Networking: Sheet-1

Filling the blanks (e.g.)

1-  The project network is a visual flow diagram of the sequence, interrelationships, and dependencies of all the activities that must be accomplished to complete the project

Sequence, complete

2-  Network diagram determines an expected project completion date

Project, date

3-  Network identifies so-called critical activities that, if delayed, will delay the project completion time

Critical activities, Project

4-  Network identifies activities with slack that can be delayed for specific periods without penalty

Slack, delayed, penalty

5-  Network determines the dates on which tasks may be started

Dates, tasks

Problem Sheet (Networking) - AON

Q-1 From the following information, develop an AON project network. Complete the forward and backward pass, compute activity slack, and identify the critical path. How many days will the project take?

The project will take 14-days

Q-2 A large eastern city is requesting federal funding for a park-and-ride project. One of the requirements in the request application is a network plan for the design phase of the project. Catherine Walker, the chief engineer, wants you to develop a project network plan to meet this requirement. She has gathered the activity time estimates and their dependencies shown here. Show your project network with the activity early, late, and slack times. Mark the critical path.

The project will complete in 155 days

More problems


Solve the given Network using AON and reply the following questions

(a) What is the critical path?

(b) How long will it take to complete this project?

(c) Can activity B be delayed without delaying the completion of the project? If so, how many days?


The following network is a compressed representation of the prospectus of a start-up firm that plans to develop a new, bioelectronic computer chip.

Note that four activities, the biological elements, can start immediately.

Using AON find the following:

(a) The critical path.

(b) The earliest time to complete the project.

(c) The slack on activities E, F, and H.


Given the following network (times are in weeks), using AON, determine:

(a) The ES, LS, EF, and LF for each activity.

(b) The slacks on all activities.

(c) The critical activities and path.


In the Web site development project network, shown in the following figure, the number alongside each activity designates the activity duration in weeks.

Using AON analysis, determine:

(a) The ES and LS for each activity.

(b) The earliest time that the website can be completed.

(c) The slack on all activities.

(d) The critical path.