


24 August 1993





Bangkok, 17-19 November 1993




Report of the Secretariat


1. The present report contains information received by the Secretariat (as at 20 August 1993) pursuant to Article 7 (Reporting of Data) of the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer. The report is prepared by the Secretariat for consideration by the Fifth Meeting of the Parties in accordance with Article 12 (c) of the Protocol and decisionIV/17 C adopted at the Fourth Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol.



2. As at 20 August 1993, 123 States and the European Economic Community (EEC) had ratified the Montreal Protocol and 67 States and EEC had ratified the London Amendment while the Copenhagen Amendment had been ratified by six States.


3. All Parties are required by Article 7 to report to the Secretariat therelevant data for each year. A third reminder was sent to the Parties in May 1993 to report 1991 and 1992 data. The format to be used for reporting data was also sent to the Parties. In accordance with Article 7, paragraph 4, of the Protocol as amended at London States members of the European Community are required to report to the Secretariat only the data on production of controlled substances. The Community-wide consumption data is reported by EC.

4. The status of reporting of data by the Parties under Article 7 for the years 1991 and 1992 is as follows:

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Status of reporting of data by the Parties

1991 / 1992
Required to report / 35 / 41
Non-Article 5
Parties / Fulfilled reporting / 26 / 9
No report / 9 / 32
Required to report / 39 / 58
Article 5
Parties / Fulfilled reporting / 20 / 14
No report / 19 / 44


5. According to paragraph 1 of Article 7 of the Protocol, each Party should provide to the Secretariat statistical data on production, imports and exports of each of the controlled substances in Annex A for the year 1986 within three months of becoming a Party. The following Parties, have failed to submit the data required:

Barbados, Belarus, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Costa Rica, Gambia, Guinea, India, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Italy, Maldives, Mauritius, Niger, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Russian Federation, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Slovenia, Swaziland, Togo, Trinidad and Tobago, Uganda, Ukraine and Zimbabwe.

6. Only 46 Parties (26 non-Article 5 and 20 Article 5) have provided complete data and/or information for 1991. Twenty-eight Parties did not report at all. All the Parties operating under Article 5 that have reported 1991 data show a per capita annual consumption level of less than 0.3 kilograms. China and Venezuela are the only Parties operating under Article 5 that have reported production data for 1991.

7. The Parties that did not report their 1991 data are: Argentina, Bangladesh, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Belarus, Cameroon, Chile, Costa Rica, Czechoslovakia before it ceased to exist on 1 January 1993), Fiji, Gambia, Guatemala, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Italy, Kenya, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, Luxembourg, Maldives, Mexico, Nigeria, Panama, Russian Federation, Singapore, Spain, Syrian Arab Republic, Togo, Trinidad and Tobago, Uganda, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates and Zambia.

8. As can be seen from table 7 in section XIII below, 23 Parties (9 non-Article 5 and 14 Article 5) have so far reported complete data for 1992. The 1992 data from Solomon Islands, which became a Party to the Protocol in 1993 but had earlier reported the data pursuant to decision IV/17 C of the Fourth Meeting of the Parties, has been included in that table. The 1992 population data for Slovakia are not available and therefore the per capita

consumption is not shown. All Parties required to report 1992 data will have to do so before the end of September 1993 in order to comply with the reporting requirements under Article 7 of the Protocol.

9. The 1989 and 1990 data reports contain additional data received fromthose Parties that had not previously reported. For 1989, data and/or information from Bulgaria, China, Cuba, Ireland, Jamaica, Kuwait and Malta has been reported and published in the data report for that year (see section XIV below, table 1). Data and/or information for 1990 has been received from Bulgaria, European Economic Community, Greece, China, Cuba, Jamaica, Malta and Sri Lanka (see section XIV below, table 2). Additionaldata reports from the following Parties for the control period 1July 1990-30 June 1991 have been received and included in table 4: Belgium, European Economic Community, France, Greece, Liechtenstein, Poland, Sweden and United Kingdom.

10. Under the London Amendment, which entered into force on 10August1992, all Parties are to report data on the substances listed inAnnexes B and C no later than three months after the date on which the provisions relating to Annex B substances come into force for them. The data reported by some Parties in fulfilment of this requirement together with the data relating to Annex B and Annex C substances for subsequent years have been incorporated in the respective annual reports for those Parties. Poland and Yugoslavia, two Parties which have not ratified the London Amendment to the Protocol, have reported the 1989 data (see sectionXIV below, table 8).


11. The compliance with the control measures under Article 2 by those Parties which have reported the data for the control periods 1July198930June 1990, 1 July 1990-30 June 1991 and 1 July 1991-31December 1992 may be seen from tables 3 (data for the control period 1July 1989-30 June 1990), 4 (data for the control period 1July1990-30June 1991) and 5 (data for the control period 1July1991-

31 December 1992), which are contained in section XIV below.

12. For the year 1991, all the Parties not operating under Article 5 have shown reductions in consumption beyond the percentages mandated by the Protocol. The average reduction in consumption was by 45 per cent with Austria and Sweden recording nearly 80 per cent reduction. The production also decreased by 45 per cent, the maximum decrease recorded by France of nearly 62 per cent. Of the Parties operating under Article 5, only Croatia, Equador, Egypt, Malta, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Turkey, Venezuela and Yugoslavia have shown a decrease in the consumption of controlled substances. Others have shown increases. The highest increases are recorded by Thailand (200 per cent), China (99 per cent) and Tunisia (80per cent). The overall increase of consumption in the Parties operating under Article 5 is 54 per cent. These Parties, however, have a grace-period of 10 years and the control measures are applicable to them only from 1 January 1999. These Parties accounted for less than 10 per cent of the total consumption in 1986. In 1991, however, they accounted for nearly 20 per cent of the total consumption. On the whole, it can be observed that all the Parties which reported data have complied with the control measures of the Protocol. The Parties not operating under Article5 which have not reported i.e. Belarus, Italy, Luxembourg, RussianFederation, Singapore, Ukraine and United Arab Emirates are yet todemonstrate their compliance.


13. The data submitted by Colombia for the baseline years 1986 (Annex A substances), 1989 (Annex B and Annex C substances), and calendar years 1990 and 1991 in fulfilment of Article 4, paragraph 8, of the Protocol are contained in table 8 in section XIV below. Under decision IV/17 B of the Fourth Meeting of the Parties, Colombia was allowed to operate under Article 4, paragraph 8, until the date on which the Protocol and its Amendment enter into force for Colombia.

14. Pursuant to decision IV/17 C (Application of trade measures under Article 4 to non-Parties to the Protocol) of the Fourth Meeting of the Parties, the following non-Parties to the Montreal Protocol had by 31March1993 communicated to the Secretariat, the data and/or information called for in that decision: Comoros, Congo, Dominican Republic, Gabon, Guyana, Lao People's Democratic Republic, Lithuania, Madagascar, Mali, Myanmar, Suriname, and Viet Nam. The data and information reported by these non-Parties were communicated to all Parties in April and May 1993.

15. There follows a summary of the data and/or information received from each of the above-mentioned non-Parties. The actual data are attached to this report in table 9 in section XIV below.

COMOROS - Did not report the 1986 baseline consumption data for Annex A substances;

- Reported the aggregated consumption data for the years 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991 and 1992;

- Is a developing country with per capita consumption of less than 0.3 kg.;

- Did not state whether it is in compliance with Article4.

CONGO - Reported the 1986 baseline data for Annex A substances;

- Reported the 1991 data for Annex A substances;

- Is a developing country with per capita consumption of less than 0.3 kg.;

- Did not state whether is complying with Article 4.

DOMINICAN - Did not report the 1986 baseline consumption data for

REPUBLIC Annex A substances;

- Reported the consumption data for 1992;

- Is a developing country with per capita consumption of less than 0.3 kg.;

- Did not state whether it is in compliance with Article4;

- Requested technical and financial assistance to phase out the controlled substances.

GABON - Reported the 1986 baseline consumption data for AnnexA substances;

- Reported the 1991 data for Annex A and Annex C substances;

- Is a developing country with per capita consumption of less than 0.3 kg.;

- Did not state whether it is in compliance with Article4;

- Requested technical and financial assistance in order to phase out the controlled substances.



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GUYANA - Reported the 1986 baseline consumption data for AnnexA substances;

- Reported the 1989 baseline consumption data for AnnexB and Annex C substances;

- Reported the consumption data for 1990, 1991 and1992;

- Is a developing country with per capita consumption of less than 0.3 kg.;

- Is complying with Article 4.

LAO PEOPLE'S - Reported the 1986 baseline consumption data for

DEMOCRATIC AnnexA substances;


- Reported the 1989 baseline consumption data for AnnexB and C substances;

- Reported the 1992 consumption data for Annex A, AnnexB and Annex C substances;

- Is a developing country with per capita consumption of less than 0.3 kg.;

- Did not state whether it is in compliance with Article4.

LITHUANIA - Reported the 1986 baseline consumption data for AnnexA substances;

- Reported the 1989 baseline data for Annex B and AnnexC substances;

- Reported the 1989, 1990, 1991 and 1992 data for controlled substances in Annexes A, B and C;

- Stated it was in compliance with Articles 2, 2A to2E and 4.

MADAGASCAR - Reported estimated 1986 baseline consumption data for Annex A substances. Annual imports of CFCs is estimated to be 100 tonnes per annum;

- Is a developing country with per capita consumption of less than 0.3 kg.;

- Did not report whether is in compliance with Article4.

MALI - Reported that annual imports of CFCs are estimated to be 30 tonnes per annum;

- Is a developing country with per capita consumption of less than 0.3 kg.;

- Did not state whether it is in compliance with Article4.

MYANMAR - Did not report the 1986 baseline consumption data for Annex A substances;

- Did not report the 1989 baseline consumption data for Annexes B and C substances;

- Reported the 1992 consumption data for Annexes A, B and C substances;

- Stated it is in compliance with Articles 2 and 4;

- Is a developing country with per capita consumption of less than 0.3 kg.

SURINAME - Reported that annual imports of CFCs is estimated to be 8.6 tonnes per annum;

- Is a developing country with per capita consumption of less than 0.3 kg.;

- Did not state whether it is in compliance with Article4.

VIET NAM - Reported estimated 1986 baseline consumption data for Annex A substances;

- Reported the 1991 consumption data substances in Annexes A, B and C substances;

- Stated it is in compliance with Article 4;

- Is a developing country with per capita consumption of less than 0.3 kg.

16. The data from other non-Parties that had reported data pursuant to decision IV/17 C but which subsequently ratified the Montreal Protocol and became Parties prior to the preparation of this report, have been treated as reports from Parties.

17. The following Parties to the Montreal Protocol but non-Parties to the London Amendment had by 31 March 1993 reported the data and/or information to the Secretariat pursuant to decision IV/17 C of the Fourth Meeting of the Parties.

BELGIUM - Reported the 1989 baseline production data for Annexes B and C substances;

- Reported the data for Annex B and Annex C substances for the control periods July 1990-June 1991 and July1991-December 1992;

- Is in compliance with Articles 2, 2A-2E and 4 of the Protocol.