Communication Studies 5 – Communication Experience
Final Project and Presentation
- To think critically about communication concepts.
- To recognize the importance and pervasiveness of communication in one’s life.
- Identify and analyze the communication contexts in which we regularly operate.
- Practice presentational speaking.
During the course of the semester you will learn about various communication concepts. This assignment requires you to apply these concepts to your experiences outside of class through the collection of artifacts and written reflections. As you experience a concept during your day-to-day activities, make note of it and collect an object that represents that experience, then write about that experience and your object.
Specific Project Requirements:
- You will collect an artifact that represents each of the topics listed below. An artifact might include a concert or movie ticket, a newspaper clipping, a photograph, etc.
NOTE: In lieu of an object, you may write a 2 page double-spaced (minimum) reflection paper where you explain your experience with one of the concepts.
- Write a one paragraph (minimum) description/explanation of how the object applies to the communication concept in question. Support your position using the textbook or other academic sources.
- Explain your reactions and feelings about the experience in one paragraph (minimum). For instance, discuss whether or not you were upset about the violation (re: violation of nonverbal norms). Did you challenge the person about their perception? If so, what happened?
- Compile the artifacts and their written descriptions in a folder or binder (binders are bulky, folders are better) for grading. The project is due on the date indicated on the course calendar (this due date is subject to change at instructor’s discretion).
Topics per chapter to represent by artifacts and describe:
Chapter 1: Relational level of meaning
Chapter 2: Empowerment
Chapter 3: Cognitive Schemata
Chapter 4: Ambiguity
Chapter 5: Environmental Factors
Chapter 6: Responsive Listening
Chapter 7: Disconformation
Chapter 8: Standpoint (as it relates to Standpoint Theory)
Chapter 9: Reflected appraisal
Chapter 10: Relational Dialectics
Chapter 11: Egocentric Communication
Chapter 12: Ritual/Rituals
Chapter 13. Communication Apprehension
Chapter 14: Agenda Setting (in relation to mass communication)
Chapter 15: Multitasking (as it relates to personal and social media)
Final Project Grading Rubric
Outstanding Effort!Well-done.
20 points / Adequate,
but not outstanding.
16-19 points / Misses the mark or needs improvement.
12-15 points / Missing or significantly incomplete.
0-11 points
Thoroughly explained each of the objects you selected and how they related to a communication concept, and how you felt about the related event. Answered any audience questions thoughtfully.
Presentation Skills
Spoke clearly, used strong voice qualities and voice variety to project to your audience. Natural gestures and some eye contact included during the presentation. Directly followed the order as presented in the folder/binder.
Must make a clear argument explaining why the artifact represents the communication concept. If no artifact for concept provides a 2 page double-spaced (minimum) reflection paper where you explain your experience with the concepts.
Concept Connections
Made some connections to the course concepts found in our text and/or class discussions and used terminology to describe them in your explanation.Cites location/source of concept.
Assignment Requirements
It is clear the folder preparation was given some attention and not just hastily thrown together at the last minute.Used the entire time of 4-5 minutes. One artifact per chapter/concept,5 artifacts and concepts presented orally, cannot use same artifact more than once.