File ref: 15/3/10-15/Farm 758/16Enquiries:
Me A. de Jager
11 January 2018
CK Rumboll and Partners
PO Box 211
7299By Registered Mail
Dear Sir/Madam
Your applicationMAL/10158/JL/MHdated 7 September 2017 on behalf of Rose Agnew,refers.
By virtue of the authority that is delegated to the Director: Development Services in terms of Council Decision No. 7.25, dated 13 May 2015, as determined by Section 79(1) of the Swartland Municipal Land Use Planning By-Law (PG 7741 of 3 March 2017), the application for a consent use on Portion 16 of the Farm Goedehoopno.758, is approved in terms of Section 70 of the aforementioned By-law, subject to the conditions that:
a)The consent useauthorise intensive stock farming for the development of a piggery and ancillary facilities restricted to a footprint of 890m², as presented in the application;
b)Building plans be submitted to the Director: Development Services for consideration and approval;
c)The health requirements, as set from time to time by Department of Health, be complied with to the satisfaction of said Department;
d)In terms of section 76(2)(w) of the By-Law, this approval is only valid for a period of 5 years. All conditions of approval must be complied with within the 5 year period and failing to do so will result in this approval expiring;
a)No municipal drinking water can be provided;
b)Water use be licenced in accordance with the requirements of the Department: Water and Sanitation;
a)Sewerage services can only be provided for household sewerage by means of a vacuum truck;
b)The management of waste water be licenced in accordance with the requirements of theDepartment: Water and Sanitation;
a)Should any of the landfills in the municipal area be used,prepaid coupons must be submitted to the landfill at such time. These coupons are available at any municipal office in the municipal area;
a)It should be noted that this approval does not exempt the applicant from adherence to any and all other legal procedures, applications and/or approvals related to the intended land use, as required by provincial, state, parastatal and other statutory bodies;
b)Cognisance be taken of comments, approvals and conditions issued by the National Department of Water and Sanitation on 17 October 2017, with reference 16/2/7/G10L/A/8. The monitoring and enforcement of all conditions imposed remain the responsibility of said Department.
Yours sincerely
per Department Development Services
Copies:Department: Financial Services
Department: Civil Engineering Services
Building Control Officer
R. Agnew, PO Box 724, Malmesbury
Cor van der Walt, Western Cape Department of Agriculture: Land Use Management, Private Bag X1, ELSENBURG, 7607
ML Watters, Western Cape Department: Transport and Public Works, P.O. Box 2603, Cape Town, 8000
M. Lintnaar-Strauss, National Department: Water and Sanitation, Private Bag X16, Sanlamhof, 7532.
Reasons for approval:
- The proposal is compliant with LUPA and SPLUMA principles.
- The proposal is consistent with the land uses contemplated for the area by the SDF.
- The proposal does not affect the rural character of the area and is compatible with surrounding land uses of Tierfontein.
- Intensive livestock farming already exists in Tierfontein.
- The proposal supports the development of the Intensive Rural Development Corridor that promotes diversification of agricultural uses to allow for residential, industrial, commercial, tourism and open space networks.
- The proposal is consistent with all land use provisions applicable to Agricultural Zone 3.
- Western Cape Department of Transport and public works does not object to the application.
- Western Cape Department of Agriculture does not object to the application.