1 / Course number / MEC411
3 / Credits / 4
4 / Contact Hours (L-T-P) / 4-0-0
5 / Course Objective / To make the student familiar in detail with the FMS system and subsequently its effects on productivity.
6 / Course Outcomes / On successful completion of this module students will be able to
  1. To understand the various methods of production, production equipments and support systems.
  2. To conceive various concepts of automation in production systems
  3. To evaluate various concept of Group Technology and cellular manufacturing.
  4. To analyse the Flexible manufacturing system, its components, benefits, applications
  5. To plan, design and implementation of FMS.
  6. To make student learn basic layout types.
  7. Have an clarity of the FMS system by visiting industry.
  8. Student should be able to design some basic layout types using Autodesk factory design suite software.

7 / Outline syllabus
7.01 / MEC411.A / Unit A / Introduction to manufacturing systems
7.02 / MEC411.A1 / Unit A Topic 1 / Production systems,automation in production systems,manual labour in production systems,automation principles and strategies.
7.03 / MEC411.A2 / Unit A Topic 2 / Overview of manufacturing, manufacturing industries and products , manufacturing operations, production facilities, product/production relationships,
7.04 / MEC411.A3 / Unit A Topic 3 / Automation and control technologies: Introduction to automation basic elements of an automation system, Advanced automation functions, levels of automation
7.05 / MEC411.B / Unit B / Introduction to FMS
7.06 / MEC411.B1 / Unit B Topic 1 / Introduction: FMS definition and classification of manufacturing systems, Automated production cycle, Need of flexibility, Concept of flexibility, Types of flexibilities and its measurement.
7.07 / MEC411.B2 / Unit B Topic 2 / FMS Equipment: Why FMS, Factors responsible for the growth of FMS. FMS types, its components, applications and its benefits, Economic justification for FMS
7.08 / MEC411.C / Unit C / Functional requirements for FMS
7.09 / MEC411.C1 / Unit C Topic 1 / Functional requirements for FMS equipments,FMS processing and support equipments; Machining centres, Co-ordinate measuring machines, Cleaning and deburring machines.
7.10 / MEC411.C2 / Unit C Topic 2 / Automated material handling and storage equipments, cutting tool and tool management
7.11 / MEC411.D / Unit D / Introduction to Group Technology and Cellular manufacturing.
7.12 / MEC411.D1 / Unit D Topic 1 / Part families, parts classification and coding, types of classification and coding systems, opitz classification and coding system, Production flow analysis.
7.13 / MEC411.D2 / Unit D Topic 2 / Machine cell design: The composite part concept, types of cell designs, quantitative analysis in cellular manufacturing(rank order clustering and hollier method), benefits and applications of group technology.
7.14 / MEC411.E / Unit E / FMS Issues
7.14 / MEC411.E1 / Unit E Topic 1 / Flexible manufacturing system planning, design and implementation issues
MEC411.E2 / Unit E Topic 2 / Layout designing by Autodesk factory design suite software
8 / Course Evaluation
8.1 / Course work: 30%
8.11 / Attendance / None
8.12 / Homework / Three best out of 4 assignments: 20 marks
8.13 / Quizzes / Two 30-minutes surprise quizzes: 10 marks
8.14 / Projects / None
8.15 / Presentations / None
8.16 / Any other / None
8.2 / MTE / One, 20%
8.3 / End-term examination: 50%
9 / References
9.1 / Text book / Groover, M.P., “Automated Production systems and computer integrated manufacturing”, PHI publishers, 2007
9.2 / Reference book / Zubair, M.M., “Flexible Manufacturing System”, Garland Publishing, 1994
Autodesk layout

Mapping of Outcomes vs. Topics

Outcome no. →
Syllabus topic↓ / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8
MEC411.A1 / X / X / X / X
MEC411.A2 / X / X / X / X / X
MEC411.A3 / X / X
MEC411.B1 / X / X / X
MEC411.B2 / X / X / X / X / X
MEC411.C1 / X / X / X
MEC411.C2 / X / X / X
MEC411.D1 / X / X / X / X
MEC411.D2 / X / X / X / X / X
MEC411.E1 / X / X / X / X / X
MEC411.E2 / X / X / X