Enterprise GIS Dataset Stewardship



Primary Steward:

Ron Vinson

Primary Steward Division/Office/Program:

Operations and Maintenance/Asset Support Branch/Technical Documentation and Standards Section

Identified Candidate Dataset:

The subject candidate geodatabase, “SWP_Features”, is comprised of the following eight feature classes: i017_CAAQEB, i017_CAAQMain, i017_CAAQWB, i017_Coastal, i017_EBX, i017_NBA, i017_SBA, and i017_SWPcenterline. The table below illustrates the subject matter of each of the said feature classes.

Feature Class / Feature Type / Feature Description
i017_CAAQEB / Point Features / SWP features along the California Aqueduct (East Branch)
i017_CAAQMain / Point Features / SWP features along the California Aqueduct (Main Line)
i017_CAAQWB / Point Features / SWP features along the California Aqueduct (West Branch)
i017_Coastal / Point Features / SWP features along the California Aqueduct (Coastal Branch)
i017_EBX / Point Features / SWP features along the California Aqueduct (East Branch Extension)
i017_NBA / Point Features / SWP features along the California Aqueduct (North Bay Aqueduct)
i017_SBA / Point Features / SWP features along the California Aqueduct (South Bay Aqueduct)
i017_SWPcenterline / Line Features / SWP centerline linear features (Open channel and buried pipeline)

The contained point features represent both equipment and facilities of the State Water Project (SWP) and are symbolized by the field division in which the feature is located. The linear features of the SWP are symbolized by the SWP branch for which they represent. The said linear feature data has been developed such that a linear referencing route has been created to represent each branch of the SWP. Additionally, the point feature data has been developed by appending each point features to the linear referencing route based upon SWP strip map legacy mile post data.

Point features consists of SWP facility and equipment data that has been derived from the 2009 SWP Blue Book data, SWP operating procedure manuals, and the 2013 SWP strip maps. Linear feature data has been derived from as-built record drawing tracings

Future plans for the feature data include expanding the contained date for each feature to include area control center phone number, specification hyperlink, submittal hyperlink, O&M manual hyperlink, photograph hyperlink, latitudinal coordinate, longitudinal coordinate and relative accuracy in feet. A pilot project, that will include surveying the South Bay Aqueduct point features to a sub-meter accuracy level, is set to commence in the summer of 2014. This project will consist of accumulating latitudinal and longitudinal coordinates, as well as provide comparable data by which a relative accuracy can be determined for each feature. Further, following the completion of the pilot project, additional branches of the SWP are to be surveyed in a similar manner.

Data Model:

The subject candidate geodatabase, “SWP_Features”, is comprised of the following eight feature classes: i017_CAAQEB, i017_CAAQMain, i017_CAAQWB, i017_Coastal, i017_EBX, i017_NBA, i017_SBA, and i017_SWPcenterline. Each of the said feature classes, with the exception of i017_SWPcenterline, is comprised of point feature data that represent SWP equipment and facilities. The point features, including installed equipment and facilities, in this dataset have been assigned as route events along a linear referencing network. Each feature or route event has an assigned route identification number, branch, field division, county, payment reach, pool, feature, facility type, from mile, to mile, legacy strip map page, conveyance method, note, feature owner, owner contact, area control center contact, and last information update-date. The feature class, i017_SWPcenterline, is comprised of the linear referencing network. This network is comprised of SWP linear features including open channels, tunnels, and pipelines. The linear data that makes up the i017_SWPcenterline feature class has been used as a series of linear referencing routes for the said mile post data.

i017_SWP_Features.gdb - Data Dictionary
Term / Description
Route_ID / Route identification number – identifies a linear referencing route within the dataset
Branch / Branch of aqueduct – is used to describe which the linear branches of the SWP.
Field_Division / SWP Field Division – identifies the field division a point feature may be located within.
Reach / Payment Reach – identifies the payment reach that a feature may reside within.
Pool / Pool – identifies the pool that a given point feature resides within.
County / County – identifies the county in which the point feature resides in
Feature / SWP Feature – identifies the official descriptive name of the point feature at hand. This may include names such as South Bay Pumping Plant rather than just pumping plant.
Facility_Type / Facility Type – identifies the type of equipment or facility that a point feature or linear feature is. For example, South Bay Pumping Plant would be described as Pumping Plant.
From _Mile / From Mile – Describes the given branch mile post number at which a point feature begins. From Mile also may be used to describe the given branches starting mile post number for a linear feature.
To_Mile / To Mile – Describes the given branch mile post number at which a linear feature ends.
Map / Map Page Number – identifies the map page number, from the legacy SWP strip map data, that the mile post data was derived from.
Deliv_Mthd / Delivery Method – identifies the method at which the water is conveyed at the feature point. This method could include aqueduct, buried pipeline, pipeline, or tunnel.
Correction / Correction – is a field that was used the corrected or adjusted unofficial mile post location for point features. This correction was implemented only for visual overlay clarity and is not the actual mile post location in the field.
Note / Data Point Notes – is a field that provides for general non-permanent notes about a point feature. This could include temporary update information in emergency situations.
Featr_Ownr / Feature Owner – identifies the owner of the point data facility or equipment. Not all facilities or equipment along the SWP are owned by DWR.
Ownr_Contct / Owner Contact Phone Number – identifies the point feature owner’s contact information
ACC_Contct / Area Control Center Phone Number – identifies the dedicated area control center for a given point or linear feature.
InfoDate / Information Update Date – identifies the date and time that the data was updated

Geodatabase Management:

The candidate geodatabase, i017_SWP_Features.gdb, contains eight feature classes. Feature classes i017_CAAQEB, i017_CAAQMain, i017_CAAQWB, i017_Coastal, i017_EBX, i017_NBA, and i017_SBA are all point feature classes that have been converted from original shape files. The feature class, i017_SWPcenterline, is a linear feature class that represents the linear features of the SWP.

The initial size of the geodatabase is roughly 3 MB. The point features contain SWP facility and equipment data that has been derived from the 2009 SWP Blue Book data, SWP operating procedure manuals, and the 2013 SWP strip maps. The originating strip map data, operating procedure manuals, and blue book data shall be archived by the primary data steward. This archive will consist of keeping hard copies in the Technical Documentation and Standards files and soft copies on the Technical Documentation and Standards server.

The data will be provided as a geodatabase initially with the prospect of launching it for use as a map service in the future.

The primary steward shall be responsible for updating the geodatabase. The geodatabase will be updated as new facilities and equipment are installed. Additional updates to the geodatabase shall occur when data with a higher level of accuracy becomes available. The primary data steward shall be responsible for notifying the EGC of any and all geodatabase modifications prior to modifications being performed.

Archiving & Maintenance:

New versions of the i017_SWP_Features.gdb data shall be updated as more accurate and precise data are made available. As the said dataset becomes outdated and is updated, the Enterprise GIS Committee (EGC) shall be notified by the primary data steward. This notification shall take place at the earliest convenience to allow the EGC ample time to notify any end users of the upcoming revision.

Upon release to the EGC, the dataset shall be renamed to include the date of release. For example, the dataset shall take the form of SWP_Features_MMDDYYYY. In the case of emergency response, by which data is being updated on a greater frequency, an additional four digits shall be added to the dataset title in a 24-hour clock format. For example, the dataset shall take the form of SWP_Features_MMDDYYYYHHMM.

The frequency of archiving depends on the updates made to the feature classes. Older versions of the feature classes shall be retrieved back from the EGC and shall be kept on both an O&M-owned portable hard drive and a DTS maintained server.

The primary steward will update the metadata if any of the following is changed:

• Contact information

• Positional and attribute accuracy

• Data Model – fields, domains, related tables

EGC will be involved in reevaluating the datasets only if the data model has changed.

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