February 13, 2013
- Roll Call 9:00 a.m., 102 Burnside Drive, Tallulah, LA.
2.Approve minutes from January meeting. (Mailed)
3.Approve claims for January. (Mailed)
4.Review financial statements for January. (Mailed)
5.Hear comments from Louisiana State Representative John F. “Andy” Anders.
6.Consider approval to pay Board President expenses to attend annual Spring Meeting of MVFCA in Washington D.C. March 17-20, 2013.
7.Consider Permit Request from Ford Bacon & Davis, Inc. seeking permission perform geotechnical borings up to a depth of 40 feet for field investigation of previous pond permit application. (Subject to USACE and DOTD review.)
8.Consider Permit Request from Pittman Hogue LLC. To install a 2 inch water line over the Mainline Mississippi River Levee approximately 6 miles north of the Town of Lake Providence in East Carroll Parish. (Subject to USACE and DOTD review.)
9.Consider permit request from Hall Schneider seeking permission for the following: to install new fencing along the toe, to install a cross fence, permission to graze cattle, and permission to harvest hay at Mainline Mississippi River Levee Station 400 in East Carroll Parish.
10. Review/approve resolution to appropriate rights-of-way required for construction in conjunction with Flood Control/Mississippi River and Tributaries, West Bank Mississippi River Levees Item 466-R, Ice Box Hole, Seepage Control East Carroll Parish, as shown on USACE Map File No. M-15-1070. (Map can be viewed in office.)
11.Consider/approve resolution giving George Fox, attorney, right to expropriate rights-of-way required for construction in conjunction with Flood Control/Mississippi River & Tributaries, West Bank Mississippi River Levees, Item 464-R, Henderson, Seepage Control, East Carroll Parish, as shown on USACE Map File No.M-15-1070. (Map can be viewed in office.)
12.Consider/approve resolution giving George Fox, attorney, right to expropriate rights-of-way required for construction in conjunction with Flood Control/Mississippi River & Tributaries, West Bank Mississippi River Levees, Item 397-R, Botany Bay, Seepage Control, Tensas Parish, as shown on USACE Map File No.M-15-1070. (Map can be viewed in office.)
13.Consider/approve resolution giving George Fox, attorney, right to expropriate rights-of-way required for construction in conjunction with Flood Control/Mississippi River & Tributaries, West Bank Mississippi River Levees, Item 397-R, Lake Bruin, Seepage Control, Tensas Parish, as shown on USACE Map File No.M-15-1070. (Map can be viewed in office.)
High-water inspection trip is tentatively scheduled for April 7-12, 2013.
10.Public Comments
11.Other Business
12Motion to Adjourn