Final test: Edexcel Additional Radioactivity P2.5 P2.6 (15 marks)
- If a radioactive isotope emits an alpha particle, what changes to the nucleus of the atom will result? (circle the correct answer).
- The atomic number will reduce by two and the mass will reduce by four.
- The atomic mass will reduce by two and an electron will be lost.
- The atomic number will increase by one and the mass will stay the same.
- The atomic mass will reduce by two and the atomic number stays the same.
(1 mark)
- Tick one box in each column to show which type of material can be used to shield (stop) the type of radiation described.
Type of radiation / Only stopped by lead or a few metres of concrete / Penetrates paper but stopped by a sheet of Aluminium / Stopped by a sheet of paper
Gamma /
Alpha /
Beta /
(1 mark)
- A radioactive isotope has a count rate of 504Bq. After 27 days this has fallen to 63Bq.
Use this information to calculate the half life of the isotope.
540242 12663
1 half-life 1 half-life 1 half life
Reduced by 3 half-lives in 27 days
27 = 9
Half-life of isotope = 9 days
(4 marks)
- The table below gives some information about radioactive isotopes. Using this information, say which isotope would be most suitable to be used as a medical tracer in the body and explain your choice.
- Sodium 24
- Short half life
- But long enough to complete medical tests
- Short half-life results in less radiation risk
(3 marks)
- QWC: Describe the main differences between nuclearfission and nuclear fusion.
QWC Suggested marking guidance (Total 6 marks)
Marks awarded for this answer will be determined by the Quality of Written Communication (QWC) as well as the standard of the scientific response. Teachers should and apply a ‘best-fit’ approach to the marking.
0 marks / Level 1 (1-2 marks) / Level 2 (3-4 marks) / Level 3 (5-6 marks)
No relevant content. / Attempt at a description 1-2 marking points.
The spelling, punctuation and grammar are very weak. / Brief description 3-4 marking points.
There is reasonable accuracy in spelling, punctuation and grammar, although there may still be some errors / Clear description almost all marking points.
The answer shows almost faultless spelling, punctuation and grammar.
- A single atom
- Disintegrating and releasing energy
- To produce two or more new elements
- More than one atom
- Joining together to release energy
- And producing a new, larger atom
(6 marks)
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