Finance Review Group Minutes

Friday 10th November

1 / Apologies for Absence / Apologies were received from Debbie Rogan and George Constantinides.
2 / School Funding 2018/19 / There were only 7 responses to the consultation on School Funding.
The proposal to remove the looked after children factor was supported by 5 responders, one had no view and one was against.
The proposal to set a local MFG of 0% was unanimously supported,
The proposal to set a minimum per pupil funding of £3,300 for primary and £4,600 for secondary was supported by 6 responders with one wishing for the 2019/20 amounts to be implemented in 2018/19.
It was asked whether 7 responses could represent all schools. It was agreed that the consultation was not controversial and that schools have not responded as they are happy with the proposals.
FRG recommend the following changes to the Formula for Funding Schools:
  • To remove the looked after children factor
  • To set MFG at 0%
  • To introduce a minimum per pupil funding of £3,300 for primary and £4,600 for secondary.

3 / Special Schools Split Site Funding / YSW reported following the last discussion of this request back in June that the Authority supported the move of KS4 pupils to the additional site.
Special schools cannot be compared to primary and secondary schools as they are funded differently. The purpose of split site funding for primary and secondary is to fund an additional lump sum for the additional site.
Special schools do not have a lump sum and therefore split site funding is not applicable.
It was noted that PRUs have split site funding and that these are funded like special schools on a place plus basis.
FRG decided not to make any recommendation but noted the anomaly.
4 / AOB / The results of the school broadband consultation were discussed. There were 6 responses.
Three schools agreed to the principle of a two year agreement with one agreeing in principle, one not commenting and one not responding.
To fund the service for maintained primary-phase schools through de-delegation at a cost of £25.81 per pupil (which would reduce with a subsidy from ECC)
Three supported de-delegation, one had no overall opinion, one did not answer the question of de-delegation and one academy said no.
To ensure that the Schools Broadband Service is reliable and responsive to the needs of schools
Three agree, one did not answer, one said it was more about how ECC commissioned the contract and the other complained about the service
Again it was considered if 6 schools were representative but it was agreed that schools would have responded if they did not want de-delegation.
5 / Closing Comments / Chair