CJCSI 62xx

June 19, 2013




1. Introduction. The Warfighting Mission Area (WMA) provides life cycle oversight to applicable DoD Component and Combatant Commander IT investments (programs, systems, and initiatives). WMA IT investments support and enhance the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff's (JCS) joint warfighting priorities while supporting actions to create a net-centric distributed force, capable of full spectrum dominance through decision and information superiority. WMA IT investments ensure Combatant Commands can meet the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff's (CJCS) strategic challenges to win the war on terrorism, accelerate transformation, and strengthen joint warfighting through organizational agility, action and decision speed, collaboration, outreach, and professional development (DoDI 8115.02).

2. Role of Architectures in the Department of Defense (DoD) The DoD has significantly increased the role architectures play in improving our militaries capabilities. The Services and Combatant Commands have been assigned many responsibilities for developing integrated and federated architectures. To support this, WMA architecture development efforts must provide for comprehensive, reusable, and authoritative architectures and the associated data elements, accessible to the Department of Defense for architecture development and analyses.

3. Purpose of this Enclosure. The purpose of this enclosure is to define and document the Warfighting Mission Area Architecture Federation and Integration roles, procedures, policies, and activities. Implementation will be managed through the Joint Staff J6, Deputy Director Command and Control Integration, Architecture Integration Division. Implementation of the methodologies outlined in this guide is critical support WMA to the protection of architectural data integrity, preserving data context, and providing data to support effective analysis.

a. Standardized Framework. Architecture development environments need to employ a standard framework and processes to generate reusable operations, systems, technical standards, and enterprise reference architecture data to support all mission areas.

(1) Use of DoDAF. Any architecture development processes need to be structured around the guidance provided in the Department of Defense (DoD) Architecture Framework (DoDAF). This can only be accomplished through standardized architecture configuration management, federation, and integration processes. These standardized processes should support these critical business processes, yet agile and adaptable enough to support innovation and incorporation of new processes and procedures.

b. Architecture Repositories. Architecture repositories of architecture elements, capability requirements, and associated data help execute the Command’s mission areas and essential tasks, as well as its WMA capability portfolio management (Functional Capability Board (FCB) processes) and architecture development responsibilities by supporting the achievement of the following goals:

(1) Standardize WMA architectural definitions and product information to include baseline products and engineering developments.

(2) Provide and maintain a stable architecture data environment through the use of tools and configuration management processes.

(3) Enable performance and efficiency of architectural baseline developments, change control during developments, and facilitate the accuracy and validation of WMA data/information.

(4) Provide traceability of requirements (i.e. operational, system, and technical standards) through architectures to oversee the development, experimentation, test/assessment, and exercise training of current and future fielding of Joint war fighting capabilities.

(5) Facilitate architecture reusability across the WMA enterprise.

(6) Facilitate WMA capability assessments for decision making and capability improvement.

c. WMA Architecture Lexicons. Architectures must be based in existing approved lexicons whenever possible and have the capability to extend those lexicons so architecture objects provide consistent unambiguous representations of component and aggregate capabilities. Use of these common lexicons is essential to accurately depict and understand the capabilities reflected in WMA Architectures. The architectures maintained by Joint Staff J6 will be used for Joint Mission Thread Assessments, Capability Based Assessments, defining WMA capabilities for the mission commander, and a variety of other purposes. The utility and accuracy of assessments are dependent upon the properly described artifacts to provide a basis to federate or integrate and assess architectures. The Joint Staff J6 Capability Mapping Baseline/Architecture Development Model (Appendix D) provides the foundation for WMA architecture developers to create and baseline project specific architectures with clearly defined relationships to WMA capability and portfolio management, i.e., Joint Mission Threads (JMT), organizational capabilities, Joint Capabilities Integration and Development Systems (JCIDS) requirements generation.

4. WMA Architecture Federation Mission. The mission of WMA Architecture Federation and Integration (WMA-AFI) is to provide a common context (federated environment) for sharing of WMA architecture, mission thread and other related WMA capability integration information and data between various authoritative repositories in order to increase effectiveness and efficiency of decision-making in a dynamic environment by our customers. This will be accomplished by:

a. Assist Architecture Developers and Analysts. Assisting WMA program, capability, and reference architecture developers and analysts in ensuring architecture information and data is Discoverable, Accessible, Understandable, and Re-Usable

b. Encouraging more effective collaboration between project partners and stakeholders to maximize limited resources, eliminate and reduce duplication of effort, and improve the speed of development for architecture products by reusability

c. Sharing architectures and architecture-related data between various organizations, tools and environments

d. Creating more efficient architecture development and analysis processes in support of DoD initiatives

e. Improving relevancy of architecture based analysis to key decision making processes such as Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System (JCIDS) or the Program Objectives Memorandum (POM) process.

5. Purpose. The purpose of this guide is to define and document the WMA architecture federation implementation process and procedures.

6. Scope. The scope of this guide addresses:

a. WMA Architecture Federation Organization Roles and Responsibilities

b. WMA Architecture Discovery and Accessibility (Appendix A)

c. WMA Architecture Federation and Integration (Appendix B)

d. WMA Architecture Data Formats and Standards (Appendix C)

e. WMA Architecture and Architecture Repository Configuration Management (Appendix D)

7. WMA Architecture Federation and Integration Lines of Effort

a. Line of Effort 1: Architecture Federation Methodology Development. Joint Staff J6/DD C2I and architecture federation partners will mature the methodologies and processes to support requirements for technical solution development (web services) of a federated environment. This environment allows discoverability, accessibility, visualization, reuse and traceability among various DoD-wide architecture repositories to support the following information sharing needs:

(1) Architecture products (DoDAF and Fit for Purpose views)

(2) Systems/services

(3) Joint activities

(4) Information/data exchanges

(5) Joint nodes/performers (i.e. organizations/facilities/ platforms)

(6) Universal Joint Task List (UJTL)/Joint Capability Area (JCA) repositories ( Joint Doctrine, Education, & Training Electronic Information System (JDEIS))

(7) System/service functions

(8) IT standards

(9) IT technical views

(10) Joint Capabilities Integration Development System (JCIDS) documentation (i.e. Knowledge Management and Decision Support (KMDS), GIG Technical Guidance – Federation (GTG-F))

(11) Authoritative Data Sources (ADS) Registry

(12) Process documentation/project architecture development

(13) Support for interoperability and portfolio analysis of architecture data

(14) Use case identification, support, and storyboard for web service development

(15) Feedback and process improvement

b. Line of Effort 2: Technology Development. Joint Staff J6/DD C2I and architecture federation partners will lead development of web-service enabled technical solutions to consume and expose baseline architectures and data from a federated set of repositories.

(1) Technology support for consumption of DoDAF-specified Physical Exchange Specifications (PES) compliant web services.

(2) Leverage DoD Global Information Grid (GIG) Enterprise Services (GES)

(3) Development of the service oriented environment to support exposure of federated WMA architecture data, products, analyses, and reports.

(4) User interface design and development (standardized portal interface).

(5) Support for federation with DoD CIO, Business and Intelligence Mission Area (MA) Enterprise and Reference Architectures.

(6) Support for WMA Mission Thread (MT) exposure and development to provide operational context

(7) Create reusable repository of WMA MTs

(8) Develop web services to expose WMA MT products and data

(9) Expose WMA MT Data through standardized portal interface

(10) Federate Tier 2/3 WMA MTs from other repositories to Tier 1 WMA MTs

(11) Normalize data and federate between WMA MTs

(12) Extract and convert architectures and associated data from various tools and converting to a reusable DoDAF format.

(13) Provide technical support to standardize and expose architectures from C/S/A partners reliant on WMA Architecture Federation (support for legacy architectures that are not located in web-enabled environments).

c. Line of Effort 3: Core Capability Support: Deployment and Maintenance of Production Environment. Support for the core capability and related services are essential to success. JS J6 DD C2I AID is responsible for development and maintenance of processes and solutions to support:

(1) Standardized portal interface maintenance and improvements

(2) Web service maintenance and improvements

(3) Non-classified Internet Protocol Network (NIPRNET) production environment

(4) Secret Internet Protocol Router Network (SIPRNET) production environment

(5) Cross-domain synchronization

(6) Configuration control/change management

(7) Federated data management

d. Line of Effort 4: WMA Architecture Lexicon Development and Standardization. WMA architectures must achieve semantic understanding with DoD-level architectures and with adjacent architectures. The architecture data must align within a common framework of semantic understanding based on the use of component and mission area taxonomies or other mechanisms aligned at the department level (e.g., Community of Interest (COI)/Community of Practice (CoP) common vocabularies or DoD-level taxonomies from capability or reference architectures). This type of alignment will support the detail required for technical analysis of capability gaps, overlaps, redundancies, interdependencies, and interoperability. This line of effort includes:

(1) Synchronization and development of WMA lexicons to support the WMA EA, architecture development and federation points, aligned to the DoD Enterprise Architecture (EA) and Business and Intelligence Mission Areas.

(2) WMA Lexicon maintenance






8. WMA Architecture Federation Roles and Responsibilities

a. DoD Chief Information Officer (CIO). DoD Chief Information Officer (CIO) has overall cognizance on DoD-wide architecture federation governance. All WMA architecture federation and integration efforts will align with DoD CIO governance whenever possible to support the DoD CIO IT Enterprise Strategy and Roadmap.

b. Joint Staff J6. JS J6 is the lead for WMA architecture federation and integration efforts. JS J6 Deputy Director for Command and Control Integration (DD C2I) Architecture Integration Division (AID) provides management and oversight for implementation of WMA architecture federation governance and is the technical lead for development of the WMA architecture federation portal and federated environment.

(1) JS J6 DDC2I AID. AID will

i. Establish the necessary processes and methodologies to support federation and integration of WMA architectures to support JS and DoD processes:

ii. Capability development, acquisition and analysis (JCIDS)

iii. Training, Modeling and Simulation

iv. Test and Evaluation

v. Functional Control Board analysis and review

vi. Using the DoDAF Metamodel (DM2) and other mandatory DoD information sharing standards, create the necessary schemas to securely exchange federated architecture information and data

vii. Develop a standardized web portal interface for users to access the WMA federated repositories, search the information contained in those repositories, and retrieve the information in the form of standardized reports (i.e. DoDAF products) or reusable architecture elements.

viii. Develop a Configuration Management Plan (CMP) for the WMA federated environment

ix. Coordinate with DoD CIO and Intelligence and Business Mission Area Architecture leads to ensure horizontal and vertical integration with these DoD EA mission areas.

x. Coordinate with other Joint Staff directorates to ensure the full spectrum of Joint Staff WMA architecture efforts is represented.

c. WMA Component Organizations. WMA Combatant Command/Service/ Agency (C/S/A) Architecture Leads will:

(1) Make each architecture project under their cognizance, with its associated products and data sets, discoverable to enterprise content search and discovery services per Section 3.0 of this document

(2) Ensure that each architecture project is accessible to authorized users per Section 3.0 of this document.

(3) Ensure that all architecture projects, models, viewpoints (artifacts) and associated data elements are assigned appropriate security classification and properly marked.

(4) Ensure that the designated architecture data is available for use by federation environment.

(5) When possible, develop web services to expose designated architecture data to a service endpoint using standards outlined in this document. Any web services developed will be registered in the DoD Service Registry.

(6) Ensure that all architecture data is in compliance with the overarching federation configuration management plan. This will include traceability of data and architectures to Authoritative Sources (AS) of information.

(7) Assist in development of requirements and technical solutions for the WMA enterprise portal, associated web services and applications.

(8) Conduct Functional Configuration Audits of architectures to be base-lined as part of the WMA federated repository

(9) Conduct Technical Compliance Reviews of architectures to ensure compliance with the WMA and DoD Enterprise Architectures (EAs)

(10) It is understood that some components have made large investments in legacy architecture development tools and environments and that many of these are proprietary in nature and do not lend themselves to web-service enablement to support automated information and data sharing. In these situations JS J6 will work with those organizations to assist in processes and methodologies for exposing their information to the federated environment using alternative methods (i.e. import into one of the other federated repositories).


Enclosure D

CJCSI xxxx

June 16, 2013



1. Architecture Discovery and Accessibility. Architecture discovery is the first step in implementation of federation. Knowing where architecture products and data reside and having access to that information is critical to support WMA architecture based analysis processes. As a minimum, architecture repositories will make each architecture project with its associated AV-1 discoverable to enterprise content search and discovery.

2. Use of Enterprise Services. The Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) provides enterprise services for Enterprise Content Search and Discovery (ECS&D), as well as cataloging information for discovery by DoD users. The key service that will be used by the WMA architecture federation effort is the Enterprise Catalog Service located on NIPRNET and SIPRNET (https://catalog.ces.mil and https://catalog.ces.smil.mil). Content registered with the catalog service:

a. Is immediately discoverable to Enterprise Content Search and Discovery Services

b. When the uniform resource locator (URL) points to document root, full text search functionality is enabled

c. Data can be loaded by:

(1) Using DoD Discovery Metadata Specification (DDMS) compliant web services (Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) or Representational State Transfer (REST))