Notification of temporary import, export or transfer of civilian firearms, components and ammunition - page 1 out of 3

Notification of temporary import, export or transfer of civilian firearms, components and ammunition / CSG-09-121025
Flemish Department of Foreign Affairs
Strategic Goods Control Unit
Havenlaan 88 bus 80, 1000 BRUSSEL
Tel. +32 2 553 61 71
E-mail: – Website: / To be completed by
the unit in charge
Receipt date
File number
What is the purpose of this form?
With this form you can notify the Strategic Goods Control Unit of an intended temporary import, export or transfer of civilian firearms, components and ammunition for so-called 'verifiable legal purposes'. Those are :hunting or sport shooting activities, demonstration or exhibition without sale, maintenance or repair, evaluation and temporary storage.
Who do you send this form to?
Send this form no later than two working days before the intended import, export or transfer by post or by fax or e-mail to the Strategic Goods Control Unit of the Government of Flanders. The address is mentioned on top the form.
When must you have the last section of this form stamped?
At the moment you actually import, export or transfer the civilian firearms, components thereof or ammunition, the airport security services (or if not available the competent police or customs services) will stamp the bottom left box on page 2 . If after completing your activities you re-import, re-export or re-transfer the civilian firearms, components thereof or ammunition, you must have the bottom right box on page 2 stamped again.
If the stamping proves to be impossible, you can also present no later than two months after the end of your activities another proof of re-import, re-export or re-transfer to the Strategic Goods Control Unit. The proof is provided for either by a document issued by the customs administration of the importing or exporting country substantiating that the imported or exported goods are declared, either by another document substantiating that the goods are re-imported, re-exported or re-transferred within the prescribed period.

Details of the sender

1 /

Fill in the details of the sender here.

(first and last) name
street and number
postal code and city / country
telephone number / fax number
e-mail address
state register number or company number

Details of the consignee

2 /

Fill in the details of the consignee here.

(first and last) name
street and number
postal code and city / country
telephone number / fax number
e-mail address
state register number or company number

Details of the temporary import, export or transfer

3 /

Please tick the purpose of the temporary import, export or transfer.

Please attach a proof thereof to the present notification

hunting or sport shooting activities / demonstration / exhibit without sale
maintenance or repair / evaluation / temporary storage
4 / Please explain the purpose of the temporary import, export or transfer you ticked.
5 / Fill in the time duration of the temporary import, export or transfer.
from / until

Technical data of the goods

6 /

Fill in the technical details of the goods here.

type/category / make/model / calibre / serial number / year and country of manufacture / CIP check / quantity / value in Euro
y / n
y / n
y / n
7 / Tick the possession title you hold.

Please enclose a copy of your possessiontitle with this notification.

European firearms pass / hunting licence / sport shooting licence
possession licence (model 4) / accreditation as arms collector / accreditation as arms dealer
foreign document


8 / Please complete the declaration below.
I declare that all data in this form are entered truthfully and I confirm the accuracy of the contents of all documents of proof attached to this form.
I undertake to provide for a destination of the goods in accordance with the present notification.
I undertake to comply with the obligations imposed by the customs regulations, the Weapons Act of June 8th, 2006, the Arms Act implementing orders and other applicable regulations, provided that they apply to the import, export and transfer concerned.
date / day / month / year
first and last name

Privacy guarantee

9 / The data which you provide will be stored in a database. Your data will be used for the treatment of your file. A notification of the data of this form and the registration thereof can be sent to other relevant public bodies, including the authorization services of the other regions, the Administration of Customs and Excise Duties of the FPS Finance, the Federal Weapons Services of the FPS Justice, the State Security, the Proofhouse for Firearms, the public prosecutor at the court of the judicial district where the concerned persons are established as well as other competent international and foreign competent authorities.

Registration by the Strategic Goods Control Unit

date / day / month / year
registration number
initials ans stamp

Registration by the airport security services or the competent customs or police services

At the moment of the effective import, export or transfer of civilian firearms, components thereof or ammunition, theairport security services or the customs or police services fill in the bottom left box. At the moment of the re-import, re-export or re-transfer of civilian firearms, components thereof orammunition, they fill in the bottom right box.
registration at the moment of temporary import, export or transfer / registration at the moment of re-import, re-export or re-transfer
date / day / month / year / day / month / year