Final Minutes
California State Board of Education
May 7- 8, 2008
Wednesday, May 7 and Thursday, May 8, 2008
Members Present
Jim Aschwanden
Alan Bersin
Yvonne Chan (Wednesday)
Gregory Jones
Monica Liu
David Lopez
Ted Mitchell (present part of Wednesday)
Ken Noonan
Johnathan Williams
Members Absent
Ruth Bloom (Wednesday and Thursday)
Yvonne Chan (Thursday)
Don Fisher (Wednesday and Thursday)
Ted Mitchell (absent part of Wednesday)
Secretary and Executive Officer
Jack O’Connell, State Superintendent of Public Instruction
Principal Staff
Marsha Bedwell, General Counsel, California Department of Education
Kathy Dobson, Executive Assistant, State Board of Education
Jaime Hastings, Staff Services Analyst, California Department of Education
Jennifer Johnson, Education Policy Consultant, State Board of Education
Bob LaLiberte, Special Consultant, State Board of Education
Debora Merle, Executive Director, State Board of Education
Gavin Payne, Chief Deputy Superintendent, California Department of Education
Debbie Rury, Deputy Executive Director, State Board of Education
Michelle Zumot, Education Policy Assistant, California Department of Education
President Mitchell called the meeting to order at 9:00 A.M.
Member Bersin led the Pledge of Allegiance
Approval of Minutes
- ACTION: Member Bersin moved to approve the minutes from the March 12-13, 2008 Board meeting. Member Noonan seconded the motion. The motion was approved by a vote of 6-0. Members Bloom, Chan, Fisher, Lopez, and Mitchell were not available for the vote.
Adjournment to Closed Session
President Mitchell called a closed session on Thursday, May 8 at 8:00 a.m.
President Mitchell reconvened the meeting into open session at 9:10 a.m.
Report on Actions
President Mitchell announced that the Board, in closed session, received updates on pending litigation matters from CDE counsel.
Report of the Superintendent
Superintendent O’Connell shared with the board members a theme of questions he’s been consistently asked about when out in the field. According to Superintendent O’Connell, educators and those outside the education field, continue to inquire as to the state’s high school dropout rate. The difficulty in answering such a question for O’Connell, however, centers on the fact that different criteria are used to answer this question. Recognizing that the number is too high, whichever method is employed, O’Connell shared that he is working toward gaining a better understanding of both the actual numbers and the reasoning behind these dropout rates. Specifically, Superintendent O’Connell is focusing on student identifiers, which require schools to use exit codes. Exit codes will identify specific reasons for a student dropping out of school. More information is available on the CDE’s web site.
Item 1
Including, but not limited to, future meeting plans; agenda items, and officer elections; State Board office budget, staffing, appointments, and direction to staff; declaratory and commendatory resolutions; update on litigation; bylaw review and revision; Board Liaison Reports; and other matters of interest
Type of Action: Information
Updated Information Regarding this Month’s Meeting
President Mitchell announced that items 9, 11 and 12 were pulled and will be heard in July. Items 3 and 4 were moved to Thursday, May 8 and will be followed by items 35 and 33, waivers and item 32 at 1:00 p.m. ending with the remaining waivers and item 34. President Mitchell also moved the proposed consent calendar noting that items 20-31 were on the consent calendar. President Mitchell noted various amendments regarding the consent calendar. Specifically, Item 23 is presented “and is contingent upon funding” and the language will be amended for the minutes to show that the amended language was incorporated. Item 26 is a typographical error of page six of the report. The use of the acronym SAIT was incorrectly written as “School Academic Intervention Team” instead of “School Assistance and Intervention Team.” The language will be corrected in the minutes to reflect the correct language. Lastly, President Mitchell addressed waivers. Waivers on consent included WC-1-WC-9 and WC-11-WC-15. Proposed waiver consent items included W-5, W-8, W-10, W-11, W-18-W-25, W-27-W-32, and W-34. Mitchell noted that W-18 and W-19 language will be added that states that “these waivers will be subject to modification in accordance with any changes in the underlying statute.” Waivers not on consent included WC-10, W-1-W-4, W-6, W-7, W-9, W-12-17, W-26 and W-33. President Mitchell introduced Debora Merle as executive director, Jennifer Johnson as education program policy consultant and Kathy Sumida as the Board’s new receptionist.
Liaison Assignments
Member Noonan updated board members on the status of the English Learner Advisory Committee. As of today a draft proposal is being reviewed by ELAC board liaisons. A final copy will be presented at the next board meeting. A special thank you went out to former SBE Interim Executive Director Gary Borden for his many efforts in drafting the ELAC proposal. Mr. Noonan noted that the ELAC would be comprised of nine individuals that bring various English learner perspectives to the committee. Additionally, Mr. Noonan noted that SBE staff would post a call for applications on its web site. Mr. Bersin shared his concern in disseminating the information to field practitioners in a timely manner given the fact that it’s the conclusion of the academic school year. Member Chan echoed the need to have committee members with various types of expertise. Mr. Noonan concurred with both comments. Noonan agreed that the announcement and application would need to be posted on the SBE web site as soon as possible with interviews taking place shortly thereafter. Lastly, SBE staff would be charged with preparing the applications, interviews and overall logistics in an effort to allow the selection committee enough time to bring forth recommendations to the next board meeting.
Member Chan briefly spoke with the board members regarding her participation as a liaison to the Advisory Committee on Special Education. Member Chan noted that the Special Education community needs to look beyond the CAHSEE in an effort to appreciate the big picture of students with disabilities that have not been able to close or narrow the achievement gap. Specifically, the Special Education community will want to consider reviewing instructional delivery, credentialing and various additional issues resonating for field practitioners, Special Education students and families of Special Education students.
No action was taken on this item.
Item 2
Public comment is invited on any matter not included on the printed agenda. Depending on the number of individuals wishing to address the State Board, the presiding officer may establish specific time limits on presentations.
Type of Action: Information
Public comment was received from a variety of individuals. Margaret Day Armand, a retired high school math teacher. Ms. Armand shared her thoughts with board members regarding the revised general Math CST. Kim Shipp from Oakland, California spoke to board members sharing her concerns regarding current efforts being employed to close
the achievement gap. Juan Godinez, a parent of a child attending the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) and member of the Parent Collaborative, spoke to board members about his concern regarding parental involvement. Bill Ring, also speaking as a member of the Parent Collaborative of the LAUSD, shared his thoughts regarding capacity-building. Dr. Onkar Bindra shared his appreciation of the board members regarding their decision to remove specific words from a publication, which were found to be derogatory and unacceptable to the Sikh community.
No action was taken on this item.
Item 3
Subject: No Child Left Behind Act of 2001: Recommendations Related to California’s Assignment of Corrective Actions for Local Educational Agencies in Program Improvement Corrective Action
Type of Action: Action, Information
Fred Balcolm from the Accountability and Improvement Division presented this item and requested adjustments of the timelines that the board members required at the May meeting regarding the 97 LEAs required to complete their LEA plan. Public comment was received from Martha Zaragoza-Diaz representing Californians Together and the California Association for Bilingual Education, Sherry Skelly Griffith from the Association of California School Administrators, Holly Jacobson from the California School Boards Association, Linda MacDonell with the Orange County Department of Education, Peggy Barber from the Los Angeles Unified School District, and Kenneth Young, Trustee, Coachella Valley Unified School District. A lengthy discussion followed amongst board members.
- ACTION: Member Noonan moved to add (8) under Item 3 to provide that DAIT team reports must analyze and report upon the LEAs capacity to deliver support and services to meet the requirements of program improvement. Member Aschwanden seconded the motion. The motion was approved by a vote of 8-0. Members Bloom, Chan and Fisher were not available for the vote.
- ACTION: Member Noonan moved to accept the CDE recommendations that the SBE adjust the reporting timeliness for the 97 local educational agencies (LEAs) in Program Improvement (PI) Corrective Action that were the subject of SBE action in March 2008. Member Jones seconded the motion. The motion was approved by a vote of 8-0. Members Bloom, Chan and Fisher were not available for the vote.
Item 4
Subject: Update on issues related to California’s implementation of No Child Left Behind and other federal programs
Type of Action: Action, Information
Debbie Rury, CDE NCLB Administrator, updated board members as to the proposed timelines for the actions that will be taken with this next cohort. In addition, Ms. Rury presented the priority assistance index to try to differentiate the accountability for these school districts. Ms. Rury will then ask the board members at the November meeting to assign specific corrective actions and to determine if any of these LEAs will also require technical assistance and, if so, at what level. All LEA plans needing revision will need to be submitted to the CDE by February 4, 2009. Lastly, Ms. Rury proposed presenting progress reports on a more regular basis with the first taking place in June.
ACTION: Member Noonan moved to add the Board’s support to the committee of practitioners and the CDE in an effort to secure federal school improvement grant funds. Member Williams seconded the motion. The motion was approved by a vote of 8-0. Members Bloom, Chan and Fisher were not available for the vote.
Item 5
Subject: U.S. Department of Education Peer Review of Standards and Assessment: Update of Peer Review Results
Type of Action: Action, Information
This item was tabled for the following board meeting.
No action was taken on this item.
Item 6
Subject: California English Language Development Test (CELDT): Program Update including, but not limited to, 2007-2008 Annual Assessment Results, K-1 Early Literacy Assessment, responses to recent questions, and training
Type of Action: Action, Information
Deputy Superintendent Deborah Sigman updated the board on the state’s latest CELDT results. Board members had a variety of questions on this issue. Member Jones inquired as to whether school districts have specific targeted goals they are working toward to ensure that students are reclassified. In addition, he questioned whether incentives existed to move students to a place where they are reclassified. Ms. Sigman explained that districts are not required to set goals in this area. Regarding incentives, Sigman explained that school districts receive money based on the number of English learners enrolled in their respective districts. Board Member Liu inquired as to how this test is factored into the state’s accountability system. Member Noonan thanked Ms. Sigman for her update and reminded the board of the importance in having a functioning ELAC as there are complexities to these overlapping education issues. Sigman informed the board members that the state is out of compliance with Title III because the CDE doesn’t have an assessment in K-1 for reading and writing domains. However, the CDE is moving forward on this issue and has a joint powers agreement with WestEd to begin development of these items. Doug McRae, an education measurement specialist from Monterey spoke on this issue as did Martha Zaragoza-Diaz.
No action was taken on this item.
Item 7
Subject: California High School Exit Examination (CAHSEE): Update, including, but not limited to, July through December and February administrators of the CAHSEE
Type of Action: Action, Information
Deputy Superintendent Sigman updated the board members on the CAHSEE. Ms. Sigman noted that she provided documentation in board members packets as a way to follow up to various board members request for information on this item. A lengthy discussion centered on understanding the data. Public comment was presented by Bob Woodhead with the Advisory Commission on Special Education, Martha Zaragoza-Diaz representing Californians Together and the California Association for Bilingual Education, Kim Shipp, Juan Godinez, Jo Behm, past president of California Learning Disabilities Association, and Bill Ring.
No action was taken on this item.
Item 8
Subject: Standardized Testing and Reporting (STAR): Update, including, but not limited to, Program Update
Type of Action: Action, Information
Deborah Sigman updated board members on the STAR. Sigman pointed board members attention to the addendum included with this item. The addendum focused on the fact that the CDE’s contractor, in consultation with CDE and SBE staff, has been making efforts to strengthen communication efforts in order to get information out about the test to the public, to teachers, to students, and to parents. Ms. Sigman additionally pointed out that SBE and CDE staff has been meeting to review and discuss the exemplars. Lastly, Sigman informed the board members that the CDE’s contractor held three focus groups throughout the state to date: two parent groups and one teacher group. The feedback was very informative. Based on this feedback Sigman had a variety of recommendations, which was also listed on the addendum to this item. Public comment was presented by Martha Zaragoza-Diaz and Jo Behm.
No action was taken on this item.
Item 9
Subject: Standardized testing and Reporting Program (STAR): Revised General Mathematics Blueprint
Type of Action: Action, Information
Item 9 was put over to the July 2008 meeting.
Item 10
Subject: The California Department of Education (CDE) recommends that the State Board of Education (SBE) approve California Modified Assessment (CMA) Blueprints for grades nine and 10 English-language arts (ELA), Algebra I, and grade 10 Science.
Type of Action: Action, Information
Deborah Sigman presented this item and reminded board members that they had approved blueprints for grades three through seven for math and three through eight for English Language Arts. According to Ms. Sigman this is the next level requiring board approval. Public comment was received from Jo Behm who expressed his concerns regarding the lack of alternatives to the CAHSEE.
- ACTION: Member Bersin moved to approve the California Modified Assessment (CMA) Blueprints for grades nine and 10 English Language Arts (ELA), Algebra I, and grade 10 science. Member Lopez seconded the motion. The motion was approved by a vote of 7-0. Members Bloom, Chan, Fisher, and Mitchell were not available for the vote.
Item 11
Subject: Advisory Commission for Special Education, Advisory Opinion No. 08-01: California High School Exit Exam
Type of Action: Action, Information
Item 11 was put over to the July 2008 meeting.
Item 12
Item 12 was put over to the July 2008 meeting.
Item 13
Subject: Community-based English Tutoring Program: Approve the Finding of Emergency and Proposed Emergency Regulations; and Approve Commencement of the Rulemaking Process for Amendments to Title 5, Sections 11315.5 and 11315.6
Type of Action: Action, Information
Anthony Monreal, Deputy Superintendent, Curriculum and Instruction, informed the board members that the CDE submitted the information that was approved by the board at the last meeting. Board member Noonan expressed concern regarding the issue of fingerprinting. Public comment was received from Peggy Barber from the Los Angeles Unified School District.
No action was taken on this item.
Item 14
Subject: Mathematics and Reading Professional Development Program, Senate Bill 472 (Chapter 524, Statutes of 2006): Approval of Program (MRPDP) Interim Report for the Legislature
Type of Action: Action, Information
Phil LaFontaine from the CDE Professional Development and Curriculum Support Division asked the board members to approve the interim report of the 472 Mathematics and Reading Professional Development Program. Mr. LaFontaine spoke in depth about the various components of the report. Member Chan inquired into the number of providers, whether additional providers could be added to an ongoing list and the overall distribution of providers throughout the state. Public comment was received from Martha Zaragoza-Diaz and Sherry Skelly Griffith