Rev Date: 2/4/2016
North City YouthBaseball
2016LeagueRules,Regulations,andPlayingRulesForMt.EtnaHickman Facilities
1.1.Alcohol is not permitted in thevicinityof thefields, snackbar, or parkinglot. Onthe firstoffense,you will be asked toleavethe fields. The secondoffense mayresultin a banfrom thefields forthe season.
1.2.Theuse oftobacco or illegaldrugsbyanyone is not allowed on the lowerareasurroundingthe snackbarand playingfields.
1.3.Theridingofbicycles,skateboards,and scooters isnot permittedbeyond theparkinglot. Please remindyourplayersandparents.
1.4.Climbingon the cliffs and hillsidessurroundingthe fields is not permittedbecauseof erosion.Pleaseremindyourplayersandparents.
2.1.All playerswillweara protective helmet whilein theon deckcircle,at theplate,whilerunningthe bases,and while providingprotection to a pitcher warmingup.Helmets must remainon the player’s head until he/she is safelyinsidethe dugout.
2.2.All players must weara cup forprotection. Catchers must alsoweara protectivehelmet, mask, andthroatprotector. This is required duringpractices, whilein thebullpen,andduringgames. Warm up pitchers,catchers,and player protectormustwearproperheadgearat all times.
2.3.Playersdetermined to NOT be wearingacup shall NOTplay.(Safetyprocedure)
2.4.Metalcleats arepermitted onlyin thePonyDivision.
Belowisa summaryofthe PONYand NCYBbatrules.Pleasereferencetheponyrulebookforamoredetailed description:
3.1.All 2 5/8” barrel batsmust be:
3.1.1.Not morethan 42”long
3.1.2.The length to weight ratio is between a“minus14 (-14) to minus 4 (-4)”
3.1.3.Ifthe length to weight ratio is a “minusthree (-3)” then the bat must bestamped that it is “BBCORCertified”
3.1.4.Ifa2 5/8” bat meets theabove requirements thebat is legal to beused inPONYAllStars and NCYB. Thereis noBPForBBCORstamprequired.
3.2.All 2 ¼” barrel bats:
3.2.1.Inall divisions, 2 ¼”bats are requirement to havea Bat PerformanceFactor(BPF) of1.15. All bats must be stamped with “approved for playinPONYBaseball” and stamped with“BPF1.15and theyearmanufactured.
3.3.On2 ¾” barrel bats:
3.3.1.These bats arenowcompletelyoutlawedbyPONY for all divisions andwill not be allowed
4.1.Managers shall beappointed bytheBoard ofDirectorsas per Article4, Section B,Subsection 15 ofthe North CityBaseballConstitutionandBylaws.Coaches andotherteamrepresentatives shall be selectedbythemanager subject to approvalbythe Board.
4.2.Duringpractices andgames,each team must beunder thedirect supervision of atleast two adults who should include amanager or officialcoach.
4.3.At eachgameandpractice, the responsibleadultmust possess each player’sregistrationform. Theseforms constitutethe official rosterof players eligible toparticipateaswellasprovide the official notification in case of medicalemergency.Thefirstnon-compliancewillresult in the managerbeingsuspended from thecurrentgameand next game. A secondnoncompliance will result in disciplinaryhearingfor the managerandpossible loss of practicetime.
4.4.Duringpractices andgames, shirts and shoes must be wornat all times on theplayingfieldsand in thebattingcage.
4.5.Themanagers ofboth teamsshall be responsible forthe preparation ofthefieldbeforegames.Eachmanager is responsibleforcleaningup of his/her dugout andbleacherareaaftereachgame. Theyare also responsible for the wateringoftheinfieldgrass. ALLmanagers willbe responsible for wateringthe infield after any
practicetheyhave onNorth Cityfields.Firstoffense is a warning; secondoffensewill result in loss of nextscheduledpractice onNorth Cityplaying field.
4.6.Theofficial scorekeepershall sit directlybehindtheumpireand is provided bythehome team. Thescorekeeper shall not be in the dugout or on thefield. Thevisitingteam shall be responsiblefor keepingscoreon theelectronic scoreboard.
4.7.Afterthe lastgame of the day, the managers(orarepresentative) must remainnearthe snack bar until it is fullyclosedand locked. This is forthe safetyof thoseworkingin thesnack bar.
4.8.Ifaplayer has been benched fordisciplinaryreasons thedivision repshall notifytheplayeragent on the firstoffense. Onethe secondoffense thedivision rep shallnotifythe playeragent, and the playeragent shallnotifytheBoard of Directors. TheBoard of Directors will determine consequencesof furtherdisciplinaryproblems.Consequences shall be suspension from furthergames,disqualificationfortournamentplay,and/orexpulsion fromNCYB.
4.9.A managerand/orcoachwho aredeterminedbyamajorityvote oftheBoard ofDirectors tohaveknowinglyviolated theplayer selectionrulesshall beprohibitedfrommanagingand/orcoachingatNorth Cityfortwoyears.
4.10.Managersandcoaches must pass a backgroundcheck priorto selection.
5.1.All players must wear the uniforms provided byNCYB.Ifa managerfields a playerout of uniform,then theopposingmanagermayrule the playerineligible forthatgame.
5.2.TheNCYBprovided uniform will consist of aNCYBteam jerseyandaNCYBteam hat. A player maysubstitute theNCYBteamhat foracomparable baseballhat.Shirts must be worntucked in, and abelt must beworn with baseball socks.
6.1.Thepresidentand player agent will assemble eachteams with input from Shetland Managers.
6.2.Eachteam will haveapproximatelythe samenumberof players. Shetland teamcomposition will be balancedbetween player ages and playing experience.
6.3.Within the parameters of7.1.2.1, everyeffort willbemadeto placeplayerstogetherasrequestedanyparents/guardians.
7.1.1.Primarycoach– theprimarycoach is the person named bythe manager,prior to the draft,who shall act as a coach duringthe season. No individualshall bea managerand primarycoach for thesamedivision.
7.1.2.Reserved players – areserved player is aplayer who is automaticallyplaced on ateam. players arethose players whoarelegaldependents of a parent,grandparent, or “closerelative -with the approvalofthe board” of themanagerand oneprimarycoach. a manager or coach not haveareserveplayeras in7.1.2, “Reserve players”,thatmanager/coach willnot be allowedanadditionalreserve player allmanagersagree before the draftbeginswill ateam be allowed to reserve morethan 2 players (other than siblings). players–allplayerswho areregistered priorto thedraftwho arenot reserved playersare pool players.
7.1.3.Non draftplayers– a playerwho is not registeredprior to the draft.
7.2.1.TheBoard ofDirectorswill set the date,time, and location of eachdivisional tryout.
7.2.2.Theplayeragent and thedivision rep, with the assistance of otherBoardmembers,willconducteach divisional tryout. The president will oversee theactivities.
7.2.3.Reserved players are expected totryout just for rating and ranking purposes.
7.3.1.General shall be held ata locationand time determinedbythe playeragent with theapproval of thepresident. and thedivision rep will chair the draft. and/or vicepresident shall be present at thedraft to ensurethat allleaguerules are followed. his/her players. Amanager maydesignate another officialcoach to make player selection.In thissituation, the manager must inform the player agentand/or thepresident. team representatives maybe present at the draft. must explain allrules to the teamrepresentativesprior to the draftactivity. playersmaynot designatea manager for whom theywill not playunless theyhave previouslyfiledawritten letterwith theBoard describingthe objectionablebehavior ofsuch manager.Suchreport must be approvedbytheBoardas areasonforrejection ofsuchmanager or managers. Pool playerswho refusetoplayfor amanageror managerswithout a Boardapproved letterwillnot be permitted toplayfor anothermanager.Manager must notifyPlayerAgent prior totryouts or start of season if this issue has been made known to them.
7.4.1.Theplayeragent shall provide the managerswith the followinginformation for allplayers prior to the draft: name,age,years of experience,and if theyplayedas an All-Starthe previousyear.
7.4.2.Reserveplayers will be placed on theappropriate teamrosters.
7.4.3.Theplayeragent shall provide a list ofallavailable pool players’names.
7.4.4.All reservedplayerswill beopenlydiscussed, and managerswill come to agreementbymajorityvoteasto what round each player is to be placed. Theplayer agent will breakallties. All playersknown bymanagers/coachesthat werenotpresent at tryouts will bediscussed and ratedprior to the start of the selection process. All playerswho arenot known andnot presentfortryouts will be available for selection at any time during the draft.
7.4.5.Managerswill lose draftpicks for each reserve player on their team in the respective round that each player was placed.
7.4.6.Themanager ortheirrepresentativewill select playersfrom theavailablepool players until all playershave been selected.
7.4.7.Eachselectionshould takeless than oneminute.
7.4.8.Players signingup after the draft will be placed onteamsbydivisionrep/playeragent/president and vice president until allteams havethe samenumberof players.
7.4.9.When allplayershave been selected,each manager will be givenacomplete roster of his selectedplayers and their profile sheets.
7.4.10.All playertrades must be made in thedraft room at the conclusion ofthedraftand MUST bediscussed andapprovedbyallmanagers or team representative at the draft; withplayeragent, division rep, and president giving final approval. Notification ofanyplayerprior to such approval
invalidates the trade.
7.4.11.Managers should wait 24hours to notifytheirteamselections duetopossible changesneeded to be made by the player agent or president. Managers should then notifytheir selected players within 48hours from the conclusion ofthe draft.
7.4.12.Once a player has been notified of their team selection theyarenoteligible to be traded. Any issues that arise must be brought to the attention of the player agent and president. They will determine a resolution if needed.
7.4.13.Siblings of pool players shall be assigned to thesame teamunless a requestfrom the parents orguardiansis received to separate the players.
7.4.14.Theplacement of siblings on a team shall result inthe loss ofadraft pickinthe round in whichthesiblingis determined to be placed on that team.
7.5.1.Once all reserved players have been placed on their respective teams, the draft selection order will be determined by ranking from ballotsfor each of the first three rounds. Managerswill turn in their ballots to theplayer agent, who with helpfrom the president/vicepresidentand division rep will tallythe ballots and finalizethe selectionorderfor each of these first three rounds. Thisnumbershall also beused forschedulingpurposes.
7.5.2.For the first round, All division managers will rank via ballot from weakest to strongest those teams without a first-round selection. Once ballots are tallied, those managers will make their first-roundselections in the determined ranking order. After the first roundpicks are complete, managers will re-evaluate all teams, and then rank via ballot from weakest to strongest those teams without a second-round selection. Again, once ballots are tallied, those managers will make their second-round selection in the determined ranking order. Afterthe secondround is complete, managers will re-evaluate all teams onelast time. This time managers will rank via ballot from weakest to strongest ALL teams in the division. Once tallied, this ranking orderwill be used fortheremainder of thedraft. The selection order shall“snake” or be reversed in everyotherround starting after thethird roundandcontinue until the second to last round of selections. In the final round, the selection of remaining players will be made from right to left (strongest to weakest team by ranking) until all remaining players havebeenselected.
7.5.3.Team name selection shall bein orderfrom arandomdraw of those teams that do not already have one secured. Procurement agent may have separate process in place prior to draft whereas managers can request or bid on a particular team by making a donation to the league to secure it.
Therulesofplaywill consistofcurrent OfficialBaseballRules; PONYBaseball RulesandRegulations;and NCYB LeagueRules,Regulations,and Playing Rules. If a conflictbetweenrulesexists,PONYBaseball Rules and RegulationsoverrideOfficialBaseballRules; the NCYBLeagueRules,Regulations,and Playing Rules override both PONYand OfficialBaseballRules.
8.1.All teamsshallbat theentirelineup duringNorthCitybaseball.
8.2.No playershall sitout consecutive inningsatanytime, norshall anyplayersit morethan 2 innings inastandard lengthPinto and Mustang game,and 3 inningsinBronco. Ifgamegoes toextrainnings aplayermaysitone additionalinning.A maximum of three innings in Pinto and Mustang, four in Bronco.
8.3.All playersshallplayaminimum of oneinningin the infieldeachgame..(Unless medical conditions apply and are discussed prior to start of game)An inningwill consist of three outs in thesameinning.In Pinto, catcherwill count asaninfield position onlyifthe player is in acrouching position behind the plate. Thisruleis NOT in effect duringthe playoffs
8.3.1.*Inrules 2 and 3, failureto adhereto these rules will result in:
8.3.2.Infraction 1: warning
8.3.3.Infraction 2: managerejectionfor one game
8.3.4.Infraction 3: appearbeforetheBoard of Directorsfor sanctions.
8.4.Coachesmaywarm up pitchersbetween innings.In Pinto and Mustang, therewillbeno morethan four coaches on the field orin thedugout at anytime.InBronco,there will beno morethan three coaches on thefield or in the dugout at anytime.Adults must stayin thedeadballarea duringdefensive innings.
8.4.1.Onlymanagers,coaches,andteamplayersare allowed in the dugout. Noone under the age of 16maybeon the field during games.
8.5.Ejectionsfrom agame:
8.5.1.Anyplayer ejectedfroma gameshall belisted asejected in the officialscorebookand the playerwill be ineligible for thefollowing game.Twoormoreejectionsmayresult in suspension from the league.
8.5.2.Anymanageror coachejected from a game shall belisted asejected in theofficialscorebookand the manager/coach will besuspended from thefollowing game.A secondejection will result in ineligibilityto manageorcoachanyMemorial orAll-Starteam andremoval fromcoaching/managingyour team, subject to considerationbythe Board.
8.5.3.Theleague officialscorekeeperwill beresponsiblefornotifyingthedivision rep,president and playeragentwhenanejectionoccurs, in a timelymanner.
8.6.Minimumnumber ofuniformed players:
8.6.1.A gamewill not begin until eachteam hasaminimum number ofuniformedplayers. Bronco, Mustang, and Pinto: theminimum number ofplayers is 8Shetland: this rule does not apply.(Bronco, Mustang, and Pinto, managers may request the 9th and/or 10thdefensive position be filled with the last 2 batters from the previous at bat from the opposing team. Players must play outfield and are for defense only. Prior to start of the game, managers may request to complete game with no assistance.)
8.6.2.Minimum numberlessthan 8 uniformedplayers:,,Mustang, and Pinto:If,atanytime, 8 orlessuniformedplayersareinthe lineup, the9thpositionin the battingorderwill countas an out when that position comes to batfor the initial missed at bat only(12 playerrosters).If,atanytime, 7or lessuniformed players are in the lineup,the 8thposition in thebattingorder will count as anout when thatposition comes to bat for the initial missed at bat only (11 playerrosters). Shetland: rule does notapply
8.7.Makeupgameswill be scheduledbythe vice president with approvalbythepresident andplayer agent (excludingpreseasongames).
8.8.Thefollowing circumstances will applytoabatter who, duringthe course of his/herswing, inadvertentlythrows the bat will be:
8.8.1.Firstoffense: theumpire will giveanofficialwarning. The warningwillbe recorded in theofficial scorebook.
8.8.2.Secondoffense: theumpirewill call time out, the ball will be ruleddead,and the batterwill beruled out, and all runners shallreturn tothe baseswheretheybeganplay.
8.9.Theoffensive team will consist of a continuousbattingorder ofall players presentforthegameand who are on the official roster ofplayers.The official rosterofplayers is definedbythemanager’scopies oftheplayerregistrationformswhichmanagersarerequired tohave at allpracticesandgames.
8.10.A playerwho is in thelineup, entered into the officialscorebookand is not presentforhis/herscheduled battingappearance shall beremoved fromthe lineupand thescoringboxes willbeannotated with “failure to appear.” This will createanupdatedbattingorder. This will notcount as an out, unlessRule 8.6 applies.
8.11.A playerwho is in thelineup, entered in to the officialscorebook,and leavespriorto the completion ofthe game shall be removedfrom the lineupand the scoringboxes will be annotated with “leftearly.” This will createanupdated battingorder.This will not count as anout, unless Rule 8.6 applies. Note this rule does not applyto a playerwho has temporarilyleftthe field.In this case, thegame will bedelayedforareasonable length oftime.
8.12.A player not in thelineup, not entered into the officialscorebook,and whoarriveslatewill be addedas the last batter in thelineup. This will createan updatedbattingorder. Theseplayers will be creditedwith playingtheinningfor purposes of Rule8.6.
8.13.Eachteam will beallowed up to 15 minutes on the fieldfor pregame warm-ups.Ifthere is less than 30 minutesbefore thegame,eachteam will haveequal warm-uptime.
8.14.Standings will be kept duringtheregularseason.The schedulewill consistsofhavingplayed each opposingteam at least twice. Additionalexhibitiongames maybe added to theschedulesthat do not count in the regularseasonstandings. Beforethe seasonbegins allgames that count in the standingwill be identified. Adoubleeliminationtournament will be playedafter theregularseason is complete.Allinter-leaguegameswillbe consideredexhibition games.
Thestandings in theregularseason will be used todetermine the seedingfor thetournament. Should there beatie between two teams, the tiebreaker to determinethe seedingwill bein this order: 1)head to headcompetition in theregularseason,
2)pointdifferential between the two teams in theregular season, 3) fewestrunsallowed fortheregular season, 4) most runsscoredin theregular season, 5)cointoss. Should therebe as tie between threeormoreteamstiebreakers 12will bethrown out and the teamswill be seeded based upon tiebreakers 3, 4, &5as needed.
8.15.Duringthe league tournament the “PONYBaseball Rules andRegulationsBook,Tournament Rules section”shall apply. NCYBpitchingrulesremain the sameexcept pitchinglimits applyto pitcher’s teams first threegamesas opposedto threegames in calendarweek.
8.16.All hittingsticksand similardevicesareno longerallowed during game time, butcan beusedduringpre-game warm-up.
8.17.Everyeffort will be made to not schedulegameson Sundaysprior to noon.
8.18.Ifarunner is injuredandcannot run thebases, theplayerwho madethe lastrecorded outshall bepermitted to run for the injuredplayer.
9.1.1.Limit 65 pitches per game until April 1.
9.1.2.Limit 85 pitches per gameafterApril 1.
9.1.3.Theofficial scorekeeperwill recordpitchrecord.(It is the manager’sresponsibilityto keep updated pitch counts).TheOfficialLeagueScorebookisthe authoritativesourcefor pitchcountdiscrepancies.
9.1.4.At 55/75 pitches, the scorekeeperwill notifythemanager of thepitchcount. Thisnotification will allow the team timeto warm up thenext pitcher.
9.1.5.Anypitchdelivered to home platewill count as a pitch, excludingwarmup pitches.
9.1.6.Pitchersshall be allowedto pitch nomorethe 10 innings in a calendarweek.
9.1.7.Pitchingweek begins on Monday12:01am and ends on Sunday12midnight.
9.1.8.Ifaplayer pitches 4 or more inningstheymusthave atleast 40 hours rest.
9.1.9.Pitchers maynot pitch inmorethan 7 innings on thesamecalendar day.
9.2.Anypitcher who hits three batters duringhis/herinnings on themound will beremovedfrom thepitchingposition for theremainder ofthegame.
9.3.Ifthere isaplayat homeplate, the runner must slideor avoid contact. Failure to doso mayresult inthe player beingcalled out. This is at the discretion oftheumpire.Ifthe outcome is determined to be intentional/malicious, the runnerwill be ejectedfrom thegame. Theumpirewill bethe sole, undisputed judge oftheseactions.
9.4.Mercyrule:If ateamhasa10+ lead,atanytime, its offensive inningwill endat 3outs or battingthrough the lineup,whichevercomes first. This rule will remain ineffect until the other team reduces the lead to fewerthan 10 runs.(This rule willNOT bein effect duringtheleague playoffs…Refer to PONYrule 11-G for 10 runrulein effect during League Tournament.)
9.5.No new inningshall begin at or after the3-hourmark, but the teams will beallowedto complete theinningtheyarein.
9.6.No infieldplaying requirement inPonyDivision.
9.7.NCYBPONYshall allow inter-league baseball in this division.Teamsfromotherleagues or travel ball will be able to participate in the regularbaseball season.
10.1.1.Limit 60 pitches per game until April 1.
10.1.2.Limit 75 pitches per gameafterApril 1.
10.1.3.Theofficial scorekeeperwill recordpitchrecord.(It is the manager’sresponsibilityto keep updated pitch counts.)Theofficialleaguebook is theauthoritative sourceforanypitchcountdiscrepancies.
10.1.4.At 50/65 pitches, the scorekeeperwill notifythemanager of thepitchcount. Thisnotification will allow the team timeto warm up thenext pitcher.
10.1.5.Anypitchdelivered to home platewill count as a pitch, excludingwarmup pitches.
10.1.6.Pitchersshall be allowedto pitch no more the 10 innings in a calendarweek.
10.1.7.Pitchingweek begins on Monday12:01am and ends on Sunday12midnight.
10.1.8.Ifaplayer pitches 4 or more inningsin agame theymusthaveatleast 40hours of rest.
10.1.9.Pitchers maynot pitch inmorethan 7 innings on thesamecalendar day. Ifa team has twogames schedules bythe NCYBin one day.A pitcher maypitch in more than one game in a calendarday; thepitchermaypitch amaximum of seveninningsprovidedtheydo not pitch fourinnings in the firstgame).
10.2.Anypitcher who hits three batters duringhis/herinnings on themound will beremovedfrom thepitchingposition for theremainder ofthegame.
10.3.Ifthere isaplayat homeplate, the runner must slideor avoid contact. Failure to doso mayresult in the player beingcalled out. This is at the discretion oftheumpire.Ifthe outcome is determined to be intentional/malicious, the runnerwill be ejectedfrom thegame. Theumpirewill bethe sole, undisputed judge oftheseactions.
10.4.Mercyrule:If ateam hasa10+ lead,atanytime, its offensive inningwill endat 3outs or battingthrough the lineup,whichevercomes first. This rule will remain ineffect until the other team reduces the lead to fewerthan 10 runs.(This rule willNOT bein effect duringtheleague playoffs…Refer to PONYrule 11-G for 10 runrulein effect during League Tournament.)