Ratio / Formula / What It Means
Liquidity - ability to satisfy short-term debt
Current Ratio / Current Assets
Current Liabilities / Value of liquid assets available to cover short-term debt
Quick Ratio / Current Assets – Inventory
Current Liabilities / Same as current except inventory is not included in liquid assets
Activity – speed with which various accounts are converted into sales or cash
Inventory Turnover / Sales
Average Inventory / How many times during the year the company turns over inventory (reorders)
Average Age of Inventory / 360
Inventory Turnover / How many days goods stay in stock before being sold
Accounts Receivable Turnover / Total Credit Sales
A/R / How quickly customer accounts are paid
Average Collection Period / Accounts Receivable
Sales ÷ 360 / Number of days it takes company to collect from customers
Total Asset Turnover / Sales
Total Assets / How efficiently the company is using its assets to generate sales
Debt Ratios – degree of indebtedness and the ability of the firm to pay debts
Debt Ratio / Total Liabilities
Total Assets / Percentage of firms assets owned by others (creditors).
Times Interest Earned / Operating Income
Interest Expense / How many times a year the company makes enough income to pay interest expenses
Profitability – ability to earn income
Gross Profit Margin / Gross Profit
Sales / Percentage of sales dollar left after goods are purchased
Operating Profit Margin / Operating Profit
Sales / Percentage of sales dollar left after goods are purchased & operating expenses paid
Net Profit Margin / Net Income
Sales / Percentage of sales dollar left after all expenses are deducted
Return on Assets / Net Income
Total Assets / How much money the firm earned from each dollar of asset investment
Return on Equity / Net Income
CS Equity / How much money the firm earned from each dollar of shareholder investment
Market Ratios – relate a firm’s current price in the market to the accounting values
Earnings per Share / Net Income
# CS shares outstanding / Number of dollars earned on behalf of each shareholder.
Price/Earnings (P/E) / Market Price
Earnings per Share / How much money are investors willing to pay for each dollar of a firm’s earnings
Market to Book / Market Price
CS Equity ÷ Issued Shares / How much more investors are willing to pay for stock than the amount listed in the balance sheet


1 - Income Statement


- Cost of Goods Sold

Gross Profit

-  Operating Expenses

Operating Profit

-  Interest Expense

Income before taxes

-  Tax Expense

Net Income

2 - Statement of Retained Earnings

Beginning Retained Earnings

+ Net Income

-  Dividend Payments

Ending Retained Earnings

3 - Balance Sheet

Current Assets

+ Fixed Assets

Total Assets

Current Liabilities

+ Long-Term Liabilities

Total Liabilities

Preferred Stock

+ Common Stock*

+ Paid-In Capital in Excess of Par*

+ Retained Earnings*

Total Stockholders’ Equity

Total Liabilities and S/E

*Component of Common Stock Equity

4 - Cash Flow Statement

Cash Flow from Operations

Net Income

+ Payments from A/R

-  Payments to A/P

-  Cash Flow from Operations

Cash Flow from Investing

Purchase/Sale of Assets

+/- Purchase Sale of Marketable Sec.

Cash Flow from Investing

Cash Flow from Financing

Common Stock Issue/Repurchase

-  Stock Dividends

+/- Bonds Issued/Paid

Cash Flow from Financing

Net Cash Flow