CPM 2008/11
Third Session
Rome, 7 – 11 April 2008
Financial Report 2007 for the Trust Fund for the IPPC
Agenda Item 13.4.2 of the Provisional Agenda
I.Provision of funds and expenditure over 2007
1.In 2007, New Zealand, the Southern African Confederation of Agricultural Unions (SACAU) and the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) made contributions to the Trust Fund for the IPPC. (Other voluntary contributions were made outside the Trust Fund for the IPPC for purposes similar to those that fall within the scope of the Trust Fund for the IPPC.)
2.Details of revenue and expenditure for 2007 of the Trust Fund for the IPPC are provided in Table 1 (annexed). The figures are provisional as at the end November 2007 the USDA contribution of USD 125,000 made in September 2007 was not yet reflected in the FAO accounts.
3.Expenditure from the Trust Fund for the IPPCin its fourth year of operation was less (27%) than in 2006 (as was income, i.e. USD 214,801 plus carry over in 2007, compared to USD 416,712 plus carry over in 2006), but still greater than previous years. Funding was provided to assist developing countries’attendance at CPM-2, and at five of the seven regional workshops on draft ISPMs (two in Africa for French- and English-speaking countries, one in Egypt, one in Chile, and one in Grenada). Financial assistance was also provided by the Trust Fund to assist developing countries’ attendance at the October 2007 meeting of the Standard Committee and the open ended working group on a Possible Compliance Mechanism for the IPPC (Malaysia - September 2007).
4.In the light of the limited resources available to the IPPC for the implementation of the work programme for 2008, members are encouraged to provide substantive contributions to the Trust Fund to enable the goals of the CPM Business Plan to be realised.
5.The CPM is invited to:
- Note the contributions to the Trust Fund for the IPPCas submitted in Table 1.
- Accept the expenditures against the Trust Fund for the IPPC provided in Table 1.
- Thank the Government of New Zealand, the Southern African Confederation of Agricultural Unions and the Government of the United States for their contributions to the Trust Fund for the IPPC.
- Encourage contracting parties to contribute to the Trust Fund for the year 2008.
Table 1: Revenue and estimated expenditures of the Trust Fund for the IPPC (USD)
Date / Activity / Revenue / Exp.2004 / Exp.
2005 / Exp.
2006 / Exp.
2003 / Contribution from New Zealand / 30,413
2004 / Contribution from Canada / 148,706
Contribution from New Zealand / 30,990
2005 / Contribution from New Zealand / 49,361
Contribution from Canada / 163,586
2006 / Contribution from New Zealand / 43,797
Contribution from Canada / 236,165
Contribution from USDA / 136,750
2007 / Contribution from New Zealand / 37,534
Contribution from Canada / 2,914
Contribution from SACAU / 16,850
Contribution from USDA / 125,000
Interest earned / 32,503
2004 -2006 / 1, 054,569 / 22,323 / 168,411 / 335,064
Attendance at CPM-2 / 50,570
Regional workshop on draft ISPMs, Accra (English speaking) / 30,388
Regional workshop on draft ISPMs, Accra (French speaking) / 45,970
Regional workshop on draft ISPMs, Santiago de Chile / 35,906
Regional workshop on draft ISPMs, Grenada / 25,903
Regional workshop on draft ISPMs, Cairo / 16,744
OEWG on a possible compliance mechanism for the IPPC, Kuching, Malaysia / 5,198
Standards Committeeworking group (29/10-2/11/2007) and SC (5-9/11/2007) / 18,186
Support cost 6% / 13,732
Total / 1,054,569 / 22,323 / 168,411 / 335,064 / 242,597
Available funds to carry over to 2008:
USD 1,054,569 – (22,323 + 168,411 + 335,064 + 242,597) = 286,174