Virginia Council of Mathematics Specialists
Southwest Virginia Outreach Mini-Conference
Filling Your Mathematics Leadership Tool Kit
March 21, 2016
Southwest Virginia Higher Education Center
Schedule: Please attended the session that you signed up for and that is indicated on your name tag. Facilitators have planned for a certain number of people based on the number of participants who signed up for particular sessions.
9:30-10:00 A.M. / 2nd Floor LobbyCheck-in, Networking, Refreshments
Morning Sessions
10:00-12:00 / Session 1A
Leadership and Coaching for Veteran Math Specialists:
Establishing and Facilitating
Collegial Mathematics Learning Teams
Jolene Lambert &
Vickie Inge / Session 1B
Leadership and Coaching for Novice Math Specialists
Candy Standley &
Carol Walsh / Session 1CLeadership and Coaching for Mathematics Teacher Leaders
Betti Kreye &
Jean Mistele
12:00-1:00 / Lunch and Networking
Pick up a box lunch in the 2nd-floor lobby.
Feel free to enjoy you lunch in the session rooms or other areas designated for lunch.
Afternoon Sessions
1:00-3:00 / Session 2A
Teaching for Understanding:
Discourse and Purposeful Questioning
Jolene Lambert &
Vickie Inge / Session 2B
From Number Talks to Number Sense: Facilitating Math Talks for All Students
Candy Standley &
Carol Walsh / Session 2C
Mathematical Tasks to Skills
Betti Kreye &
Jean Mistele
Conference session materials and resources will be posted on the VACMS website, in the members Resources Folder under SWVA Outreach Conference. At this time, everyone is able to access the resources folder and all the helpful information located at the site.
We hope that you will take the opportunity to join the organization so that, as a member of VACMS, your voice can be counted among the voices of other mathematics specialist and teacher leaders across the state. Membership is $20 per year and ensures that you will always have access to the resources on the website. There is information in your registration packet about how to sign up at the website.
The annual VACMS fall conference will take place September 29-30, 2016 in Culpeper, Virginia. An information flyer has been placed in your folder.
The Virginia Council of Mathematics Specialists (VACMS) is excited to be able to make the Southwest Virginia Outreach Conference available to mathematics specialists and teacher leaders at the Southwest Higher Education Center. The VACMS is a professional organization supporting the work of school-basedmathematics specialists and mathematics teacher leaders.