The Severnside Institute for Psychotherapy


Job Description and Person Specification


15 hours per week, £32,000 pro rata (37.5hrs full-time equivalent). The working hours may be spread over more than two days. At least 10 hours must be worked Mon – Wed, to allow sufficient cross-over with the membership and finance administrator.

Duration of Post:1 year from late Feb 2018 – Late Feb 2019.

Line Manager: Chair of Membership.

Location: 11 Orchard Street.

Purpose of the Post:

The Membership & Finance Manager (MFM) takes responsibility for the smooth running of the membership and financial aspects of SIP, as specified below, and for innovations that enhance these facets of the organisation whilst in pursuance of SIP’s charitable objectives.


- The Membership and Finance Manager (MFM) is one of two operational management posts – the other being the Training Manager (TM) – supporting the diverse activities of the organisation, but principally membership and training. The post is supported by a membership and finance administrator who currently works 18 hours a week.

-  The MFM works with the TM on the development of training and public events, and will advise on the financial aspects of this and on efficiency savings.

-  The MFM is responsible for maintaining the highest quality of financial management of all parts of the organisation.

-  S/he will also act as Company Secretary providing administrative support to the Board of Trustees in line with the requirements of the Charity Commission and Companies House.


Management, accountability and lines of communication

-  The MFM will be accountable in the first instance to the Chair of Membership, then to the Executive as a whole and ultimately to the Board of Trustees.

-  The MFM will report direct to the Chair of the Board of Trustees on matters relating to the role of Company Secretary and to the Hon. Treasurer regarding matters relating to finance.

-  The MFM will be a standing (but non-voting) member of the Executive Committee.

-  The MFM will collaborate with the Training Manager where there is overlap of responsibility (e.g. CPD, public events) and, in particular, over the drafting of training budgets and other financial matters relating to training & education.

-  The MFM will line manage the Membership and Finance Administrator.

Key Tasks:

1.  Bookkeeping:

-  Overseeing the processing all invoices, claim forms, overseeing the receiving and processing of all deposits, (from main centres of activity, i.e. trainees, training staff, continuing professional development events, patients and trainees in receipt of bursaries, room rental at 11 Orchard Street).

-  Monthly bank reconciliations and monitoring account balances, maintaining bank mandates and online signatories.

-  Keeping members up to date regarding claims, fees and expenses.

-  Filing and safe disposal of confidential documents.

2.  HR & PAYE

-  Producing, distributing and collecting signed copies of permanent and short-term contracts of employment (in collaboration with the TM).

-  Maintaining and keeping up to date all PAYE files (P45s and P60s etc) and making HMRC submissions in conjunction with an outsourced payroll provider.

-  Keeping abreast of HMRC PAYE requirements.

3.  Membership and Subscriptions

-  Overseeing the maintenance of membership records: details, status and contact details etc.

-  Managing the Consultation and Referral Service.

-  Co-ordinating production & dissemination of the SIP Newsletter, and all communications to the membership.

-  Administering the annual requests for details of members’ insurance and clinical trustees.

- In consultation with the Equal Opportunities Sub-Committee of the Executive, to co-ordinate the annual review and implementation of the equal opportunities strategy.

- Collecting and managing subscriptions (issuing refunds, cancelling subscriptions and direct debit arrangements where necessary).

-  Managing SIP registrations and subscriptions to the British Psychotherapy Council, PEP-Web and bulk journal subscriptions (in consultation with the TM).

-  Assisting with the provision of events relating to the continuing professional development of the membership.

4.  Financial Planning, Development & Fundraising

-  Providing financial advice and expertise to the Board of Trustees and the Executive Committee.

-  Identifying financial and/or operational opportunities and innovations that will aid the development and long term stability of the organisation, and in consultation with the Executive Committee and Board of Trustees, taking forward those which fit SIP’s strategy.

- Assembling draft central costs budgets for use in draft departmental budgets, and combined departmental budgets for presentation to Trustees, Executive Committee and the Membership.

- Liaising and co-ordinating with officers and the TM in order to assist and make recommendations regarding future budgets and the setting of fees and expenses.

- Assembling and distributing quarterly financial updates and advising the

Executive Committee and Trustees of any activity to note.

- Point of contact for accountant including assembling end of year information for delivery to the accountant and co-ordinating the production of Financial Statement and Annual Report in time for delivery to membership pre-AGM.

- Maintain an overview of the Orchard Street House Committee finances.

-  Managing the operational aspects of fundraising activities.

5.  Company Secretary (appox. 8 hours per quarter)

- Taking minutes at meetings of the Board of Trustees.

- Providing general administrative support to Trustees when needed.

- Filing returns to Companies House and the Charity Commission by designated deadlines.

- Maintaining an awareness of procures as laid out in the company’s procedural documents and advising the Trustees accordingly.

- Overseeing the preparation and gathering of reports and proposals for General Meetings.

- Managing production of revised procedural documents.

6.  Marketing and Public Strategy

- In collaboration with the TM: aiding the development and implementation of SIP’s public strategy.

- In collaboration with the TM: developing a marketing and outreach strategy which aims to increase trainee numbers.

7.  General

-  Attending all meetings as required and ensuring that those falling within the remit of the MFM are administratively serviced.

- Holding knowledge of and work within the requirements of SIP’s confidentiality and equal opportunities policies.

- Ensuring, together with the TM, that all SIP documents and resources (including archives and website) are kept up-to-date, centralised and accessible as appropriate to officers, members, associates and members of the public.

- Making sure all essential deadlines are met.

-  To work co-operatively with other organisations and individuals who use the Orchard Street premises, including the administrator of the Orchard Street House Committee.

-  Ensure that the office is properly equipped and maintained in co-ordination with the TM.



a.  Experienced bookkeeper

b.  Excellent computer skills (including Word and Excel, and QuickBooks, Sage or equivalent).

c.  Good communication skills.

d.  Able to work as part of a team.

e.  Organised and systematic.

f.  Ability to prioritise and to meet deadlines.

g.  Financial management skills (i.e. assembling budgets, advising on financial implications of business decisions).

h.  Empathy with objectives of SIP.


a.  Understanding of psychotherapy work and terminology.

b.  Experience of marketing within an educational setting.

c.  PAYE and Gift Aid experience.

d.  Quick learner.

SIP MFM Job Description & Person Specification December 2017