). It will be submitted to Fr. Pat for approval and then made available to the parish. Kelly Payne is talking to the Ignatian Spirituality group about a retreat based on church art.
  9. Biss Hall will now be available for families that are waiting to have their child baptized after Mass. It can be used as an area for the families to wait and to prepare the child, as opposed to waiting in the back of the church. Clint Hunsche will discuss these procedures with the families.
  10. A standing sign for the hymn numbers will return next to the Cantor’s stand.
  11. A suggestion was made that signs need to be made to instruct visitors on the location of the Nursery, and to inform them that the television monitor in the Narthex is a “live” channel of the Nursery. The Ushers will also inform parents and visitors about the Nursery.
  12. Steve Garbarino is having a sign made to be placed street side to direct visitors where to park.

Open Discussion:

  1. Johnson & Whales has donated the desserts for the events at Irwin Elementary. The president of the college attends St. Peter’s, and Dawn & Michael LaVecchia have made contact with him. J&W offers a complimentary dessert service. The schedule fills up quickly so you have to make arrangements several months in advance.
  2. The members of the Parish Council were asked to stand in order to be recognized by all.
  3. A request was made to have a “meeting room schedule” be posted outside of all meeting rooms.
  4. A request was made to have a “highlights” version of the Parish Assembly meeting in the bulletin, and the full version of the minutes posted on the website.
  5. A request was made in regards to adding benches to the garden. The original design was to include 2 or 3 benches.
  6. There was much discussion in regards to the “joyful noise” made by children during Mass. Comments were made in regards to the location of where parents with children should sit (up front or in the back). A question was posed as to the possibility of broadcasting the Mass in Biss Hall. A “congrats” was given to the Ushers for going “beyond the call of duty” to assist with children that are having a temper tantrum. When a child’s behavior is a disturbance to the congregation the Ushers are urged to inform the parents to remove their child from the congregation and stand behind the glass doors. There was an overwhelming consensus that we are a welcoming parish and must continue to make parents and their children feel welcome during Mass.