Financial Contract
Payday for full time childcare will be every Friday upon arrival or departure, unless other arrangements are made in writing. Full time child care fees are based on a five day a week working schedule, including holidays and absence from illness, and must be paid in full.
Payday for part time childcare will be upon arrival or departure of the last day of service for the week. Part time childcare must be at least 3 days a week, or $25 a week, in order to hold your child’s place.
Full time pay is $120.00 per week. Anything over 30 hours a week is considered full time. Part time child care is $3.00 per hour per child. Hourly rates only apply when care is provided up to or less than 3 hours a day. A half day (3 to 5 ½ hour days) is $15.00 a day. Full day rates (6-9 hours a day) will be $25.00 per day. Childcare over 10 hours a day is provided only for extreme circumstances and is $40.00 a day.
Our agreed upon hours are ______full time, ______part time
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
(circle days childcare is needed)
Drop off time will be ______a.m. and pick up time will be ______p.m. unless other arrangements are made.
Your child care fees will be $______per day per hour per week
(please circle)
(parent or legal guardian)
(provider signature)
Alternative care must be provided by the parent on my days off; although I will do all that I can if you are in a bind. I will give at least 2 weeks written notice if I take a vacation and will let you know as soon as possible if I am sick.
Paid holidays shall be charged for the following days:
**New Years Day
**Memorial Day
**4th of July
**Labor Day
**Christmas Eve
This is a legal agreement (contract) between
______and ______
(parents name) (providers name)
for my child children
(childs name) (age and birthday)
(childs name) (age and birthday)
to receive daycare at a rate of $______per day hour week
(please circle)
to be paid on every Friday for full time care, or the last day of the week for
part time care when I pick up drop off my child.
(please circle one)
I ______have read, understand and accept
(parents name)
all the policies and conditions mentioned here in this handbook/contract and agree to all.
(parents name) (date)
(providers name) (date)
(date of acceptance) (date of termination)