Reading and Understanding FRS Departmental Reports and Screens

Version 1.12

Systems Coordination

Who to contact for assistance

Layla Floyd, 4656

Anne Suggs, 2663

Help may also be obtained by pressing (F2) on any FRS Field Value.

What is the Financial Records System?

The Financial Records System (FRS) is an accounting system designed to track financial transactions and to provide timely and accurate information to departments. Types of information available through the FRS system include:

  1. Budget balances allocated and available at any point in time.
  1. Types and amounts of charges made to an account, including source of charge, date of charge, and other relevant information.
  1. Types and amounts of revenues received in an account, including references indicating source of revenue, date credited and other relevant information.
  1. Status of requisitions including detailed information.
  1. Status of purchase orders issued, amount liquidated against a particular purchase order and the amount still encumbered, with detailed information explaining what caused changes in the status of a purchase order.

Specific Questions Answered by FRS

006 Six Digit SL

Who is responsible for this account? (Responsible Person)

Where is the responsible person located?

  • What is the budget code associated with this account?
  • What is the purpose code associated with this account?

019 List 6 Digit SL

  • What is my revised budget by OBJT code?
  • What are my current expenditure totals by OBJT code?
  • What is encumbered by OBJT code?
  • What is my available budget by OBJT code? (Updated real-time from purchasing)

020 List 10 Digit SL -OC

  • What is my budget for a 10-digit SL?
  • What are my actual expenditures for a 10-digit SL?
  • What are my current encumbrances for a 10-digit SL?
  • What is available in this 10-digit SL?
  • How can I see a list of encumbrances with current status by 10-digit SL?

021 List OC File

  • How can I see a list of encumbrances with current status by 10-digit SL without seeing all of the budget information?

027 OC Inquiry By REF.

  • How can I find the vendor on an Open Commitment if I have the reference number?
  • How can I find the account number on an Open Commitment if I have the reference number?
  • How can I find the date that an Open Commitment was created if I have the Reference Number?
  • How can I find the last activity date that was posted to an Open Commitment if I have the Reference Number?

031 SL Subcode Review

  • How can I see a more complete picture of my balances at the ten-digit account level?
  • How can I tell how the ten-digit account pulls in budget?
  • Where can I check the flags set at the ten-digit account level?

033 SL BBA Display

  • What is the quickest way to see my budget balance available at the ten-digit level?

34 SL REV/EXP Summary

  • How can I see the revenue, expenditure, and profit balances for my account?

039 Trans-Ref2 Inquiry

  • How can I see information like the second part of my FBM090/91?
  • How can I find my balance and the details that make up my balance?
  • What is the Check Number (REF #2)?
  • What do the different transaction codes mean?
  • What does the “I” stand for?

041 10 Digit SL Snapshot

  • What is my Original Budget by 10-digit SL?
  • What is my Revised Budget by 10-digit SL?
  • What are my quarter-to-date or year-to-date balances by 10-digit SL?
  • What is my encumbrance amount by 10-digit SL?
  • What is the date of last activity for this 10-digit SL?

FRS Basics

How to obtain a password

Before signing on to the FRS system, a password must be obtained by completing a request form. The forms are available from the CIS help desk.

Signing on to the system

Step 1: Double-click on your icon that opens ECUMVS. An example of this icon is shown below.

Step 2: Use the tab key to move to the area just after the word Selection. Type an “E” and press the enter key.

Step 3: Enter “s” and then a space and then your user ID (usually your initials followed by a four digit phone number.

Step 4: Type “002” for the FRS system. The cursor will automatically move to “your operator number.” Enter the 4-digit operator number assigned to you. The cursor will automatically move to the area to the right of the “your password”. Enter the password assigned to you for this system. Your initial password is your user ID (your initials followed by four digit telephone number.

  • System Number = ‘002’
  • Your Operator Number = Unique 4-digit # assigned to you (found on User ID Request Form
  • Your Password = Unique # assigned to you (found on User ID Request Form)

Common FRS Functions

Using Screen Numbers

The FRS system is composed of a number of user screens. To access a screen, the screen number is typed in the entry space to the right of “SCREEN:” After pressing the enter key, the system will go to the screen requested.

Obtaining the Main Menu screen

The FRS menu screen provides the primary screen choices. The Main Menu screen can be obtained by typing “001” as the screen number from any screen in FRS.

Exiting the system

Step 1: From the FRS menu, press the pause key or escape key to clear the screen.

Step 2: Finally, type ‘B’ for “bye” and press enter to exit FRS.

Screens Organized by Topic

Find Attribute Information about a GL account

002 Six Digit GLObtain attribute information about a 6 digit GL account number

003 Ten Digit GLObtain attribute information about a 10 digit GL account number

004 GL Building ATTRObtain attribute information about a building funded by a GL

005 GL Grant/Contract ATTRObtain attribute information about a grant or contract GL

Find Attribute Information about a SL account

006 Six Digit GLObtain attribute information about a six digit GL account number

007 Ten Digit SLObtain attribute information about a ten digit GL account number

008 GL Building ATTRObtain attribute information about a building funded by a GL

009 GL Grant/Contract ATTRObtain attribute information about a grant or contract GL

Inquire About a GL Balance

018 List 6 Digit GLObtain the balances of a six digit GL

032 GL By ACCT ControlObtain the balances of a ten digit GL by account control

040 10 Digit GL Snapshot Obtain the balances of a ten digit GL

Inquire About a SL Balance

019 List 6 Digit SL Obtain the balances of a six digit SL

031 SL Subcode ReviewObtain the balances of a ten digit SL by account control

041 10 Digit SL SnapshotObtain the balances of a ten digit SL

034 SL REV/EXP SummaryObtain the revenue, expenditures, and profit balances

Inquire About a SL Budget

022 List SL Budget Data Obtain the budgeted amounts

033 SL BBA DisplayObtain the budget balance available

Inquire About SL Open Commitments

020 List 10 Digit SL-OC Obtain the budget available and list open commitments by 10-digit SL

021 List OC File List all open commitments for the 6-digit SL

Inquire About Transaction Detail

023 Transaction Inquiry Inquire by 6 or 10-digit SL

024 Batch TRANS InquiryInquire by Batch Number

027 OC Inquiry By REF.Inquire by Reference Number

042 OC Record SnapshotInquire by Reference Number and 10-digit SL

039 TRANS/REF-2 InquiryInquire by 6 or 10-digit SL

Screens Organized by Screen Number

(Items discussed in this class are in bold.)

002 Six Digit GLObtain attribute information about a six digit GL account number

003 Ten Digit GLObtain attribute information about a ten digit GL account number

004 GL Building ATTRObtain attribute information about a building funded by a GL

005 GL Grant/Contract ATTRObtain attribute information about a grant or contract GL

006 Six Digit SLObtain attribute information about a six digit GL account number

007 Ten Digit SLObtain attribute information about a ten digit GL account number

008 GL Building ATTRObtain attribute information about a building funded by a GL

009 GL Grant/Contract ATTR Obtain attribute information about a grant or contract GL

018 List 6 Digit GLObtain the balances of a six digit GL

019 List 6 Digit SLObtain the balances of a six digit SL

020 List 10 Digit SL-OC Obtain the budget available and list open commitments by 10-digit SL

021 List OC FileList all open commitments for the 6-digit SL

022 List SL Budget DataObtain the budgeted amounts

023 Transaction Inquiry Inquire by 6 or 10-digit SL

024 Batch TRANS InquiryInquire by Batch Number

027 OC Inquiry By REF.Inquire by Reference Number

031 SL Subcode ReviewObtain the balances of a ten digit SL by account control

032 GL By ACCT ControlObtain the balances of a ten digit GL by account control

033 SL BBA DisplayObtain the budget balance available

034 SL REV/EXP SummaryObtain the revenue, expenditures, and profit balances

039 TRANS/REF-2 InquiryInquire by 6 or 10-digit SL

040 10 Digit GL Snapshot Obtain the balances of a ten digit GL

041 10 Digit SL SnapshotObtain the balances of a ten digit SL

042 OC Record SnapshotInquire by Reference Number and 10-digit SL

006 Six Digit SL

This screen is used to obtain attribute information about a six digit SL account number.

Who is responsible for this account? (Responsible Person)

Where is the responsible person located?

  • What is the budget code associated with this account?
  • What is the purpose code associated with this account?
  • Who authorizes charges for this account?

019 List 6 Digit SL

This screen is used to obtain the balances of a six digit SL by object code.

  • What is my Revised Budget by OBJT code?
  • What are my current expenditure totals by OBJT code?
  • What is encumbered by OBJT code?
  • What is my available budget by OBJT code? (Updated real-time from purchasing)

031 SL Subcode Review

This screen is used to obtain the balances of a ten digit SL by account control.

  • How can I see a more complete picture of my balances at the ten-digit account level?
  • How can I tell how the ten-digit account pulls in budget?
  • Where can I check the flags set at the ten-digit account level?

033 SL BBA Display

This screen is used to obtain the budget balance available.

  • What is the quickest way to see my budget balance available at the ten-digit level?

034 SL REV/EXP Summary

This screen is used to obtain the revenue, expenditures, and profit/loss balances.

  • How can I see the revenue, expenditure, and profit/loss balances for my account?

041 10 Digit SL Snapshot

This screen is used to obtain the balances of a six digit SL by object code.

  • What is my Original Budget by 10-digit SL?
  • What is my Revised Budget by 10-digit SL?
  • What are my quarter-to-date or year-to-date balance by 10-digit SL?
  • What is my encumbrance amount by 10-digit SL?
  • What is the date of last activity for this 10-digit SL?

039 Trans-Ref2 Inquiry

This screen is used to inquire by a six or ten-digit account number.

  • How can I see information like the first part of my FBM090?
  • How can I find my balance and the details that make up my balance?
  • What is the Check Number (REF #2)?
  • What do the different transaction codes mean?


  • The values of I are the following:
  • F = Final
  • D = Debit
  • C = Credit
  • P = Partial
  • N = No-sign (Journal Entry’s)
  • The date is key-entered on manual transactions and may not be the same as when it entered the system. On-line and batch feeds (such as from the POS and A/P Systems) should have batch dates corresponding with the actual processing date.
  • Screen 23 presents the same information except for the ‘Ref #2’ column. (On Screen 23, this field represents the batch reference). Reference #1 can be a requisition number, purchase order number, or any number meaningful to the originator.
  • Reference #2 can be a check number, requisition number, purchase order number, or any number meaningful to the originator.
  • TC refers to the Transaction Codes. See page 21 for a detailed explanation of transaction codes.

CTL refers to the Object Code or Line Item.

027 OC Inquiry By REF.

This screen is used to find open commitments.

  • How can I find the vendor on an Open Commitment if I have the reference number?
  • How can I find the account number on an Open Commitment if I have the reference number?
  • How can I find the date that an Open Commitment was created if I have the Reference Number?
  • How can I find the last activity date that was posted to an Open Commitment if I have the Reference Number?

  • .

021 List OC File

This screen is used to list all open commitments for the six-digit SL.

  • How can I see a list of encumbrances with current status by 10-digit SL without seeing all of the budget information?

  • The Reference Number is also the Requisition or Purchase Order Number. E designates a Purchase Order. R designates a Requisition. EW designates a Standing Order.

020 List 10 Digit SL -OC

This screen is used to list open commitments by 10-digit SL.

  • What is my budget for a 10-digit SL?
  • What are my actual expenditures for a 10-digit SL?
  • What are my current encumbrances for a 10-digit SL?
  • What is available in a current 10-digit SL?
  • How can I see a list of encumbrances with current status by 10-digit SL?

The Reference Number is also the Requisition or Purchase Order Number. E designates a Purchase Order. R designates a Requisition. EW designates a Standing Order.

ECU Web Sites With Helpful Information

  1. This web site contains information on revenue and expense object codes and information about many of the accounting department’s policies.
  1. This site contains information about the budget office and provides an excellent listing of budget and expense object codes.

FRS Transaction Codes

Budget Transactions

020Original Budget

021Revised Budget

022Budget Transfer

026Budget Carried Forward From Prior Year

028Last Year’s Budget

029Future Year’s Budget

Receipt Transactions

030Cash Receipt

032Revenue Refund

033Cash By Requisition

034Cash Corrections

038Cash Requisitions

Disbursement Transactions

040Cash Disbursement

042Transfer Out

044Disbursement Adjustment

045Canceled Check

046Check from A/P to be Accrued (July)

047Check from Financial Aid

048Check from A/P

049Check from Student Loans

Encumbrance Transactions

050Miscellaneous Liquidation

052Original Standing Order Requisition, Petition to Travel

053Purchase Order from POS

054Requisition from POS

055Capital Improvement Enhancements

058Miscellaneous Liquidation

059Encumbrance that will Reject in FBD010 if Insufficient BBA

Journal Entry Transactions

060Journal Entry


062Journal Entry to Override a Freeze Flag and Fin Aid EFT Batches

063ID Charges

064ID Charges to be Accrued

065Reversals 13th Month

066Accruals 13th Month

067Payroll Transactions

068Patient Billing/Sales Tax Entries

069Compound Journal Entry

090Bank Transfer Transaction

098Beginning Balance Transaction


Batch HeaderDescriptionGenerated By

AAIDAcademic AffairsAcademic Affairs

ACDAccounts Payable Daily CycleAccounts Payable

ADADisbursement AdjustmentFinancial Entries

AFSFlag SetFinancial Entries

AIDID ChargesFinancial Entries

AJEJournal EntryFinancial Entries

ALGG BudgetsAlumni

AOBBudget Changes (AL & CI)Financial Entries

APOPurchase Order LiquidationsFinancial Entries

ARAReceipt AdjustmentFinancial Entries

ARQCash RequisitionFinancial Entries

BBTTransferBudget Office


BOBBudgetBudget Office


CJECompound Journal EntryFinancial Entries

CROCashier’s DailyCashier’s Office

DIDDemurrage FeedSOM

EFTFinancial Aid TransferFinancial Aid

FCOCash ReceiptsCashier’s Office

FNAFinancial AidFinancial Aid

GAOBeginning Balance AdjustmentFinancial Services

GBRBudget RevisionGrants

GBTBudget TransferGrants

GCDDisbursement AdjustmentsGrants

GIDGrant’s ID ChargesGrants

GJEJournal EntryGrants

GOBOriginal BudgetGrants

GPOGrant’s LiquidationGrants

IABNon-giftsECU Foundation

IIDInstit. Advancement ID ChargesECU Foundation

IJEJournal EntriesECU Foundation

IRAReceipt AdjustmentsECU Foundation


JSBReset FlagBudget Office

KIDPurchase Order SystemCentral Supply

LADPayper Expense FeedPayroll

LIDMail Service’s ID ChargesMail Services


Batch HeaderDescriptionGenerated By

LRQHealth Science LibrarySOM

MBRBudget Increase DeanSOM

MBTBudget TransferSOM

MCRCash ReceiptSOM

MDRDisbursement AdjustmentSOM

MJEJournal EntrySOM

MPCPetty CashAccounts Payable

MRCMFRR Other Inc/STIF Payroll SOM

NIDPurchase Order SystemMedical Store Room

NumbersPatient Billing FeedSOM

PIDRapid Copy ID ChargesPrinting & Graphics

PKIDParking and TrafficParking & Traffic

POSPurchase Order SystemPurchase Order System

SIDStudent Store ID ChargesStudent Store

SJEJournal EntriesStudent Store

SLIDStudent Life ID ChargesStudent Life

SLSDaily TransactionsStudent Loans

SPFUNDIncrease BudgetMonthly Feed

SRAReceipt AdjustmentsStudent Store

TFIDMotor Pool ID ChargesParking & Traffic

TIDTelecommunications ID ChargesTelecommunications

TOBBudget ChangesFinancial Entries

VBRAthletic Budget TransferAthletics

VCRCash ReceiptsAthletics

VIDAthletics ID ChargesAthletics

VJEJournal EntryAthletics

VPCImprest AthleticsAthletics

WIDWarehouse BillingWarehouse

XIDID Charges/Journal EntriesSOM

ZIDIndirect Cost AllocationSOM



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  1. Should this workshop be presented again?
  1. What information should definitely be included in the presentation for future workshops?
  1. What information should definitely be omitted in the presentation for future workshops?
  1. Please provide additional suggestions or comments.